Offering an healing pray to one person with Crohn's

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Jun 14, 2010
Offering an healing prayer to one person with Crohn's

hi ,

i would like to pray for 1 person who is suffering from Crohn's disease. better if the person doesn't take any medications. it can be someone else you know.

i would like to pray for someone :)

i only ask your first name. just to have a name to think about during the praying. but it's as you want as it's not necessary.
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That is an unusual request, but if I may ask do you have Crohn's yourself or any type of IBD? If you do, please tell us your story.

Thank you
Mmm... won't find many people not on medications that are needing serious help. This disease is very real and people can get very sick very quickly. I can't help but feel you're playing with people's health here. Maybe this is my atheism speaking here, but for some reason this post has extremely angered me.

Good thought... bad delivery.
I would say that if you really want to pray for someone, just take your pick. Many people here have their first name as their user name, and many have a picture up.
Take KatieSue for example ^ I think she could use a prayer or two right now, lol!
I am a big believer of prayer, but this post kind of confused me at first. I can't help but feel like whoever the person you are looking to pray for would be part of some sort of personal experiment. Perhaps your beliefs are a bit different than mine, but I don't believe you need a name to pray for someone or to make a difference. Like MBH said, take your pick, any one of us here could use it. Personally, I think prayer should be about the person being prayed for rather than the person praying getting something out of it.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but I just found it a very odd request.
judging by the responses you've had in here so far, Musica, i don't think any of our members are going to come forward and agree to doing this.

i suspect that is partly due to your being a total stranger to us, and partly that it is a very odd request which feels there is more to it than you are saying.

although i am non-religious, i do understand the benefit that believers get from their beliefs and from prayer - and to place a restriction on it in that the receiver must in effect 'ask' for the prayer, sounds very odd to me.

i would recommend that you join an online prayer group, if you really want to help someone who needs this kind of input, or contact your local church.

Perhaps people are unwilling to come forward when you have not provided any personal information to the forum. Just as you have stated that you are not ready to discuss yourself, they may not be ready to take up your offer until they feel they can trust your motives...............just a thought.
Like already mentioned, most people with IBD are in need of medication. I am wondering if you have IBS and IBD confused?

Mybutthurts: LMAO.... thanks for the laugh.
Katiesue: sorry it was at your expense but you have to admit.. it was quite funny :)
Kelly: How is your book coming along?
Musica, my son's name is EJ. I don't try to hide it. You will be one of many, including me, who pray for him everyday. Feel free.

It sounds kinda tv envangelistic though.
when musica is looking for a subject to prayer, please dont pick me. many thanks
First time i see this book, maybe it has something in common with the way i try to pray. but i feel that what they try to explain in this book is something that can probably be said in only 5 lines or less as the simpliest way to do it can be the most powerfull (maybe that's why nobody do it or try it).

i understand. but after all it's not bad to have this kind of conversation about something different on the forum and i learn from the responses i recieve for my request. joining an online prayer group is a good idea and i will think about it. thank you.

Thank you, i appreciate your support and my prayers are for him :)
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Anyway it's too late! lucky one! ;)

I think that really sucks that she asked you not to, yet you did it anyways.

Normally I wouldn't condone name calling, but GoJ has now made me spit out my drink, and it made me giggle. A few times.
I might just scroll back to see if it happens again...
Yup! It did! LOL!
If you have love and empathy for your fellowman, I don't think it shouldbe conditional or matter whether or not you know the person's name. I try to show compassion and understanding to everyone, even if I don't know them or agree with their beliefs. If I offer someone help, I don't do it for recognition.
That's o.k., you have the right to think what you want. i'm not sure what signification you put in this word but a more constructive comment would have been more appreciated. you know there is millions of peoples, maybe billion, who pray each day with or without the same goal as me: a better world, less suffering and a better health for yourself or someone else, so as a 'kook', when i think about that, i feel less alone! and my goal was just asking to pray for someone who suffer of IBS or IBD. But after all the comments i had, i felt i needed to bring my point of view about the subject.

Why don't you do something that's actually useful for Crohn's sufferers? Like... oh, I dunno.... like.... like... for starters... know what the disease is?

There are Crohn's fundraising events all over Canada called Heel & Wheel-a-thons during the months of June and July. Check one out in your area and actually meet a Crohn's sufferer. Better yet, toss a few bucks into the cause. Might actually do some good.
It sounds kinda tv envangelistic though.

I 'um ok. He is still on meds though so you won't get all the credit. In fact maybe it's my prayers or his mother's or his grandmother's or his aunts', uncles' etc. It could be one of several churches that he has been on the prayer list at. I'm from the bible belt. Everybody that knows EJ is praying for him. The truth is I wish my beliefs were as black and white as yours and Katie Sue. With me religion is all shades of grey. I haven't got the guts to proclaim either extreme. But hey one more prayer ain't gonna hurt.
I'll take any prayers anyone is willing to offer up for me....can't hurt, can it?
I'm wondering why this is in the "Treatment" subforum.

Hey, if you think you can posthumously and telekinetically channel your boy, the Homeless Hebrew Carpenter to cure Crohn's Disease by clasping your hands, then by all means go ahead.

Just not sure why He™ needs a middleman if he's everything He™ claims to be.
lol yeah @ Nyx.

After reading the comments after mine, I found out why it angered me so much... its the whole conditional operation of the "offer" (no meds, severely suffering, only one person, and you need their name) and the seemingly hidden personal gain... and the lack of knowledge for what we really go through. IBS is WAYY different than IBD and I'm glad you now know that. This site is here for education! WOO
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I agree.

I realize that i have done a mistake and i understand why it angered you.
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I didn't realize they give out parchments for "Internet Research."

I'll stick with clinical research and field research. Thanks.
Anyways, I've probably pissed off a bunch of other folks here. Religion, like politics, is probably one of those divisive topics a support community should tread lightly into.
First time i see this book, maybe it has some things in commons with the way i try to pray. but i feel that what they try to explain in this book is something that can probably be said in only 5 lines or less as the simpliest way to do it can be the most powerfull (maybe that's why nobody do it or try it). The method i try to devellop and practice is the way a German healer was doing in the 1950-60 as it is so simple and easy. But they is also Reiki healing that do something similar (estimated 5 millions peoples practice it).

allright, was just curious because i remember many many years ago, some close family friends were very into this book and, school? not really sure what to call it. but i read some of it. and i remember them asking for pics of our family members that would be prayed upon or something. and then supposedly you would feel the effects of the prayers? i dunno.
idk just when you asked for a photo potentially, that made me think of that expereince.
GJG is right - religion is not something to be discussed unless all parties involved in the discussion, and all subsequent readers of it, are prepared to be offended... religion has caused more wars & suffering than any other single human trait, and it has the power to slice through friendships & harmony - purely because we are talking about personal belief and faith.

Musica - you talk of love - yet you are a total stranger to this community. how can you possibly pray for someone you know nothing about and call it love? how can you come in here and state you want to single one person out who might benefit from your faith, and call it love? where do you get the medical superiority to decide what is a good ailment and what is not? what is a good ailment anyway????

there should be a certain quiet dignity when it comes to helping people spiritually - there are things i do when asked, which i believe help people, but i do not go shouting about it, nor claim i have all the answers... help is not about recognition. if you really wanted to pray for someone here you could have just picked one username and not even had to join the forum. to me, what you want to do sounds like an experiment - you want the person you pray for to know you are doing so, so you can get feedback - have you ever heard of the placebo effect, i wonder?

and you may be anonymous to a certain extent, but not to those who staff the forum.. i had already read up on your German healer from the minute you first posted, and i'm just waiting for the other things on your website to be advertised here - you know the ones which cost money - but which will enhance the healing.............?

i'm sorry - nothing you have said has inspired any faith from me. i really think you're going to cause nothing but upset here, & you're obviously not an IBD sufferer, nor do you know anything about the condition.

if there's any truth in your claim that you have friends with IBD, i suggest you practice your prayers on them - then you can see first hand if it works or not.
Well I must say Ding, you have wrapped that up very nicely indeed. Thank you.
i doubt we will hear from musica again. great detective work ding.
Haha..... busted!

Every once in a while we get Miracle Juice Guy or Miracle Diet Guy passing through our little corner of cyberspace. Guess it was only a matter of time before Faith Healer showed up. What's the angle here? Books? DVDs? Online course?

I get very angry -- furious -- when I think that there are scuzz-bags out there contemplating personal financial gain at the expense of people (some of limited means) with serious, chronic illnesses.

Few other things I get this worked up over.
well, as the information seen as an admin (or mod for that matter) is confidential, even if in the case of an obvious spammer, i wouldn't divulge what i know about someone who's joined here - in this particular case, i was hoping Musica was genuine despite my suspicions.. and i gave him time here to post a bit more and see how things go. as it is, i don't think there's anything behind all this apart from experimentation and a little attention/fame seeking, plus there is the issue of his site selling things which support the healing theory he practices.

i am grateful that this thread hasn't gotten too aggressive from either party, and i think everyone who has posted here, Musica included, should be thanked for that, as with it being such a sensitive subject, it could well have been an explosive thread.

i'll give it a few hours and then i think it's best if we close this thread.
Hey I know why doesnt he just pray for World Peace.... that fixes everything and beig unethical will be discountinued.

As GJG says there is no room here for politics and religion or income. This is a forum for people who really suffer emotionally, physically and financially...
Thanks Dingbat. Like some of the otgers, I felt uncomfortable about the original post, then I saw musica write that they didn't know there was a difference between IBD and IBS, yet he has friends with them!!
Ok, I fully believe in the power of prayer but there are a number of things here that I just can't line up.

First, prayer is not about getting something for yourself... It shouldn't be 'easy' or 'interesting' it's a sacrifice. It's selfless and yes, can sometimes be difficult.

Second, if we don't know your beliefs, who or what you pray to then we will not agree to prayer. There is no way I'd agree to let someone pray for me when I have no idea what they are praying to.
I would explain to someone what I believe, ask if I could pray for them, and if they said no that's fine! I would force it on them.. or pray anyway. Not cool.
Me for example, I won't go to a Reiki master to get prayer. But I'd go to my pastor, or a friend I trust.

If you want 'easy and interesting' things for yourself where you can see results then pray for yourself.

My 2pence.
Is not a prayer for someone to get well, kind of redundant to begin with?

If God is directing our lives and events around them, then is it proper to pray for something that may be contrary to his will? If the outcome is his to determine, then we simply have to accept whatever it is. We do not know his will ahead of time, nor do we know the purpose of it.

a couple of you have said things that made me think of the book "when bad things happen to good people" by harold kushner. i listened to it on tape recently, (at my moms beckoning *eyeroll*), wasnt particularly enlightening for ME. a lot of the points made i already had made up in my mind. so it wasnt anything new, like OHH I SEE NOW! but thats just to me.

but it was good. it offers a diff perspective on "god"'s control over our lives and what is the point of prayer and such. not saying its right or wrong, but to me at least, this way of thinking that he talks about fits better with how we, as people who have been to hell and back with disease, have expereinced life.

i feel many of you guys that i know struggle with this dilemma interested at least by this book.

a little off topic sorry, but it relates to the discussion that ensued.

edit::crap! his name is harold not robert. dunno why i thought it was robert.
Harold. S. Kushner.
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Hmmmm, I thought something sounded fishy...ding sniffed it out, a sales pitch.

It wasn't really praying for someone, it was PREYING on people who are suffering and may be desperate for something/anything to work.

hmm?! lol (although it doesn't take much!).... glad it's finished!xx Happy Saturday to you all :0) xx
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