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Aug 7, 2011
Hey does anyone know exactly what it feels like when you have a bowel obstruction? I do not know if I do or dont have one. I have pain when I have a bowel movement; however, I am not necessarily going stool. I am just going what i would call mucus or liquid stool not formed at all. I have gone a few formed stools and thats when I feel better. I have not been able to keep food down in 24 hours until recently I was able to eat Ritz crackers. Also I have been taking Norco for pain which I heard could cause constipation. I just need to know what a bowel obstruction feels like. I was previously told my Crohn's was only in my colon, but that it could possibly of spread to my small intestine. My dr is not very helpful in changing meds or figuring things out so going to him would be a waste of time. I am changing doctors. Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated!
I don't know if the symptoms I have with an obstruction are "classic" or if everyone is different. I get severe cramps and vomiting, unable to take any fluids so can't hydrate, and I stop having any BM's. I've got Crohn's in the terminal ileum.
I've had several partial and full blown obstructions in the past ten years and honestly I've felt different each time. There is one constant and that's the dull ache that becomes worse over time. I've vomited some and have had diarrhea for others. I've learned to try and catch an obstruction early as my wife has warned me (jokingly) that she's not dragging my butt to the ER at 2AM!!

Don't fool around, heard to the ER and get an xray as soon as you can!

Good luck
I have had several partial obstructions. They feel like strong cramping in the center abdomin or to the right( the pain is not always exactly at the obstruction as there is alot of referred pain with abdominal issues) I usually would start vomiting within 2 hours of the pain starting. The vomiting goes for hours as the pain increases - sometimes coming in waves. I have to go to the hospital to get Iv pain meds to stop them. I have home meds now I take when the cramping starts as it seems relaxing the bowel can head off the obstruction.

That is my experience with partial obstructions - and apparently as long as you are passing gas you are not fully obstructed. I am not sure what the pain would be like with a full obstruction but I did learn that as long as you are passing gas its not a full obstruction.

But everyone is so different in what the experience!!
I had surgery for a full bowel obstruction around the terminal ilium. I can tell you what my symptoms were although I am sure it is different for everyone... Three days before my surgery I was at work wearing a size 2 dress pants and within a couple hours I couldn't zip my pants or sit up straight. Was having sharp shooting / stabbing pain and cramping. Went to the doctor that afternoon for the pain and left the office and couldn't drive home because I couldn't stop vomiting. The next day I was still bloated and wearing a large in sweats still have diarrhea and vomiting. I couldn't eat or drink anything, it immediately came back up. I also had a fever of about 104. At the hospital they told me if I ever have a fever, vomiting and severe pain go to the ER, no reason to chance it. So I guess that's my advice to you. Go to the ER better safe than sorry. Hope all is ok!
I had full blown bowel obstruction and I can tell you that with me it hurt like crazy!! But as others have said it is probably different with everyone. If your concerned you should probably go get checked out...better safe than sorry. Hope all goes well.
DXW & Gems summed up exactly what I would have said.

I've had partial obstructions that cleared themselves out while in the ER with a few rounds of muscle relaxers and pain relieving drugs. During those times I did not notice anything out of the ordinary BM-wise and would not be vomiting. (although I wasn't too keen about putting anything down anyway.)

I have had one full on complete obstruction and like others have mentioned, all elimination functions seem to stop and anything ingested comes right back up.

Thankfully I didn't have any surgery to clear it out, but 24 hours with an NG-tube was no picnic either.
I've had 3 obstructions & TBH have never felt pain like it. Absolute agony & I couldn't pass anything. Projectile vomiting. But after going through A & E (ER) I found that a simple nasal gastric tube brought almost instant relief by draining my stomach & basically taking the load off my gut. Helped enormously. Currently I'm feeling extremely tight on my lower LH side & unless the hospital get their act together over deciding new course of meds for me then I feel that another obstruction episode is just days away.
Been waiting 7 weeks now for biopsy results & have made an emergency appointment. I cant wait any more & I dont want to go through all that again.
Don't ignore vomiting, sure sign of an obstruction according to my gastro.
I ignored mine, thought it was 'normal', fool that I am. I ended up with an infection and I nearly ruptured.
The pain? My God! You'd know about it! You can't even speak it's that intense!
Projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea? = A&E immediately.
Phone your doc, ask for some reassurance and advice.
good luck
Very sound advice Joan. Its hard to quantify the pain but on a scale out of 10 I was put it @ 9.99. On account that @ ten I presume I'd pass out.
As you say A & E every time, no hesitation. It could cost you your life.

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