I've had tummy trouble for quite some time and I've been working with my family doc. He put me on 2 meds for IBS and when he went to try the third one said if this doesn't work we'll send you to a GI doc. She did some blood work and 2 days later I was in the ER with terrible lower left abdominal pain. During my hospital stay (which lasted 6 days) I got a call from GI's office saying that based on the blood work I have celiac disease. While in the hospital GI did an endoscopy that confirmed the celiac. She tried a colonoscopy but was unsuccessful due to inflammation. Since then, we tried another colonoscopy but couldn't finish for the same reason. I've also been in the ER several times with the same lower left abdominal pain. During the original hospital stay they said it was diverticulitis. After the second failed colonoscopy GI sent me to a surgeon. He said based on the 2 CT scans there was no clear indication of diverticulosis pockets and that he'd discuss it with GI. They have determined that I should have a barium enema.
I talked to my mom today and she was asking how I felt and I sad still bad (I was just in the ER again this past Wed). She asked exactly what was wrong and I told her about the lower left pain and stuff and she said it sounded like it may be Crohn's. I posted on Facebook what she said and I had a few friends who have it or have family with it and they all said that they didn't know I hadn't been tested for it and that they'd have suggested it months ago if they knew I hadn't been tested.
I have my barium enema Tuesday morning so I'm going to bring it up to the docs. I just wanted to come here and get info and maybe get some advice and/or suggestions from you all. Thanks for listening!
I talked to my mom today and she was asking how I felt and I sad still bad (I was just in the ER again this past Wed). She asked exactly what was wrong and I told her about the lower left pain and stuff and she said it sounded like it may be Crohn's. I posted on Facebook what she said and I had a few friends who have it or have family with it and they all said that they didn't know I hadn't been tested for it and that they'd have suggested it months ago if they knew I hadn't been tested.
I have my barium enema Tuesday morning so I'm going to bring it up to the docs. I just wanted to come here and get info and maybe get some advice and/or suggestions from you all. Thanks for listening!