Not exactly crohns but related and extremely rare condition

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Mar 10, 2011
Hi there i'm here to share my story and at the same time find any help possible.
I will say right off the bat that i don't have crohns but in certain ways i think i relate to those sufferers since my problem is gastro related.
I know many people here are struggling as am I. I have a serious digestive disorder which i believe to be one of a few in the world. I am in the category of misdiagnosed rare diseases. I have a case of serious malabsorption. My body doesn't seem to absorb nearly all the food out there. I know at first this sounds puzzling. What i mean by this is that when i consume food it doesn't fuel me at all, I tell doctors it feels as though i just drank a glass of water. From an exhausting adventure of experimenting i found the foods that work. What i can absorb seems to be gluten free pasta, rice vermicelli noodles and yukon gold potatoes..around that is where i consume my essentialy vitamins and minerals and what not.
I have made many postings lately that i'm really tired but i found this place in hopes someone might know something. If i eat 'regular' food i lose weight, have bm issues, rashes on my upper body become more noticable. My symptoms are really serious i don't know if its worth it posting them in case nobody reads this.
What i will say is the word extreme can be used to describe most of my hunger, mental sharpness, anal burning and moisture, disorientation and fatigue. ie: when i say i have fatigue i mean i don't drive anymore, i pass out into naps often--i'm usually in zombie mode.
My anal region is always wet as if its constantly spritzed with water. The more 'aggressive' food i eat the wetter it gets and it burns more. I have a involuntary gas issue which i rarely tell my doctors about because i'm sick of being belittled with comments like "everybody has gas"..yea they do but not everybody has involuntary gas in fact i haven't read anywhere of anyone having that problem..and i don't mean flatulence.
From personal experience i'm beginning to develop a heavy loathing towards doctors and based on what i read on the internet i'm not alone. My issues with them are long. In a nutshell i'm finding they aren't as educated about certain things as people think. They have a terrible system of basing the patient on what tests results say instead of listening to the patients symptoms. My issues are grave and most of my visits are rushed. I beg for important tests that either are disregarded because a.the doctor doesn't have a clue what the test is or b. he simply doesn't think i need to be tested. IE: malabsorption---i asked for the 72 hour fat test which i did twice and both times results were research told me the d-xylose test is vital for malab. detection....they refuse to do it.
I find the internet more helpful than any doctor i've visited.
I guess i should provide a little more background about my condition and if nobody reads this at least i'll get some typing practise out of it. I'm a 26 year old male. About 6 years ago when i was working i began to notice strange smells around me which i thought little of at the time. It turns out at that tiem my digestive system began to weaken and after a while i learned that strange smell was gas passing analy. If i had a shrimp sandwich the smell would be related to that. I couldn't believe what i was dealing with. I shortly after quit. Shortly after then still my social life is on hiatus but its because of various additional symptoms.
I have a pathetic memory level. ie: i'm talking to someone "yesterday i went to the store called uhhhhhh, then saw a movie called uhhhhh, then went to the restaurant called ummmm, then i bumped into uhhhhh on the street"..i don't mean to sound goofy thats how my conversations are their is no fluidity i don't remember the little things.
Also I become so hungry sometimes i wobble around nearly disoriented which my parents have witnessed. (i described this disorientation to a recent GI in which he made a face as if there was something wrong with me)..My diet is very unrealistic if i was living a normal life. Imagine eating a sandwich or anyting else and slowly becoming more tired and feeling hungrier?@ thats me unless of coarse i eat the foods i mentioned i can (its a very complex and bizarre condition i know) i'm skinny (probably from a whole life of being active) with some muscle definition all around and yet since i became sick i've had a gut which i can't get rid of-->poor digestion. 3 years ago i stopped lifting weights it was going no where-> some form of protein malabsorption.
When i visit the doctor i usually look good compared to the days i'm at home when i don't have appointments. I tell the doctor every time not to be fooled by my looks because i prepare for visits by stuffing myself with my gluten free pastas in advance. btw i'm 6 feet 190 lbs with a big stomach so really i would estimate without the fat from poor digestion on my body i would be approximately 160-170lbs..but it is steadily dropping and i have to work harder to maintain the weight i have.
My opinion is i have malabsorption but thanks to the internet, i'm aware now that most doctors know little to nothing on the topic, including GI's. My visits are always rushed..i'm often referred to the next guy and i wait a month for a 5 mintue appointment consisting of: the doc scratching his head, "no's" when i ask for vital tests the internet says i should do..or simply he doesn't know how to help me. I am baffled at how something this powerful remains undiagnosed. My personal feelings are that it can be but most health care professionals don't care or don't know much. The flaw of the system is it teaches doctors to always refer to test results as the #1 guide, and this is affecting me badly. I will tell him, "certain foods cause terrible heart palpotations, chest tightness, I have obstruction in my throat and the food just isn't digesting anymore as it used to"..they will look at me then glance at one of my lab tests and be like "right, but your test showed you're fine so what you're describing doesn't really exist"..i can't take it anymore.

Tests i've had done: endoscopies,sigmoidoscopies, barium enemus, celiac disease, thyroid, 72 hour fat, chloride sweat symptoms a few years back were not nearly as prominent as they are now. I've discovered certain things after i asked for personal copies of test results that the doctor never even mentioned to me ie: inflammation, colitic.
Until now i never really had any major abnormalities shown in test results. Over the last year there are certain small ones showing more frequently but the doctors seem to brush them off as no big thing. I notice al ot of what the doctors say contradicts eachother ie: my albumin (i believe) level one GI said is a general indicator of good health..while another said thats not necessarily true.
One doctor found i have terribly low vit D and vit b12..i know for a fact that is a symptom of malabsorpiton.

Its a crisis no doubt for me.I can't even join a support group because this is so rare there is nobody i can relate to. This isn't crohns but it is in the same family and i'm looking for any help i can find. I might not find any here thats fine i'm not expecting it really. I hope everything i wrote makes sense and if anyones interested in adding their input i would enjoy it very much. Thanks very much
Hi Michael
and welcome
you poor man, I'm so sorry this is happening to you, no-one listening, no more tests.
I'm sure you've tried everything?
Small bowel biopsy, CT scan of abdo, breath test, MRI tests ??
Where are you? Can you go private?
Can you absorb vitamins? hope you're not going into shock, anaemia, kidney failure, bone disease, the list is endless.
Hope you can find someone to investigate whatever condition this is that is causing your malabsorption.
Hopefully someone on here will have a better answer than me
Take care
Joan xxx
I'm not a doctor so I'm in no place to be giving a diagnosis, but I am doing chemistry at university and I'm very interested in biology (did it at Alevel) and I have Crohn's so I have a vested interest in the workings of the digestive system.

you say you feel hungrier and tired after eating. To me, that definitely points to malabsorption. To break down food we use energy, and this energy is usually made up for and then some with the actual absorption of the small molecules from digestion which are then converted to energy in cells. however, if you are not absorbing these, you will be simply breaking down food and wasting energy and not getting anything out of the food.

could you possibly get intravenous vitamin and mineral treatment? Where you are hooked up to an IV which supplies you with the vitamins you are lacking (probably a bad source, but I have heard this is a celebritiy "fad" in order to be healthier) it could definitely benefit you as it would mean the vitamins would go directly into your blood stream and bypass the need for absorption in the ielium/colon.

as for your tests, I'm not sure, if you're not absorbing then your sodium, potassium, iron levels etc should be really low so they should be abnormal on your blood tests, not quite sure why they would be normal. I'm just assuming these are included in your blood tests though, and if not you should get them to test you.

I hope this helped, I don't know an awful lot, but maybe it's given you a bit more to tell the doctors and get the help you need :)

I really hope you get your diagnosis,
take care
thanks for the responses, much appreciated..right now i'm doing everything i can to help myself..i know i sound overly critical of doctors but if u saw the attention, or lack there of i was receiving you'd agree..most of the time i sit in front of my computer screen searching for tests..basically anything i can to figure out whats wrong..then i think to myself why the darn aren't the doctors doing this for instance i ask my doc to refer me to a main hospital downtown..meanwhile i wait for that hospital to call me with an appointment..should only be a few days...a week passes i call and they have no idea what i'm calling long does it take the receptionist to fax my referal? so finally they receive it...a few days later i call the hospital and they tell me their GI is booked and won't see me..i'm thinking why didn't anyone call me to tell me this i'm wasting time i'm very sick..and this is a highly respected hospital i'm talking'd think i was under the african health care system with the treatment i'm getting
regarding the tests i did not do the breath test although no surprise here it was on my list..i'm talking very crutial tests that are very important in my diagnosis that the doctors are main concern is not just finding the right specialist but one that has people skills, compassion ect...
last week i was in my doctors office going through my written list of things i wanted to adress by the time i was 85% through the list where i was coming up on asking for bone density tests...he had one foot out the door ready to leave
i remember asking him as well, that i want to visit a teaching hospital where people are very curious and eager to help..i got the crooked eye from him
i was never officially diagnosed with malabsorption but i mean based on what malabsorption stands for i have it..i hear lots of doctors say i'm a "mystery" yea its mystery so why not send me for further testing..if anythings a mystery here its how they got their degree to become a doctor
i'm already finding more compassion here than in my medical community..

when i said i'm one of few in the world, here is something that fits that category....
like i said there are few foods i can eat..ok so lets say i just ate my gluten free pasta and it worked and i'm feeling fine....its in my belly and its providing fuel
lets say 2 hours after i had that pasta and i'm still feeling fine, i eat a muffin or a carrot anything 'regular'..slowly i begin to feel hungry and weak..i have come a long way with this and i can openly discuss this because i've mastered how my body reacts with food and all that..

i'm not biologist or doctor myself but i think i'm close to the mark when i explain this...when i eat the pasta which works, the cells in the intestines openly absorb them and the blood distributes the nutrients throughout my body..for some time it is 'fueling' me...a few hours later i have a carrot, all of a sudden the cells carrying the "workable' nutrients is being invaded and pushed aside by the carrot which "doesn't work" or "malabsorbed" and consequently i become weak

it seems that being fully aware of this concept, expalining it to a doctor does very little, if anything they become confused and feel i should see a psychiatrist

i would say that thanks to me knowing of what i can eat, i have the ability to look good if not better than the average person..this is a concept the doctors can't grasp.."why isn't this guy feeble looking if he has malabsorption?"..i tell them i know what i can eat and i stick to it its not hard to figure out

basically what i do is after i have my pastas i have a salad with spinach,quinoa,flax,sprouts..i think this way the vitamins do get absorbed but overall its just not in a normal fashion...
i will also mention, that i need to cook the gluten free pasta to a near mushy consistency for them to become absorbed..the same way someone reading this is going "what??" thats exactly how wierd it is..but it has something to do with my intestines struggling with the process of digestion..i'm semi vegetarian now..when u take the hardest to digest foods like nuts and meat..thats exactly when i experience the chest body literally vibrates after i eat meat its scary to think thats how badly its struggling to digest..

i mention to the doctor on occasion i feel blood from my rear end with little to no reaction..i would think this is a big deal..i'm just not getting any follow up questions from them..the real question is which doctor will help me?

I live in Toronto by the way..i should be in the hands of the pros working in the downtown hospitals but
i need a referral..and if i get one i will wait forever to see someone all because the referring doctor will not note that my case is "urgent"

very frustrating
Welcome, Michael! I am happy you shared your story with us. Though you may not have Crohn's, your troubles certainly is something we can relate to. Food is such a struggle in that of trying to find what is "okay" or a "no-no". But it's such a shame your "okay" food list is so short! And I can't believe you haven't gotten any answers.

You have a very long testing list, so I am sure you've seen more than one doctor. Like Joan, I am also curious to know where you are from. If you are in the states, I highly recommend going to a big teaching hospital if you haven't already. I know it can be exhausting going from doctor to doctor, but I wouldn't give up if I were you. I wouldn't rest until I got answers.
If you are getting blood and the doctors are ignoring it, that's very bad and irresponsible of them! Is there anyway you can change doctors/go to a different hospital?
I can relate to your complaints about the service or lack there of that hospitals provide. I am going to a big teaching hospital and the staff is less than satisfactory. For example, my paperwork is never in order (good thing I know to come prepared with my own) and I have had things mailed to my doctor, confirmed delivered, but she still never received them. You said it, it is very frustrating. I got better service at the small local office I first went to, but I stick with the big teaching hospital because they have a lot more resources at their finger tips. What teaching hospitals were you thinking of visiting?
one of the options available has been the mayo clinic in Rochester..but i know that would cost me roughly $13000 which is just absurd..i never understood why the sick have to suffer more by paying these amounts

i still don't know if there are any teaching hopsitals in canada...if there was some place in the US that i knew would help me i'm sure i would go there

currently i'm seeking functional medicine..i don't know anything different..the disgust in me at doctors is boiling and its growing

i mention many things that would classify as 'serious' that are dismissed nothing really shocks me anymore..i would say of all doctors i've seen in the last year the one that showed most interest was a endocrynologist..i'm actually thinking that even though my original thyroid tests "normal" something could still be wrong with my thyroid...i read an article that said 'just because your results are within normal range doesn't mean your thyroid is 100% fine"

my parents want me to go to europe for testing..they thinking doctors here in NA are weak, well in canada at least
last year i was in search of a new family doctor because i felt as though my current one at the time was losing interest in his profession..he was just so lackluster i knew i had to find someone else..i called at least 30 nobody was accepting new i found this local clinic where this one guy became my main doctor..during my visits he almost never said a word..but i liked him because he would easily refer me wherever i wanted to go..over time seeing him became impossible..i call and make an app. for friday..friday i show up at the clinic he's not in that day ...another occasion i make an app...i show up and he called in i began to call the office..i would call in the morning "yes hes in today" i show up he's not coming in today..i totally felt like flipping of on everybody..i truely and still feel like i'm living in the twilight zone

so because he was rarely in i asked for all my medical papers i needed to see a new doctor..they made a big fuss and didn't give them to me..i left without a fight...currently i have a new family doctor but i will be picking up my entire file next week because it is my right to have it...

i will make sure during my next weeks appointment with some new guy to ask him about a teaching hospital in canada i'm very interested in this concept
Hi Michael and welcome!

Hope you get some answers soon. I'm assuming your blood tests are showing low vitamin and mineral levels? What about food allergy tests? Can you tolerate liquid supplements like Ensure?

Maybe one of our Canadian Crohnie's can help you navigate around the Canadian health care system.

Good luck - Amy

PS Can you tolerate wheat grass juice? If not orally, you can consider a wheat grass "implant" (anal) which is supposed to offer excellent absorbtion of the wheat grass juice benefits.
I live in Toronto by the way..i should be in the hands of the pros working in the downtown hospitals but
i need a referral..and if i get one i will wait forever to see someone all because the referring doctor will not note that my case is "urgent"

very frustrating

Okay, there was a lot to read.

But before I start , also Canadian and specifically Toronto (College and Bathurst).

I can't help with the referral part, I got my GI originally due to almost dying in the ER. But I can help with the hospital info.

SO it Toronto there are several teaching hospitals, I used to go to Toronto Western General, which is part of the University Health Network (I have been used in lessons during my stays, and university students have seen my colon). Also in this system is Toronto General, and Princess Margaret.

I very much liked my old GI, but his practice changed and he no longer does GI issues. He sent me to Mt. Sinai. The conversation when he gave me my referral was basically "I'm currently your GI, because this was the closest hospital and I was on call the day you came in. Mt. Sinai is the best in Canada". My old hospital has surgeons who do colon removals, and other GIs but he referred me to Mt. Sinai, because he said that's where he would want to be treated.

Try to get into Mt. Sinai, if you need to suddenly go to the ER for for GI issues, spend the extra money and have the cab take you to the ER there, because you will most likely need to go for follow ups and you will get a doc from there, because highly doubt that they would send a patient to another hospital.

so sorry to hear about your frustrations with doctors and not being able to get a proper answer about your health! As a medical student, it really bothers me to hear that certain doctors aren't seeming to be to compassionate/caring etc.... I really wish it were the case that every single doctor out there is in the profession because they really care for the people and their health. And unfortunately, it is really hard to find a good family doc in Toronto who is taking new patients.

I was living in Toronto til school started, and vonfunk is right. There are quite a few teaching hospitals in Toronto. You seeemed confused about if there are any teaching hospitals in Canada..... there are many because teaching hospitals exist in relation to universities, so that students in medical professions have somewhere they can learn. My GI in Toronto has a private practice (ie: office not in a hospital), but I know that Mt. Sinai has quite a few GIs. The tricky part would be getting in to see them. I really hope that you'll find a doc soon who will work with you to get to the bottom of this!
haven't checked out the forum in a day or so, glad to see more responses
i truely appreciate it and i mean it when i say this is the kind of help
that i find to be better than what the doctor usually provides..

regarding my blood tests, the one thing for sure that i know is that i'm
very low in vitamin b12..this actually brings up something importnant that
i forgot about which at the time had me scratching my i said
during my
journey of late i've been seeing and trying out a bunch of new doctors.
last year i had one doctor who on my very first visit had me submit a blood,stool,
and urine sample..when i came in to visit him a few weeks later he had
the results and told me according to the results "no abnormalities"..this to
me was very strange i didn't know how it was possible because
one thing i knew for sure was that i've for a very long
time been deficient in vit b12..i was originally diagnosed with low vit b12 5
years ago and at that time i ate plenty of meat but just
besides that it was clear by my blood tests i was deficient i eat lots of fish and
no red meat
to get a clear picture
of my diet this is
exactly what i do right now, i have rice pasta a few times a day
along with a variety of fruits,a salad which consists of plenty of vegetables,
whole grains
and always topped with olive oil so i'm not exactly bedridden at the moment
(this mostly thanks to me being very much in tune with my body)..i'm
doing ok but one thing i worry about is when these rice pastas that i can
absorb at the moment one day become rejected by my body ..that is something
too scary for me to think about..

i discovered over the last couple months
that certain things happen when i consume sugary substances (and i do not
at all eat sugary foods) these are natural sugar foods ie: honey,
jam, sometimes a cereal like shreddies but almost never
which is like the sweetest thing
in my diet (i buy like 2 boxes a year to show u an idea)
...anyway these foods cause irritating anal itching, heart palpotations,
my rashes become more visible, and i usually have very clear skin on my face
and on these days i do notice a few small spots of acne

this condition has to be one of a handfull
in the world at most..because you can find anything on the internet, and what i'm
dealing with i could not find in another person in endless months of searching..medical
pros have no clue in hell about my illness, they hate me i know they hate me
because i'm a challenge and they don't like patients like me..i'm like a tough
question on a crossword puzzle you'd rather just ignore and move to the next

hi vonfunk very cool to see a fellow torontonian in my thread..thank
you for sharing
hope you're doing okay sounds terrible
what you must have gone through...i have an appointment at north york hospital
on thursday
i will definately be inquiring about a teaching hospital..i orinally had 2
hospitals in mind: St. Michaels Hospital which i was told has the best malabsorption
specialists in canda and Princess Margaret but I will now add Mount sinai to that

yeah the reality is that a large percentage of doctors just aren't equipped
with what it takes to be a high quality doctor..this is something i can say
quite comfortably because i've been in that patients chair far too many times
and left the office leaving unsatisfied on way too many occasions..the truth about
my situation is doctors think i am nuts..i've heard this a few times "well i'm not
too sure what to make of your case, how about undergoing a pshyciatric assessment"
really is there a bigger slap in the face than that? they might as well draw me
directions to the nearest mental institution because i know thats where they think
i belong..its incredible how mistaken they are what im dealing with..i they only knew
the seriousness of the issue...

personally i believe that i've taken the proper steps as a patient in doing
what i can to help is an example from the internet: important
tests for sufferers of malabsorption 72 HOUR FAT COLLECTION TEST, BENTIROMIDE TEST,
D-XYLOSE TEST...the last two i've pleaded so many times if i could do them..seriously
why the hell don't they let me take them? if they're having such a tough time
diagnosing me wouldn't it make sense to take these tests so we would know for sure
if its not malabsorption? if i could only make one guess of whats wrong with me
i would say that either my small or large intestines are damaged if not both..
i think it has something to do with the lining of the intestinal what
would you make of this? rizopia rice pasta..when i cook them properly to a mushy
consistency i feel really energized and "full"..however if i cook them to a el dente
which is how everybody cooks their pasta, they make me feel lousy..the total
opposite of when i cook them mushy

i swear on my life nothing is exaggerated..i wouldn't claim to be suffering of a
worldy rare disorder if it didn't sound strage..that comes with the territory

so any way
please don't hesitate to share anything else i'll be visiting this forum frequently

thanks again to everyone
i'm interested to know if any of you canadian guys have any opinions on the "Zane Cohen Centre for Digestive Diseases" at Mt. Saini..

"The Zane Cohen Centre for Digestive Diseases is a state of the art facility for both clinical and genetic research in digestive diseases at Mount Sinai Hospital. It links a team of gastroenterologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, pathologists and radiologists and their research staff in one common facility to enable cross-disciplinary research and to share core facilities in an environment that fosters collaboration and productivity. "

this sounds like a good place for me to take my next step..yup getting a referral is no doubt the toughest part..i can only hope
can you get hold of nutrition drinks until you (hopefully) get referred to a GI who will help you? if you have some absorption ability, they are certainly worth a try - they contain all the essential nutrients and minerals needed on a daily basis, people who can't eat at all often go on these drinks...

also, on the B12 issue - that could be the cause of some of your symptoms, particularly the memory/concentration loss, and the fatigue... taking it orally or within vitamin supplements isn't the best way, injections are... and this is something any GP can do for you. i've been on B12 injections for over 20 years, 3 monthly until recently when i increased to 2 monthly as my deficiency symptoms were appearing sooner... i certainly feel the difference when i've had my jab.

sorry i can't help further or suggest anything else - you just need to believe in yourself and your right to be treated appropriately, and keep on fighting until you get there..
:goodluck:Welcome michael. I can't believe what you have beenn through. Are youable to use Ensure ? It was very useful to me when I was not absorbing much from food before my surgery.

I understand your attitude about doctors. I had crohn's symptoms for 2 decades before a er doc last summer told me it is crohn's. I lived for four years thinking it was IBS,just to find out they use IBS as a default diagnosis when they do not have a clue

If I was in your position I would get into the U.S. Where you can still pick your own specialist. Mayo clinic would be excellant.
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hi again folks
i think i have my mind made up and i will be pushing, aggressively if i have to, for a referral to zane cohen center MT sinai..i should be under the care of the proper staff over there

you know dingbat, i'm thinking about my vit b12 deficiency and am wondering if shots are the way to go for now...if only i had a solid GI which i could call my own then i would settle all my problems with him but as you can see i'm a lone bird in this unfortunate predicament...its possible they will put me on a regular injection program hopefully until my illness is solved..unless its a life long thing i wouldn't know..20 years is mad long to be on injections i hope they aren't painful..i'm naturally assuming it is for crohns?

a few people have mentioned ensure..i can't say for certain, but my mother did buy a pack of drinks similar to that a year ago which could have been ensure...i didn't react well to it..i notice with food in general it seems these days they're packing in so much sugar,msg and what not to try and make people happy..ensure is a great meal replacement which i'm sure works for was well worth a shot with me..however for the time being i think i'll be okay especially as long as i get to see a 5 star GI very soon...

Doug sorry to hear about your struggles nobody should be in pain that long..sounds like you also weren't being fully listened to by can't spell IBS without BS and i don't know what they're being trained in medical school but way to little emphasis is put towards digestive/gastro problems..

with me the overall bottom line is that at each appointment i am taken for a fool for a couple of reasons :

#1 of the tests that i have taken the last couple years, nothing major has been found (72 hour fat test showed poor results but maybe they're not interpretting them too well who knows)..what is important to keep in mind is that most of these tests are the same types of tests i'm taking because i'm shuffling through doctors..very few of them are key tests in diagnosing my condition..i ask for tests relating to malabsorption which for some unkown reason they will not do..and then they wonder whats wrong with me

#2 one day i look like half dead, weak, brittle..the other i look better than the average person but there are reasons for that which don't seem to get into their heads..i have to eat a lot daily to maintain my weight..there are days where i have no energy to cook, cut,dice any of that and on those days i slowly begin to oxidize, which i what i jokingly call it because i begin to look and feel awful..and depending on how lousy i feel i could be wobbling around, get dizzy, dont' make sense when i speak, i basically walk around the house like frankenstein..i have time to prepare for my appointments and on those days i look decent because i fill up on pasta..some people say well why don't you just let the doctor see you when you're in your bad state..i shouldn't have to look like death for them to take me seriously when my symptoms alone should receive proper attention..i don't seem to absorb most food but the food that i can i stick to..i do it because i'm lucky enough to have discovered that its something i can tolerate..i'm emphasis this everywhere i go to no avail

do any of you guys have any suggestions on what i can do to have the doctor write up a referral to Mount Sinai hospital? i mean i'm pretty sure he'll do it but thats not enough he has to note on it that i'm in urgent need of help..if he doesn't include that then for all i know i can be put on a 6-11 month waiting list..i'm planning on taking an aggressive approach and send a message that i am very angry and fed up..if i'm all smiles they think i'm fine, if i look pissed off then they dont' want to help me..i need to figure it out
Michael, you are correct. 20 years ago I had a series of appointments. I had one baffling symptom - blood in my stool. Most of these doctors appointments were failures because by the time I got into the doctor, the bleeding was not happening anymore. They all had the attitude of - if it is not happening right now, then it must not be a big deal. After a while I started having the "D" along with it. They would give me meds for the "D" but would not look into what was causing it. After all I was too young to have a major problem in that area. After a while I stopped going to doctors for digestive stuff. I had enough of not being beleived. I becam phobic of going to doctors because they would not beleive me.

Almost 5 years ago I was in a large amount of pain. Made 6 ER visits in 2 months and was referred to a G.I. who gave me a colonoscopy, did some xrays, and diagnosed the IBS. Turns out the colonoscopy was not complete - he did not get it into the terminal illeum. He also did not do any upper G.I. exams and he did not do any of the breath tests. My mistake was trusting him to do his job. The intense pains went away and things went back to normal (for me anyway).

Right now he is helping me fight my insurance company to get me on Humira. I should know this week how that comes out.

Last summer I had another painful attack and ended up back in the same hospital ER. Different ER Dr this time. He did abdominal x-ray, and then ordered a CT scan of the abdomen. That night in the ER he told me I had Crohn's disease. He referred me to a G.I. doctor. I also talked to my friend's wife (who is the administrator over the hospital's ER) and she recommended the same G.I. doctor. He ran a whole battery of tests. Tests I had never heard of - like the breath tests. He also ordered a upper g.i. series and that was when things got interesting. The barium passed through my system in 15 minutes. I set the speed record for barium passthrough at Davis Hospital. - This was the discovery of my fistula. My G.I. referred me to a colon rectal surgeon.

My surgeon is also a G.I. doctor, and I have decided to go to him for my follow up care. On my first visit to him he did the adominal touching exam they always do. In the middle of he is stopped and said, "My God, you have a tumor! Didn't anybody do this exam before?" Yes, many times. In my next appointment he asked for my complete history and I told him... He called those doctor's neglectful at best. He told me that what I have gone through amounts to "medical abuse" and that he thought somebody should be held accountable for it.

I had the surgery. I had 2 ft of small bowel and 6 inches of large bowel removed. And because I know he gets it, I decided to stay with him for my crohn's treatment. I just wish I had found him several years ago.
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you know dingbat, i'm thinking about my vit b12 deficiency and am wondering if shots are the way to go for now...if only i had a solid GI which i could call my own then i would settle all my problems with him but as you can see i'm a lone bird in this unfortunate predicament...its possible they will put me on a regular injection program hopefully until my illness is solved..unless its a life long thing i wouldn't know..20 years is mad long to be on injections i hope they aren't painful..i'm naturally assuming it is for crohns?

hi again.. yep, i have the B12 deficiency because of surgery for Crohn's - the part of my bowel which absorbs that vitamin has been removed. similarly, anyone with IBD who has disease in that area, or poor absorption generally, can develop B12 deficiency.

the jabs sting for a second - that's all. it's no big deal, and the benefits far outweigh that tiny discomfort. plus - B12 depletion can be a serious condition if left untreated... i got pretty ill with mine before it was discovered, which was total neglect on my medical team's part, as nobody recommended B12 injections, nor told me about the deficiency side effect of my surgery.

you can talk to your GP about the jabs - you've got the proof of need in your blood results. i would say the sooner you get on these the better.
Hi Doug
your story is not surprising at all..i remember when i used to thoroughly search the internet health forums in the beginning,the first few times i read stories of medical negligence i was shocked because for the longest time i held docs in such high regard..but the more i read the shock went away and then came the anger..

why is it when a doctor doesn't know whats wrong they can't just come out and say it? that would save so much grief..when i first began coming down with my symptoms at the start i was confused at what was happening and my complaints were very vague..the doctors didn't believe doc wrote up a prescription for me to go on prozak but i knew better and didn't take the bait

your story is helping me come to terms with something that is really bugging me about this whole mess...if my intestines/digestive tract is damaged, with the endoscopies that i've had in the last few is it they haven't found anything wrong and submitted a final verdict of normal? i think the case is exactly what happened to you, negligence, a failure to thoroughly examinate everything thats the very least you found a proper GI which is what i want so bad..your scenario is like what i day someone will find something major..and i cannot wait to take that proof to those scum GI's who took me for a fool and rub it in their faces..the tones in their voices too they're so sure of themselves..
readign about what i'm dealing with..can you imagine having a speciast look you in the face and say to you "no that doesn't exist you're fine"..more specifically when i adressed the issue i can't absord most food "yes you can, yes you can"..i mean i totally wanted to lash out on can a doctor expect a solid doctor-patient relationship with that kind of approach??

i think in some ways crohns is simlar to my issues..i actually read that one treatment to malabsorption is surgery which does also involve a removal of part of the instestine..i can completely see tht happening to me..
i know it sounds wierd but i get jelous when i hear someone with an official diagnosis..and i absolutely hate the fact that everywhere i go, i need to explain myself over and over again..

i think after this week the wheels will be in motion...i have decided that startign now i will bring in a letter kind of thing detailing when i got sick, how, my symptoms and all that.. i will ask the doctor to read it instead of me having to explain from memory all the details because when i do that its messy, i'm all over the place..all it does is add confusion and lead no where..i don't know if this is what anyone else does but i think it should equal success
dingbat i read up on b12 shots and how taking the vitamin orally is more effective but that could depend on the you jab yourself in the comfort of your own home? yea i'm not at all concerned about a tiny needle i guess its more of the inconvenience of having to make the visit all the time..we'll see i should get some answers this week
michael, definitely don't give up. It's amazing how some doctors can just insist that what you tell them can't be true because all your tests are "in the normal range." Keep digging, don't quit. You will find someone who knows what it is.

I get a health channel on cable TV here, and they have a series of stories of people who were misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. It is absolutely astounding that so many people go through this. I think these doctors believe that they are right - they think you want attention or drugs or something. It's infuriating. Don't waste your energy on the anger though, use it to find the right doctor. Anger is bad for you, and it doesn't bother them, it bothers you. :)
holy crap i would love to watch that show.thanks for sharing miss underestimated..i might see if i can find anythign on the net

you're right anger only causes stress and that makes things worse..i need to use that energy for a better means
the tables have turned and i am now on a mission...something in me changed a couple weeks ago..i think the doctors temporarily branwashed me a little bit into thinking i'm not as sick as i lead on, and i'm not having that..for anyone that cares, i will post how my thursday appointment went with my new letter approach..i only wish i had done this earlier
Michael your obviously having a rough time getting diagnosed!

I was diagnosed with malabsorbtion in hospital and this in
turn caused malnutrition, then I was told why .......

Your problem is not rare at all Michael all of us on this forum have malabsorbtion when flaring due to our intestines being inflamed the small intestine can't absorb the food we eat no matter what it is so it passes straight through us causing the severe diarrhoea and rapid weight loss we get . Also unlucky for us we get the added severe stomach pain which in turn causes us to be frightened of food causing more malnutrition it's a viscious circle for us, but with medication the inflamation can be controlled so we can absorb the food we eat and put some weight back on !

Have you been checked for inflamation of the intestines ie with a ct scan ?
Jen XX
Your reaction to sugars is a major clue. I am a holistic nutritionist and share your dislike of the med profession. They are necessary but it is frustrating and difficult to deal with them. Sometimes I think it is the front office more than the docs themselves and sometimes, well, not everyone should be a doc. I have not had a chance to read everything but you said this started when you were around 20. I am assuming that until this point your digestive system was pretty normal?. There is an answer out there. There is a solution. The thinking and conversation issues are symptoms of malnutrition and or dehydration. The bloated belly can be a lot of things. Magnesium deficiency will cause it as well as a whole host of other things. Getting in the Centre you are wanting to is a good thing. I want to shout at your doctors. I wonder what your protein levels are....
B12- the shots are a piece of cake. They do not work for me as well as a chewable or liquid B Complex 50 or 100. The problem you may have with the chewable or liquid is a reaction to the "food" aspect. The bottled meal replacement drinks are good. Can you drink juices?
Keep fighting, kiddo.
hi Jenny and Mizgarnet thanks as always for sharing

Jenny you were diagnosed with malabsorption at a hospital? I am very curious. Can you tell me how they did it what test they performed?
You're right many people here have some form of malabsorption. I don't try to seek out attention when I say mine is worldly, or at least in canada i really don't know.
The reason I say my condition is rare because some of the things that happen to my body as nothing short of phenomenal, and i don't mean tht in a good way. It is disturbing but the diahhroea issue with me is starting to take its toll. I don't know where it came from but it is almost a daily thing for me now. I think this alone should get some of the doctors attention because they used to ask me about this and i use to say only once in a they were automatically assuming my problem is something else.
The very last time I was at this one GI at a local clinic, he sent me for a CT scan . He's the one who said to my face "you're good trust me yes you can absord food no problem". He sent me for a ct scan and said if anything shows up he'll call me otherwise he probably doesn't see a reason to see me again...that was fine by me!
I have had a few colonoscopies/endoscopies over the years and as part of the prognosis they wrote some minor inflammation along the anal canal or something like that, but overall "everything looks good and normal". I would refer to what Doug wrote as to why they claim "normal".

hi Mizgarnet thank you for being honest..I still maintain that medical professionals save lives and we need them in our lives, but you are completely right some have no business doing what they do.
Yes up until 20 I was very active, in sports and what not, and my digestive system seemed pretty normal. But I will say that as i discussed with my parents i think i was already developing something not normal around grade 8 because my attention span in class and overall mental focus was slightly fading. I remember in high school I dreaded the classes where the teachers would randomly pick a student to answer a question. It always seemed that everyone would always answer correctly but I would have trouble because I did get picked from time to time. I hated it and it made me feel kind of dumb.
I would say at the moment i am without a doubt malnourished but that is something that is probably out of my control. My diet is very strict and I take dietary supplements daily. I am very curious about my protein levels. I had asked the doctor earlier this year if there is a test for protein malabsorption. I probably didn't get a satisfactory answer otherwise I would ahve remembered it. My contention is i have a protein issue which is why i always try to bring up my weight training background. I lifted heavy, at right, drank lots of water, jogged and nothing. All weight liftign did for me was cyphon the gas for my car so to speak.
Believe me i want to send a message to the medical pros about their poor practises but I just don't want anything to jeapordize them helping me right now.
The only things i drink are water, green tea, cocoa, and the occasional fruit juice ie: pomegrenate, cranberry, apple juice things like that.
I stopped taking the liquid mutlivitamin it was giving me minor acne..and i usually have no acne at when something like this happens its easy for me to pin point what caused it. I think the obvous answer is the sugar. I stay away from sugar in all its forms now. I have built up a non-craving for sugar. What i do crave now is spicy the occasion turkey burger i have or pizza, i always include a few scotch bonnett peppers. I'm almost addicted to those things. Scotch bonnets, jalapeno, habanero..however i'm slowly reducing my amounts because if my intestines are sensitive i dont' know if eating hot peppers are a good idea.

Can you guys tell me if this is a good idea? I have prepared a letter explaining everything about my illness. I typed it yesterday it is about 3.5 pages 12 size font..i plan on having the doctor read it. I plan on doing this at every visit from now on. They have to understand that if they want to help me the letter will do a better job than I will about why i'm there. If they say "no i don't want to read it"..that may be a sign of a poor doctor. Thanks again
I don't know for sure how they diagnosed me , but it was a combination of blood tests , urine tests, poo samples and a ct scan.
I'm no doctor lol but something obviously showed up somewhere along the lines but I can't say what exactly .

My blood test showed a high White blood cell count and I was very anemic .
My poo test showed no parasites etc but I do t know what else lol
My urine samples showed protein and ketones .
And my ct scan showed inflamation of both small and large intestine with thickening of the ileum .
I also lost weight rapidly and looked like death lol I'm still not able to put weight on even when I was on prednisone (steroids) I actually lost weight !

Don't give up on a diagnosis as some doctors just don't care at all and want u to think your going nuts coz it's all in your head, my gastro has been like that for 7 years until I was in hospital in September when the tests actually confirmed I was genuinely sick ,then he was a changed man he was lovely to me !
You know your body more than anyone so if u think something is wrong don't give up and suffer in silence keep nagging at them or whatever you can do, or get a second opinion .
Jen XX
Michael, malnutrition is diagnosed with blood tests. Malabsorption is dx'd during a scope. I am told my absorption is conditional. Inflammation keeps me from absorbing. Take care of your teeth. They will be affected. Have u tried veggie juices? Do you take probiotics? I have problems with protein deficiency. I can work out and still have no tone. I am working with an orthomoleciular scientist to try to get my tone back. The capsacian in the peppers is beneficial to digestion. I crave hot and spicy sometimes. Do get your thoughts, questions and history on paper. Start keeping a food and reaction/symptom diary. Be detailed. Somewhere in all of this is the key. I am researching the sugar reaction. I read a paper about something similar and now I have to find it again.
I found the health channel program I mentioned - it was on discovery health, but has been moved to oprah's OWN network. I can't post links, but go to oprah dot com, select "own" from the menu across the top, then select "shows" - scroll down and you will see "mystery diagnosis." You won't feel like such an outcast after watching a few of these.
damn i really didnt expect so much feedback at all when i created my posting, i thought it would end up sinking towards the gutter like most of the boards i've visited recently so i'm grateful at what i'm getting here and lucky i came across this place..i'm learning a lot of new things here and this forum has changed my attitude for the better..i think in the least i wont let anyone push me around in the office and always make sure to carry the proper documents with me at all times..i think this is a must for anyone seeing any doctor at any given time

i visited oprahs page and am blown away with this show..i'm in the middle of downloading some episodes from youtube..i think i would get oprahs attention if i wrote to her, obviously i won't especially since she probably receives a gazilion messages a day..i just for a second envisioned what it would look like if i was on the show with cameras constantly around me and man what a boring episode it would condition wouldnt' make for good tv if u know what i mean..
i'm a big dr oz fan i wish he had segments on malabsorption..i tried this one moisturizer/exfoliant i got from this one episode consists of plain yogurt or kefir, natural lemon juice and sunflower oil..i have been using it since last summer until not even that long ago i noticed it began burning my face and causing my skin to peel...i dont' know which ingredient is causing it but i decided to stop applying it..instead i alternate between coconut oil, almond oil and olive oil..the olive oil kind of smells but what do i care i like how it makes my facial skin feel..kind of refreshing..thanks again i'm out for now

You might try drinking coconut milk and see if you can tolerate it. It might give you some energy without the malabsorption interfering, since it is absorbed and utilized differently than most foods.
Michael, so sorry to hear about your ordeal with these doctors, i swear some are only in it for the money. hang in there and be strong, no one knows your body like you do! keep us posted and good luck
I'm so sorry for what you are going through! I am baffled, and don't have any advice that is different or better than what you have already gotten, I just wanted to let you know that there are people out there listening to you and believing that what you are going through is real. I hope you get an answer soon. hang in there! You are always welcome on this forum, no matter what it turns out to be.
thanks for all the tips and encouragement it means a lot..thats the bottom line nobody knows my body like me..i
've had prozak prescribed to me in the past because things were "all in my head " and i must have been depressed that could ahve been the only explanation...well what i did with that was ii took that prescription and 360 windmill dunked it in the trash can like michael jordan..i don't think its even possible for anyone to claim anythings "in my head" now because symptoms are stronger than ever and more evident than i have my family to back me up now which i didn't back then

to fill anyone that might be concerned about my doctors appointment today it went surprisingly well, i even thanked the doctor for showing so much intereest with his questions and genuine concern i was pretty baffled i thought it was going to be a meaningless visit like almost all the others

ok so he went over my history of tests and decided to send me to a major hospital downtown for a pancreatic MRI (i told me him i'm thrilled and excited...he probably thought it was an unusual reaction but i hope he gets i'm desperate for help)..i'm to do a series of blood and urine tests soem for nutritional deficiencies, a celiac test although i enjoy eating bread but i kept my mouth shut (he already knew i had a celiac test in the past), a sweat chrloride test to be repeated because my first was out of normal range...he also told me my idea of presenting a letter adressing my illness was a great thing..oh i remember him saying that the specific tests for malabsorption that i've continuously asked doctors for like the bentiromide test don''t exist in canada only in the US..i can't believe nobody told me that before

my follow up appointment is in 3 months that is the only bad news..he is helping me but i feel i need to seek additional help in the time being..i just need to figure out where else to go and what to ask for

here is my major concern, and i've gotten this a few times, he informed me that he has patients with malabsorption and they're skin and bones and his guess is i dont' have it..i look decently sized i explained i stick to what i can eat because it somewhat works..i explained that i just don't get how it can't be malabsorption..i can't eat these foods i get hungrier isn't that malabsorption??? i mean seriously what else does malabsorption stand for??? it just can't be the same case for everyone..just because i'm not anorexic it can't be malabsorption??? it just can't be something has to give here...well anyone he did at least admit i do have some concerning lab work results and my issue is unusual...this thing is bugging me the i have to be anorexic to have malabsorption
ok you can make of this whatever you want..this is about my 72 hour stool fat test results..very important
my doctor yesterday told me he doesnt' know exactly how to interpret the results , which i can understand..he said call the lab where you submitted i called and they say we don't know call your this not a circus seriously??! so now nobody can interpret the results for me

here is how it goes:


Excretion of >7 grams fat/24 hours, when on a diet of 100 g to 150 g of fat, is suggestive of a malabsorption defect.

Test values for timed fecal fat collections will be reported in terms of g/24 hours; the duration of the collection may be 24, 48, 72, or 96 hours. (are the results on USA results written in the same format as in Canada?

I found one source online where a patient wrote: "I got the results of my 72 hr fat test: fecal weight 642.60g, fecal fat qnt 2.1g so it was normal."

My RESULTS: fecal fat quant : 16.6

so the question here is, is my number of 16.6g the total accumulation for all 72 hours or the average/24 hours? "--->Test values for timed fecal fat collections will be reported in terms of g/24 hours"<---so this would imply my results are off the charts?!?!

seriously if the doctor doesn't know and the lab doesn't know who will?? this is textbook twilight zone material right here life and struggle
msg just got erased.....redo

during my last visit with my former GI i asked about exactly this, worms, parasites..he assured me he would have seen something during the scope procedure but i'm still not 100% convinced

right now im still in the process of getting an answer anywhere i can in regards to the post above...if the 17grams indicates the amount/24 hours then i would receive medical attention immediately but the problem is nobody can interpret the results..i presented them a while ago but its something they can't figure say its baffling would be an doctor can't interpret the results..the lab doesn't know

i think maybe i'll call the local flourist he might know
i am so sorry that you are going throuh all this, andnow oone knows how to interpret your results! It just doesnt make sense that your doctor and the lab dont know how to interpret them, unless your the first person ever to get the test done, which i highly doubt!! Your doctor should be the one making phone calls to the lab, and to other doctors or whoever to be able to understand the results of this test, so that you can get proper treatment!!! i am frustrated for you!! good luck
Hi - Just a thought. Have you tried digestive or pancreatic enzymes? (Cystic Fibrosis patients that are pancreatic insufficient take this to hrelp with their malabsorption)
hi there
without question the doctor should be calling instead of waht does this say about my situation, it says they aren't taking it seriously..i didn't even mention that during my visit he told me my sweat chrloride results for cystic fibrosis were high so i'm repeating the test soon..although i don't know what to make of it i don't really have any lung problems and all my breathing problems are related to sugar makes me belch a lot and gives me trouble sleeping..i don't remember if my results were or but either way i read for adults it could be normal in children its high

he also i asked me if i ever took pancratic enzymes? i said yes (the GI who said to my face i can absorb food when i told him i can't) prescribed them...i told him they did nothing..he asked me "did you take antacids with them?" i said no..he told me thats why because in order for them to work i need to take antacids..i told him that GI told me nothing of this

my visit was last thursday..i'm going to need to call them back on monday i have a few questiones for them..including if my MRI is schedule in a month why do i have to wait 2 months to see him..
i'm still feeling rattled by the C. Fibrosis results..but 55/65 either way could still be normal..i'll get some answers this week

oh and i still do not know what my 72 hour fat test results mean can you believe this?!..i'm going to be calling the major downtown hopsitals tomorrow until i get an answer...there is one clue that favors me...on the paper it has amount/results/flag...

under "flag" it says "H"..and my result is circled..i really firmly believe the "H" stands for high...i've been shaking my head so much this whole week in frustration its starting to hurt
Michael, I hope things are going better for you. You have been on my mind.

I would not be surprised if your docs have just not been complete in their testing. I hope you don't have Cystic Fibrosis. Wow. But I did not know that disease had anything to do with digestion. Thought it was all in the lungs.
Hi, I just found this thread and noticed that your last postings were over a year ago... just wondering if you've found any answers since then? Interested to know how you are doing now. Hope all is well!

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