"Normal" food when you're not flaring?

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Feb 18, 2012
Newbie question, and I realize this is going to be different for all of you (especially for those of you who are using SCD or other diets to stay in remission), but for those of you who stick with a regular bland/low-residue/easy diet while you are flaring... when you're not flaring, can you revert back to a "normal" diet? Or something close to it?
Hi Jesse, I still Havnt worked out what's right for my tummy, except the scd really looks beneficial, though I Havnt tried it yet. I stick to low residue during bloating, like now, but I always feel like I'm putting 'bad' carbs and sugars in, though easier to pass through the bowel. My hope is, after a while on scd, I'll slowly be able to reintroduce foods into my diet, that I really like, but stuck to mainly healthy.

Otherwise I'm not sure if many with crohns don't think about what their eating. Even when I'm starving and literally scoff food, (like a coissont just before which already has me on the toilet :/ ), I still think- will this go through the bowel easily? Am I overly bloated already to be eating right now? But when I'm hungry, I try to have something, in an effort to listen to my body. Hope your able to resume a normal diet, I hope after scd for a long time, I'm able to have semi normal without probs/flares. Here's to hoping :)
Best wishes xo
Hi Jesse
I think its a catch 22 question, I try to eat light small meals all of the time as if i try to eat normally it will give me trouble. Its a question of being aware of everything you eat , is it worth it to indulge or stay safe. take it from me you can have realy nice meals and not go crazty if you just put a bit of thought before hand. I dont mean to sound regimented but i just had the most terrible week and I will learn from it .
Im hungry all the time thats the problem.
I'm on Humira. I still can't eat dairy, or mayo, or anything really greasy. Then there's sugar, not in food, but if I put it in coffee, and no way can I do creamer, though I do cheat once in a while.

Other than that, if I'm not flaring, I'm good to go. I do get food cravings. Right now I'm stuck on burgers. Just the burger, mustard, and bread. These cravings seem to come and go. Go figure.
When I am in remission (like now) - I eat anything and everything I want....just finished a plate of meatloaf, rice and asparagus...with a soda/vodka chaser.....

If I don't feel right I will eat blander/safer foods to avoid problems....
Irene -- I can relate. It's so weird... before Crohn's, I didn't really pay attention to much of what I ate health-wise, but I definitely stuck to white bread instead of wheat, and had no fear of leafy greens. It feels counter-intuitive now to have white bread instead, and try to get my vitamins from sugary supplemental drinks...

Peter -- I'm trying to do the small meals bit when I'm feeling not so great. Snackin' on bananas almost all day long. I still mostly do the three main meals though... just smaller portions, and some healthy snacks in-between. (Also, happy to see another musician on here man!)

Louann -- I think that if there were a few things that I'd have to avoid, I could live with that. I love spicy food (and sometimes that goes hand-in-hand with greasy food), but if it was a no-no, I think I could deal. It's the not being able to eat veggies that's killing me... and I wasn't even all that healthy to start with!

pasobuff -- I hope to get where you're at diet-wise, for sure! Is it weird that both the asparagus AND the vodka sound good to me right now? Haha!
Ewee! I forgot Mexican food. Mostly the red sauce. And beans. Oh, I do miss refrieds, chile sauce, peppers...

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