i wouldnt say it helps crohns directly, but it can help treat infections really well. i used it to get rid f a wicked cold i had and it worked wonders. its a tough medecine to swallow, but it definately works. its suppose to be really good for getting rid of bacteria/viruses/parasites/fungus etc in the digestive track. if you take it to get rid of any of these, especially fungus overgrowth (a common thing with crohns sufferers) make sure to take probiotics (good bacteria). it not only kills all these bad things, but will also decimate all your good bacteria that you need for a healthy digestive system. repopulate your system as you take the oil by staggering through the day, for instance, take oil of oregano breakfast/lunch/dinner and then take some probiotics before bed so they can replenish during the night.