Numb fingers

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 26, 2010
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in Dec 2008. I'm 47 years old now and I was on Asacol and Remicade, but stopped taking the Remicade because it was not doing anything after 6 months. I ran out of my Asacol about 3 months ago and have not been taking anything for the Crohn's now. The company I was getting the Asacol from went out of business and I can't find anybody else that has it for free because I am unemployed and have been for a couple of years. Now my husband is out of work and I don't have health insurance either, so I'm stuck. I have tried every revenue possible to get some type of help without needing money and can't find anything. My problem is about a month ago, I just woke up and on my left hand, my middle finger was completely numb and just the ends of the rest of my fingers are numb. I can't lay on my left or right side at all because of the pain I have inside my arms and although my finger and ends of my other fingers are numb, they hurt so bad, it actually wakes me up every night.

This morning, I woke up and the top of my left leg has a burning sensation like a sunburn and when I touch it, it hurts pretty bad as well. Has anyone has these same problems and if so, PLEASE tell me what it is or what I can do to help or fix it. I just want to give up. I am just overwhelmed with all this hurting stuff. Also forgot to mention that my muscles and joints are SO sore, that I can barely get up in the morning from bed and when I say barely, I mean, I feel like I am crippled or something. I can't stand up straight or anything for about 30 minutes. I just don't understand.:confused2: My doctor will not see me unless I have money to pay up front and I just don't have it. PLEASE somebody on here tell me what is going on. Is is from my Cronh's or something else? My husband doesn't help matters telling me I'm falling apart either. It really sucks and there is nothing I can do about it. I have absolutely NO energy at all and I take B12, D3, Iron, Calcium, Multi Vitamin, Tumeric, Fish Oil with all the extra stuff in it as well. Sorry for the long letter, but I had to get it out of me. Thanks in advance for anybody who can take the time to explain what is happening to me.
I'm so sorry to hear of the problems you are having...:(

I guess one explanation may be that since you are on no medication now you are flaring and experiencing some of the extra intestinal manifestations of Crohn's.

What sort of B12 are you taking?

I guess if you have no insurance it would be difficult for you to get bloods done, is that right? I would dearly love to tell you to have bloods drawn for B12, Iron Stores, Folate, Vit D, CRP, ESR as well as the normal base ones docs always do but that isn't a choice for you is it?

Perhaps someone from the US can offer some advice about getting treatment and free or subsidised medications.

Good luck hun, I hope you can find some way to get help and relief!

Dusty. xxx
I'm taking just your regular 2000mg B12 and no that is not an option for me to be able to get the blood work done.
This really sucks. I dont' have the stomach pain from the Crohn's nor am I having to use the bathroom alot either. I'm fine except for that and believe me, that is ENOUGH to deal with by itself. I appreciate your response.:)
It really sound like arthritis probably extra-intestinal manifestations from the crohn. Being arthritis only is also a possibility as it is common to have both rhumatoid arthritis and crohn's. The only thing I could suggest you, which is working for a lot of people that has arthritic pain is with you food. If you have the possibility to not use gluten and dairy it may help you reducing the inflammation.
So you would need to focuss on eating fruit/vegetables (that you tolerate)[avoid MGO as much as possible specially corn]
Rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, gluten free oat.
Tofu, lean meat, fishs, eggs
Avoid cooking too much, prefer steam cooking or raw when tolerate for any type of food. Be cautious with the meet but don't grill it or fried.
Point is that all the thing I mentioned are food that contain toxins and since our bowel, with our disease is more permeable than average, it may result that some get into the blood stream and create more inflammation elsewhere in the body. Minimizing the dairy, gluten, carbonized food, process food allows the body to fight less and reduce the pain and inflammation.
If you can, give it a try, but be serious with it, give yourself about 10-14 days. It does not work for everyone, but a lot of people have great results and pain that diminish by a lot.
Thank you so much for the info. I will definitely give that a try. At this point, I am willing to try anything. I'm just afraid that since I cannot feel my middle finger on my left hand at all, that if the feeling does come back, I am afraid that the nerves will be damaged and I might not be able to feel that finger ever again.
I would lean heavily in the direction Dustykat was going. It sounds like peripheral neuropathy to me from B12 deficiency. Taking oral like you are may not be cutting it. Read this entire thread for information as to why I say that. I know here in Florida even acupuncturists are able to give B12 injections which is what you need, injections, not the oral form.

As for medical and financial assistance, have you looked into this?

Best of luck to you.

Well yeah, the food idea is to reduce general joint pains and body inflammation. B12 injection would indeed be judicious choice.
Hopefully you will find a way to get some medical help with all this soon :(
It's unfair to not have that right...

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