Nutritionist for Crohn's Disease

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Jan 8, 2009
hey all,

i've finally been referred to a Nutritionist... i'm just curious to see who here has been to one...

did you find it helpful?

i'm not sure how much help this will be... especially because with CD, everyone is so different and it feels confusing as a newly diagnosed crohnie to have so many conflicting diet advice, as far as which foods to eat or stay away from.

what happened when you went to see the Nutritionist?
lol, my mum and wife almost cried when they came with me to see the nutritionist after my surgery:D

the doc started saying i should stay away from hi'fibre things like vegies, stay away from acidic things like fruit, take vitamin tablets, have a high content of good fats salts and sugars, eat things like white rice and bread instead of brown ones etc etc.

my smile got bigger and bigger everytime she mentioned the next thing (i'm a carnivore, hate fruit and vege's (except potatoes:)), i couldn't have been happier!

all my life mum was tryign to get me to eat those other things, i could feel her seething in the room:D (only kidding, it was just so laughable so mum and wifey were having fun with it as well:))
lol, jed.

my nutrionist was quite helpful. evaluated my diet and gave me some great tips. for example, i don't eat enough fish so she suggested whenever i dine out, pick a fish dish. my diet is also a bit on the acidic side, so i'm taking magnesium supplement and doing my best to moderate acidic foods.

make sure your nutritionist understands crohn's. many don't and they won't be helpful at all to you.
thanks for the replies! especially the last point fenway, that's true... hopefully this nutritionist will be a good one.

I was told by the dietician that what you can eat I probably wont be able to, I for one cant eat bread it bloats me something cruel and look 7 mnths pregnant. I cant eat citrus fruits, but I can eat pears, plums, melon etc. I had to find what suits me. When I have a flare up I'm told by my gastric nurse to eat crisps and flat coke or lemonade.
ya, i'm just confused/frustrated with food right now. i think for me, it seems that the low residue diet may be the best fit. i remember when i was flaring before, if i ate one meal a day, i could only tolerate either white bread (like a plain bagel), white pasta, chicken and melba toast... that's what i mainly had.

right now, i've been eating what is considered 'healthier' but i had a mild flare up yesterday, seems to be from grapes and dairy. that's my guess.

i've been told by my dentist to cut citrus, like oranges and grapefruit, and lemonade... because of my tooth enamel and i did hear that citrus is not good for people with IBD... but now it looks like grapes aren't agreeing with my stomach... which sucks because i love grapes.
I have seen 2 dieticians, the first one was a lovely woman she recommended a lot of bulk up drinks/soups such as Ensure because I do have a low body weight.

The second I kind of cut contact with in the end, she slightly scared me if I'm honest. She had me on the Elemental diet and then sent me a book on LOFFLEX, which has a list of good/bad foods, basically it tells you what should be safe and what to avoid.

I find I can eat very plain things, pasta is okay and I have wheat/gluten free bread to stop bloating. Certain vegetables such as broccoli I can eat whole, otherwise I do occasionally have vegetable soups, haven't really tried fruits to see how they go yet. I'm a vegetarian so I don't eat meat which cuts out a lot. Other that than I try to avoid things with a lot of fat in or I choose a 'low fat' option, because I find things with a high fat content pass through me very quickly.

Really seeing someone to help you with diet I do think is a good idea, even if you only take a few things away from the appointment your one step closer to better nutrition and can work out an eating plan that works for you especially. It's easy for everyone to say 'this is bad for me' etc but we're all different, I find diet a very up/down thing and you have to just try things for yourself and see how you go.
Jed, potatoes aren't a veggie, they're a grain, so, you don't like ANY veggies. You can now rest easy.

Do you guys eat kangaroos down there? What about Koala's? (off topic I know, just curious if other meats down there are eaten due to being indigenous and all)

The dietician they sent in to speak with me when hospitalized last year knew less about diet than the foods I eat knew about themselves.
BWS1982 said:
The dietician they sent in to speak with me when hospitalized last year knew less about diet than the foods I eat knew about themselves.

see.....i had to read that 4 times to get the end part straight.
but eventually, it does make sense!
I'm about the lifespan of my posts, I can post once, and you get so much mileage out of it. Letter for letter, I'm green, I'm like a Hybrid model poster. :)

I bet some members here dig up my old threads just to read them again.
it keeps them awake at night...
"dammit, what does that sentence that benson wrote MEAN?!.....knew less about diet than...the about....themselves? what?? ok they knew less about they didnt know about diet, ok..."
Looking for a way to find a nutritionist that specializes in Crohn's disease patients in or around Portland, Oregon. Anyone know how I can find one or if there even ARE any such nutritionists?? Please tell me there are!! Thanks so much!

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