Yep we have them where I am based GI wise.
There are 2 who have been there more than the 2.5yrs I have been connected with the team. Also a new one started with the team a couple of months back and seems very nice.
I can talk to them on the phone or via email at any time. They try to contact you the same day or if not the following day.
They send me my blood results that were taken when I go for my remi the day after.
They have organised in the past 2 hospital admissions for me and come to see me whilst there. Also fit to tell me which ward and time to go and try to get me onto a gastro ward straight away rather than any other if beds are difficult to find.
They can organise a sooner appointment also if I need to see my GI.
They trouble shoot any problems I have. When I have my remi they come and visit and see how I am doing overall. Able to discuss gut function, any pain, diet issues. They also are responsible for ordering my remi pre my infusion so know when I will be in.
Last week one of them came to see me and she was told by the nurses on the unit I was not there. What happened was there were so many patients there they had put me into a side room and forgotten I was there because I was so quiet LOL So I emailed her and she was sorry to have missed me but we caught up that way instead.
They are also responsible for gathering info related to any drug trials patients are on. I am on one for remi and its a 5yr study into how we are and how well it helps us etc. So I have questions and scales to answer on that relate to quality of life, impact on work, sick days off work, pain, number of times to the loo etc.
So overall they are fantastic folk and they are incredibly helpful. They work so hard and they desperately needed the new addition to the team recently.
I do know however how lucky those of us are that go to the gastro dept where I am to have this support as the NACC here in the UK is campaigning for more IBD nurses throughout the UK.