Not sure I have Chron's - dont' have diagnosis yet

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Oct 13, 2010
Hi everyone!

I definitely have symptoms indicating Chron's but am still undergoing tests and was wondering how long it took you to get diagnosed. I've seen posts that indicate it's kind of all over the place.

A few weeks ago I developed nausea, vomitting, horrible bloody diarrhea alternating with constipation and terrible abdominal pain slightly above my right rib. The only test so far that has been positive for anything is a stool sample which showed a high WBC count. However my blood tests were all normal.

Anybody have anything similiar to this? I haven't been scoped yet or had upper/lower GI tests or anything like that, I'm really in the beginning stages of testing and diagnosis I guess.

I've been in a lot of pain though. I think that a few weeks ago was what I've read about as a "flareup" and now that has calmed down and I"m left with a sort of background nausea (not as much abdominal pain) and constipation.
:welcome: Barbra... glad you found us! Your symptoms sound alot like IBD. Bleeding is not a normal thing for anyone to have, craming Diahreah or constipation is clearly something wrong. My initial diagnosis to a year of almost weekly test and an appendix removal during an exploratory surgery, in which they thought they got it.... it was only the start of my problems, too bad he didnt look a tad more the left...

Even just yesterday got a blood result test and says I have NO inflammation in my body, meanwhile I am in a mild flare! Go figure. Dont give up, dont let anyone tell you it is all in your head, people dont will themselves to bleed.

I am assuming you are from the states? Where is exactly is your pain? :hang:
Yes I'm in the U.S. The pain is slightly above my rib on my right side -- basically the same location as the gallbladder, but the ultrasound showed gallbladder was fine. It feels like being stabbed. I don't think stool samples were positive for blood (I only noticed that once). My doctor said the high WBC could be a fluke or just due to diarrhea, but that really begs the question of why such persistent diarrhea?

I'm pretty nervous about reexperiencing the pain I had before, and since the nausea comes and goes it can be pretty bad and a horrible distraction at work.
Sorry to hear that Barbara. Good luck and I hope you get a diagnosis very soon. Sounds like something's not working right with the pain and nausea.
Hi Barbara,
I've been ill since January and have had a wide variety of tests (colonoscopy, CT scan, Endoscopy , small bowel meal) as well as the routine blood and stool samples. All the tests have come back negative except the blood tests but my GI still believes I have CD due to my symptoms and the fact that I responded so well to pred (steroids).
Have you seen a GI yet?
Hi Barbara and :welcome:

Good to see you here. I don't have crohns my daughter does and it took her about 18 months to be diagnosed but her symptoms weren't frequent until the last six months of that time. Her Crohns was in her terminal ileum but most of the time her pain was in her upper abdomen, around her stomach. It might be an idea to keep a diary since you are in the process of trying to get a diagnosis. Here is a link to to the sort of things you might like to include:

This is a fab place for support and info so please stay around and keep us posted on how you are doing. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Barbara
and welcome

Over 20 years ago I had the camera down my throat cos I had a pain like yours, it came back normal, nowt there, and then 5 years ago I had a diagnosis of Crohns!
The doc at the time said it was wind! So I had this 'wind' for 15 years!
I'm now in the Guiness Book of Records! lol
Dont give up Barbara, you'll hopefully get an answer once you see a gastro/specialist in IBD, given the appropriate meds and some relief!
glad you joined us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
My chrohns was diagnosed after a few weeks in hospital and every test under the sun. I found out afterwards from my family that they were looking for some form of cancer as it unusual to develop CD in middle age. I had severe and sudden weight loss. I think it was after the cameras that the culprit was identified. I was very ill and not thinking straight but i do remember thinking it odd that my family were so delighted that i had crohns!! On the upside, i feel good now. The sooner you are diagnosed the better as an action plan can be developed.
Hi and welcome. I was first seen in 2000 and they gave me no diagnosis. Then i had a pretty bad flare in 2006 and diagnosed me with Ulcerative Colitis. Then this summer I had a really nasty flare and they diagnosed me with Crohns Disease. So that is 10 years. I am still uncertain really as to what I have. I know it hurts like hell sometimes and I have become as weak as I have ever been and this has been a real life changer. I know that this doesn't help but my GI said they are both very similar and treated pretty much the same way. The only bad thing is there is no cure for Crohn's Disease YET! But hopefully there will be soon :)
Hello All.

I am trying to convience myself that I have the stomach flu or food poisoning! For sometime I have felt like I have a rock in my stomach, I was taking some new meds and blamed it on those. Then last monday the pain in my stomach got really bad and then moved on to major cramping in my stomach and diarrhea. I figured I had food poisoning so I bared through the cramping and diarrhea all day Tues and when I woke up on Weds it just felt worse. I felt light headed, probably from being dehydrated, cramps continued and diarrhea. I felt so sick! My doctor sent me right over for a CT scan. Long story short, they told me I had liquid outside my intestines and sent me back to my doctor who told me I had free air outside my intestines and needed to get to the ER right away. I got to the hospital and they gave me a strong pain killer which stopped the cramps right away, lower right abdomen still very tender to push on. They have me do another CT scan but after drinking a bunch of fluid and IV dye. This CT scan indicated I had Crohns, thickening of the intestines. Then my GI doctor comes in and tells me I have Crohns disease or one of two things that if he told me I'd worry. I told him lets stick with Crohns and I didn't want to know what the other two things were. I was admitted into the hospital, hooked up to IV's and was give all kinds of meds and he started treating me for Crohns right away. Two days later I had a colonoscopy in the hospital and results look normal. Now he want's to do a capsule endoscopy.
It's been one week now from when the cramps started, I'm home and my stomach is still making all kinds of noise and I feel a bit light headed at times but I feel soooo much better!! Oh, I forgot, my WBC in my stool was moderate and my blood count WBC's were 8 at one time but then someone said another test read 4. I'm still betting on the flu/virus!

Those of you who have Crohns, what are you thoughts?? Does this sound like Crohns to you? Could it be the flu??? My symptoms are easing up after a week and it sounds like it takes at least 4 weeks normally.

I don't know anyone personallly with this disease and I have questions. I will be meeting with my GI doctor on Weds to discuss the capsule endoscopy.

I'm thankful you are here to share with us that are lost. :)
Sabrina, I can't offer much help except to say if you copy your post and submit it in a new thread, you'll be seen by more members who may be able to help. Welcome and good luck!!
Sabrina, you should start a thread. This is a great board. But I'd believe what your doctor tells you.
Hang in there

Don't let anyone tell you it is "all in your head". It is in your gut. I did not even remember this until I read your post (I am 26 years post dx) but some brain wave doctor diagnosed me with pancratitis about 6 months before they figured out I had Crohn's. Had my whole family thinking I was a closet drinker!Sometimes the tests are not as black and white as we wish they were. It is hard when you are not exactly sure what is going on, isn't it? Hang in there!
Hello All.
Those of you who have Crohns, what are you thoughts?? Does this sound like Crohns to you? Could it be the flu??? My symptoms are easing up after a week and it sounds like it takes at least 4 weeks normally.

I don't know anyone personallly with this disease and I have questions. I will be meeting with my GI doctor on Weds to discuss the capsule endoscopy.

I'm thankful you are here to share with us that are lost. :)

Nothing is normal about Crohn's. A CD dx is not the end of the world. I've never had a flu that caused bloody diarrhea...hope you get a confirmation either way very soon.