Ok what is this...(embarassing)

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Feb 28, 2008

Not to be crude but can anyone tell me what this is...?

When I got the restroom, on my more solid days, sometimes it hurts so bad right at the "exit" and causes me to bleed.

It's almost like I cannot stretch enough to accommodate the exiting package. And the packages aren't XXL either. They are normal medium sized packages.

Does this problem have a name? or is it just "eat more fiber" type thing?
Sorry if the answer is obvious and I'm missing it.

Hi Kittee

I have a similar situation. I always thought it was hemerroids, but my doctor said it was fissures. She gave me a cortisone cream. Not sure if it helped though. They seem to come and go in my experience. Recently I have been running and noticed a lot of bleeding from my rear. I am not sure, but think it may be the fissures (they also get really sore). I have an appt. tomorrow so I am going to ask my doc.
In my case it actually IS caused by XXL packages. I'm OK when it comes out within normal parameters, but every now and then, usually associated with a bit of constipation, I get these "fissure rippers". Painful, and often with some localised bleeding.
I've had fissures in the past, though, where size M packages caused bleeding and pain... that was a real problem at the time
It might be anal stenosis. My surgeon mentioned it when examining me before surgery - during surgery he 'stretched' me a little! In my case because I had gone about 18months without producing anything solid, the muscles contract some, I guess. Stenosis simply means narrowing.
I would guess fissures as well. I have them too. And, in comparison to several years ago, mine get opened and re-opened everyday by relatively small, mushy packages. I guess I'm just raw down there right now. Hopefully once I start on the Humira it will have a chance to recover. Maybe.

In response to Beth -- My GI didn't mention anything about any stenosis anywhere, but man! I sure do have to strain to get anything out (unless I get a bit of D, which is fairly rare). I haven't had an issue with "XXL packages" for a long time now, but I didn't strain half as much with those as I am with what I have now. I don't even know if I can really call them formed lately, but I still have to push like I'm giving birth! Odd.
Hi Kittee...just wanted to give you the update from my doc. She said that when your muscles are contracting a lot during activities such as running or um, BMs, the blood is rushed to that area and this is probably what's causing the bleeding (due to the tissue being sensitive). She said that she wouldn't worry too much as long as I am not seeing clots. She offered me more cream (shrug). Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
thats soo weird....I was wondering something similar for the last 2 weeks...bleeding and pain...but no hemorrhoids. I'm just too embarrassed to say something to my doctor.
Hi i have a prolasped hemmriod aswell as a fissure and it is the worst pain ever!! Im not sure which one if causing this much pain but even with the D i can barly stand it!? does anyone know what to do
Thanks Shadycat.

I'm going to guess my problem is fissures. I did some reading up on it and it sounds to be the case. I drank some Miralax to help make my life easier.

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