Not sure but maybe another fissure

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Feb 25, 2010
not sure but maybe another fissure

Hi everyone. Sorry for complaining when i know manyof you go through so much more. I first got a fissure 9 weeks ago from using my finger(constipation). I cant find it already since 1 month ago but left a skin tag. Last night checked and there is a red and white line at a different spot. I haven't pushed for 2 months. How could this be. I hope its not one and something else. Any advice please.
Do you have cream for treating it? Nifedipine/lidocaine? I got a Rx for that and it healed mine up in a few weeks.
i have the dilizam(spelling off) cream and haven't used it as i got it for the first fissure which i can't find now. Why would i get a second one if i don't push or have constipation for 2 months now. Could it be from my colitis. I am hoping that it is not another one. Could the sitz baths maybe caused this. I am also having a hard time cleaning after bm because of theskin tag. I just feel so depressed and pray this is not another one.
I don't know why the fissure came back but it could have been from using your finger when you were constipated. Fissures are very slow to heal and in my experience re-open regularly. I have just ordered GTN ointment from the UK that someone on this forum suggested I try. It's not available here unfortunately. Maybe you need to try something like this. Hope you feel better soon.
Do you treat anal ulcers same as fissures

Not sure what i have, ulcer or fissure. Seeing dr. on mon. Do you use same creams for fissures on a ulcer.
I had a look on Google, Matty. Some sites seem to consider them thr same thing and others see an ulcer as a complication of a fissure. I haven't had issues myself, but know from other threads that Sitz baths can give a lot of relief and help to keep the area clean. Let us know how you get on at the doctor's.
Hi again. Just found your other thread so realise now you are already using the baths. I've merged the two threads so you've got all the replies and advice in one place.
I would suggest a squirt bottom kept by the toilet. Use that each time after a movement and that should help you keep that area clean, as well as help it heal. It also calms the fissures. I have a bidet, but use the squirt bottle whenever out of town.
Nice idea Mickey. I know it's a typo, but 'squirt bottom' made me laugh! Quite a few of us will have experienced the squirt bottom in our time :)
thanks i will make a squirt bottle. Its so hard to clean with my skin tag, every time i sitz there is acouple specks. It drives me nuts. Also i read here that you should work on the inflammation in rectum also. I'm scared to use my steriod enemas, to poke or open the fissure. I quess i have to, am i correct. I was going to last night but chickened out and thoughtwait until see dr,on mon,but i'm sure itsanother fissure on a different spot. The first one was towards spine, now this one is to side.
Grumbletum: actually, I DID mean to say squirt bottle. If you can travel with one, it has same effect as using a bidet. Oh, and particularly helpful if you DO have a squirt bottom day! lol!
okay this is drivingme nuts. I checked tonight andits notthere, but i do feel burning on that spot that goes to buttocks. 2 days ago i checked and it was light red to darker red line. I did use the cortifoam becasue of the burning. I figure i got this 1 week ago and could it disappear that fast. Howdo they look when they heal. is there a white line or something. this is driving me crazy. A bit concerned i used the enema and opened it again.
CrohnsGuy says that they come and go, and can take a long time to heal. I would try to keep the area as clean and dry as possible til you can see the doctor tomorrow. It must be very frustrating, Matty, but hopefully you'll get some answers and an action plan from the doc. Is it a GI that you're seeing?
no, a gp. I haven't seen a gi or crs as my dr. said my ibd ismild and the fissure will go away he says, no big deal. If i pressure him to refer me he will but it will take very long. I got sick 1/2 hr ago and had to have a bm which is a bit loose. My stomach was slightly sore all night and could it be the cortafoam. So far that is all i've been taking occasionally for my ibd. I refused the asocol as i was in denial at first and hoped it irrible bd. I may consider trying them soon. I get d on and off and usually 2 or 3 is what i get. i was having good formed bm the last week, but still the slight stomachaches. I think i overate yesterday and now this and slight nausea, possible gastritis. I'm a very stubborn person with pills. I have to try let go of that.
Get some fresh ginger at the store (very inexpensive), cut off a piece and put it in some boiling water and sip like a tea. It will help settle your stomach. Try to drink up until 6pm (eastern doc said do not have after 6pm, but not sure why). Drink throughout the day and you will be amazed at how much better your stomach will feel.
would the ground ginger help also. I don't have thenausea today. What usually helps it i drink small sips of water and burp. But next time i am in town i will look into getting some ginger. Some people here find wild ginger and eat a small piece for some kind of ailment, not nausea but i think the heart. i do also have ginger gravol, but haven't tried that yet.
seen dr. today and he said whatever that was it is gone. He said a fissure wouldn't take 1 week to heal. He made me feel like it was not there in the first place. But when he pressed a little i felt slight pain. I did used to have a burning bum before fissure. So far the original fissure is not under skin tag and 2nd one i saw is gone. Could it of been from too much cleaning. I have a hard time with the skin tag, i check later after sitz bath with a wipe and i'll find some specks and use a couple wipes. Later i'll have another sitz bath and sometimes i get up and check for specks and again there is so i sit back in sitz and use soft tp to put in the crack of bum and leave it for 1/2 minute then take it out, and of coursesome more specks. But could all this cleaning could of casues the red line that is now gone and could it been just irrated. But is that irration the same as a fissure or ulcer.
Have not tried ground ginger, but perhaps try it. Ginger has a myriad of healing properties and I am sure you can google it and find out more about it. Very inexpensive way to help reduce nausea and other issues. When you say you feel better when you burp, makes me think you have gas/air trapped in digestive track. Try the belly rubs (take flat palm, using navel as center of circle and begin on right side (ascending colon) and go up around to left side (descending colon) and down and around to right side. If you can do for at least five minutes here and there, when you wake up and when you go to sleep, you will find your stomach improving. It helps bring blood and circulation to the area, which will promote healing and eliminate some of the air trapped in your belly. Very calming. I find myself sometimes doing it in the car. If constipated and on the pot, do it there. Easy thing to do that will also help cramping, etc...things are trapped inside the pipeline and you are helping move it through, so to speak! good luck!
thanks it does help. feeling abit low rightnow. My colitis is flaring a bit(mild) and yesterday checked under skin tag where 1st fissure was and now there is some light redness to dark but no line. I do alot of cleaning with wipes could this cause this problem or is it the fissure reopening. I feel sore on that side of buttock, like a stinging pain. When you use the squit bottle do you also use your fingers to try move the skin tag. I'm worried as it will get infected now.
Do not touch with fingers. Use squirt bottle to clean around area and then lightly daub with toilet paper. Keep fingers away as much as possible, as you may be spreading germs and irritating it more than necessary. Give it a few days of cleansing this way whenever using the toilet and you should see improvement. Do not "full throttle" squirt, but be careful with medium pressure, so you do not cause further damage.

If squirt bottle too intense, because of skin tag, use spray bottle. Feel better.
thanks mickey, i was thinking of using my sinus rinse bottle but it had too much pressure. I have a fabreeze spray bottle that i put water in and have been using it for awhile now to clean things around the house. I wonder if it is safe to use it, maybe i could clean it with bacterial dishwashing liquid.
Clean it with vinegar and water, rather than dish soap. vinegar kills something like 99% of germs and bacteria.
i just tried my sinus rinse bottle and its pretty good, i did 2 bottles. After when i put the tp there was nothing anduaually there was something. But idon't know if it cleaned properly under tag. I check once inawhile and flip the tag with a q-tip. But i don't like to keep bothering there. I will check tonight as i am using cortifoam. Before i read your last post i cleaned my sinus bottle with the dish detergent but am going to clean it with the vinegar. Thanks so much for the advice.
Since you are showering or bathing daily, that will at least run through and clean a little more, so do not be too concerned. You are getting an extra rinse with the rinse bottle (do not touch tip to skin) or spray bottle and that should suffice. Too much stimulation is not good, so try to not be overly concerned. You should begin feeling more relief within next 24 hours. Continue to use this method of cleansing as a daily routine until it has healed. Then, if you have movements that are "tough" or runny, use this method again. It will help. Feel better.
thanks so much mickey. I just read your success story, so happy for you, its so good to read these stories. I still can't eleminate all thsese foods. What do you eat and are you underweight. I just can't let go of all the delicious foods. I know they are bad but i have always been a big eater, all my family. I always think if something triggers this disease then why can't something trigger it off.
If you put bad gas in your car, do you think it will run efficiently? So, why do we think we can eat unhealthy foods and expect a healthy result? We all know what we need to do, but we have to decide at some point, if we want to get healthy, to make the right choices. There are many healthy alternatives to foods that can adversely affect you. It is not that you "CAN'T" eliminate the foods, it is that you do not want to; big difference.

If you think about it, people use meds to "trigger off" as you say. That is the band aid that will alleviate symptoms, but not cure it. Trust me, I have been there and saw my health going down hill because of my food choices. You can only have chronic inflammation so long before it becomes a disease. That disease will then trigger your immune system and cause other diseases, then meds cause complications/side effects, etc., and the downhill spiral continues...not a good prognosis.

I eat quite well and enjoy my good health. I do indulge in foods I should not have. Sometimes I have nasty consequences and some times none at all; depending upon the food or drink and how long it has been since last ingested. I can have maybe two glasses of red wine without a problem, but 3 or more will set my stomach into a swell for 2 days. So, I know if I want the bloated cow syndrome, go ahead and drink more and make the choice thereto. Same as with other foods.

You can opt for beans, instead of meats, and make a vegetable bean stew/soup or other dish. Pastas can be replaced with gluten free pastas. Instead of pasta sauce (tomato a little tough for me), I will opt for a flavored olive oil with some herbs. I will grill chicken or fish and steam vegetables. When you begin eating healthier, you begin feeling better and have more energy and happiness. Your weight can certainly be maintained. Food should not be the center of your universe, but your health should be.

Hope this helps!
mickey everything you write is absolutely correct. Its me and i know i have to change but i just don't know when i can do that. I borrowed a movie called forks over knives and can't seem to watch it as it will spoil my appitite for meat. I think its about beef not being good for us.
If it is too overwhelming, take baby steps and do a little something each day to improve your diet. Begin looking at why you are making excuses NOT to do it and keep plugging away at it. You CAN do it! good luck!
yes i feel i can do it that way, just going to have to give myself the push. I checked under my skin tag tonight and now it looks like its dented in alittle where the tag is resting and slightly red. Is this something to get checked and have any of you went like this. I see no line just redness where skin tag rests. It does burn some.

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