If you put bad gas in your car, do you think it will run efficiently? So, why do we think we can eat unhealthy foods and expect a healthy result? We all know what we need to do, but we have to decide at some point, if we want to get healthy, to make the right choices. There are many healthy alternatives to foods that can adversely affect you. It is not that you "CAN'T" eliminate the foods, it is that you do not want to; big difference.
If you think about it, people use meds to "trigger off" as you say. That is the band aid that will alleviate symptoms, but not cure it. Trust me, I have been there and saw my health going down hill because of my food choices. You can only have chronic inflammation so long before it becomes a disease. That disease will then trigger your immune system and cause other diseases, then meds cause complications/side effects, etc., and the downhill spiral continues...not a good prognosis.
I eat quite well and enjoy my good health. I do indulge in foods I should not have. Sometimes I have nasty consequences and some times none at all; depending upon the food or drink and how long it has been since last ingested. I can have maybe two glasses of red wine without a problem, but 3 or more will set my stomach into a swell for 2 days. So, I know if I want the bloated cow syndrome, go ahead and drink more and make the choice thereto. Same as with other foods.
You can opt for beans, instead of meats, and make a vegetable bean stew/soup or other dish. Pastas can be replaced with gluten free pastas. Instead of pasta sauce (tomato a little tough for me), I will opt for a flavored olive oil with some herbs. I will grill chicken or fish and steam vegetables. When you begin eating healthier, you begin feeling better and have more energy and happiness. Your weight can certainly be maintained. Food should not be the center of your universe, but your health should be.
Hope this helps!