Okay, I need some help... Really worried.

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Aug 13, 2011
Hey, I'm sure some of you have read some of my posts about how I have something going on "down there" and I'm leaning towards it being an abscess. I've figured out, it's not a pimple type everyone talks about, but it's like the skin itself is pushed out, and its very hard underneath. My whole left butt cheek is really sore now, even where there is no lump, it stings like crazy.

Here's the thing. My doctor's appointment is in two weeks now. It's the earliest I could get and I even called to try and get in earlier, and they didn't have space. (of course) I can barely walk now. Over the last week or so, it has taken a huge turn for the worst. I think there might be more trying to push through the skin and the abscess growing. I can barely walk, I have to stand on the bus because it's too painful to sit, it takes me forever to get seated at home, etc. My little 20lb dog is a jumper and when he jumps up behind me, something so small is the worst pain ever.

I know most of you will immediately say go to the e.r. but is that really the best idea? Will I just be dealing with a general surgeon who will just add to the problem? I go to school when I can, although some days I can't make it all day, and I've been living off Tylenol extra strength because that's all I have. I was told the pharmacy has pain medication behind the counter that is much stronger if you ask. I have too.

At this point, I think it might be too far past the medication period. This definately doesnt look like a pimple. I've been taking baths 5x a day right now because I find it numbs the area for a little while, but I can't keep going like this. With my luck, the doctor will be a complete idiot too.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to have some big surgery that will put me out of commission for awhile. I have school right now so I was going to talk about maybe doing something over the christmas break but I dont want to be a burden on the family over christmas because I'm inoperable. Can anyone help me? Has anyone had a surgery for an abscess? What was it like? I really don't want a stoma. My brother has one and he's had nothing but bad luck with it.

This sucks!
Oh, and it leaks like crazy! The second I sit down, its like I can feel puss coming out. I'm going through pads like there's no tomorrow and literally the whole thing is covered with puss and blood.
I would certainly go to ER. Another person on the forum sat on the fence too and I urged him to go to ER. He thanked me because the perintonitis could of gotten in his blood stream. I would seriously consider this! Your choice but you could be playing with fire!
Thank you. I am really considering it. I've had this stupid thing for a few years now and aside from the occasional bad days, it hasn't given me much problem. Lately though, its the worst pain I've ever felt! What do you think the hospital would do? Would they try medication or go right to surgery? What would surgery involve?

Thanks a lot.
I had a perirectal abscess and went to Dr. Back in 1999. Was immediately sent to the hospital and had surgery that day.
What was the surgery like? Can you give me some details on the procedure and healing process? Thanks
I'm with Pen-abscesses can be really dangerous. Could you try to get an appointment with your GP and discuss seeing a colo-rectal surgeon?
I agree that you should get in to be seen - even if it is at an ER - if you are leaking pus, that is a sign of infection - and you don't want to become septic - which if left alone too long can be FATAL...
They cut th abscess, drained it and packed it with gauze. Went home next day and had to remove gauze a day or so later. Then i had to keep cleaning the whole for a couple of weeks several times a day with a qtip and peroxide. It has to heal from the inside out.
That sounds really painful. Was it painful afterwards? Because its a new GI, I tried calling and they won't let me in earlier, no matter what the situation is. This is going to sound really stubborn and I know, but I'm really worried about messing up my school year. I shouldn't be putting school above health and maybe I'm just afraid of the surgery, but I really am worried about it.
Also, if I do go to the ER will it be a colorectal surgeon or will it be a general surgeon? I feel so stupid because "boys are supposed to be strong" but I'm scared. I've lived with this for so long now, but its just getting worse and worse. I don't know what I would do without you guys.
Dear KWalker,

I can understand where you are coming from, but sometimes it's not worth fighting these things just to get good grades. I do law at university and last year I was getting really sick around exam time, but I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to have to sit substitute exams later, or go through the various processes involved in missing one. So I pushed through, and you know where I ended up? In hospital - for three weeks. I also had to get surgery because my body wasn't reacting to steroids or anything else (probably because I had let things get too far). So seriously, all I can say is - it is not worth your health. The longer you leave it, the worse the ultimate result will be.
Besides I think you will find that ultimately teachers and tutors are pretty good when it comes to things like this. You have a serious illness, not a cold.
Anyways time to bite the bullet and just do it (do it today!). The sooner you do, the sooner it will be sorted and you can get on with school and everything else.

Wishing you the best of luck,
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm going to the ER tomorrow. I'm not letting them cut me open on the table but I need to get it fixed. I'm practically paralyzed from the waste down. I would go tonight, but its honestly better to wait and go in the morning. I will keep everyone updated and I hope you respect my decision. I'm really scared, but this has to be done so I can get on with my life.
Thank you very much. I may not know any of you personally, but you guys are some of the most amazing, understanding people around.
This might sound stupid but can anyone tell me what I need done? I refuse to let them slice me open on the spot without being completely knocked out, but is there anything I should be specific with? Or things NOT to let them do? I know they're the professionals, but I also know it probably won't be a specialist. Is there any terms I should listen for? Thanks guys
You're going to do great and the relief you will feel afterwards will be so, so worthwhile. Good luck.
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It's ok to be scared. I'm a 46 year old boy and a lot of things scare me. Acting despite being scared is called courage, you have courage because you are going tomorrow. The nurses and doctors will take good care of you I'm sure. Good luck, sounds like it is really painful.

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It is extremely painful. I have been taking codeine for the pain and seem to be slowly becoming paralyzed from the waste down. Maybe Ill end up getting there by ambulance. I've never been in an ambulance lol. Gulugirl, thank you very much for your insight. I absolutely need to be completely knocked out before anyone goes near it with a knife, and from experience, I am NOT looking forward to drinking barium if they make me do tests
They're giJust an update. I got admitted to the hospital and they're giving me emergency surgery tonight :( They said Ill be here for a few days minimum and told me to expect quite a bit of pain while they repack it everyday, so they're giving me morphine for awhile. I really hope I made the right choice, I'm really scared. Does anyone else know what the pain is like?
You made the right decision by seeking treatment. The post surgery will be a bit uncomfortable, but the relief you'll get from not having that pocket of infection makes it worth it. Take Care :)
Not sure about "that" pain. I would expect that there will be bleeding for a couple days after BM's. A guy beside me during a hospital stay had a hemorroid removed, and, given by what I heard, he passed at least a little blood! The packing - I had some done for my abdomen after a surgical incision became infected. Not really painful, but definitely uncomfortable. In a couple days it'll all be over and done with, and you'll be wondering why you decided to hold out for a month before going.
Hey guys, I just got out of surgery and am back up in my room. They gave me a private room so I can stay isolated because of the drainage. That's fine by me lol. I feel awesome. I'm so drugged up with morphine its unreal! The surgeon said she got really far up there and make sure she gets everything, and she doesn't think it will come back so I'm pretty happy about that. She's a super nice girl and very knowledgable. I think the worst part of the whole thing was having to fast all day so I couldn't eat or drink anything, but I'm making up for that now lol. Thank you guys so much for talking me into coming. They said Ill be here for about a week, but I'm so glad I got this done.
So glad to hear things are looking up KWalker, you did the right thing, and now life will be so much easier for you.
I wish you a very speedy and pain-free recovery!
Thank you guys both very much. I was so scared for this, but didn't feel a thing when I woke up I felt such a feeling of relief.
Well don KWalker :) Nobody likes a hospital visit/stay, but sometimes it's just got to be done. Wishing you as speedy and non-painful a recovery as possible. Take care of yourself. x
Great job man! Be proud of yourself. I'm happy for you. Now you'll do so much better with the school work. Hang in there ok

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Thank you guys very much. I always psych myself up for stuff like this. I feel so much better now, mind you I'm on a high dose of morphine lol. I had an awesome doctor, surgeon and nurses last night however today, I got stuck with the nurse everyone hates. I might ask to switch if she doesn't change. At this point, there's no way she's doing my packing for me. Oh and something I thought was funny, they brought me breakfast this morning, and what's on the cart but milk. Milk! That is probably the worst thing for people with crohns!
I just had my very first packing change. It was pretty tender and sore but I think having surgery just last night definately played a big part. The nurse got a lot better and is pretty friendly now so that helped quite a bit. I'm not in nearly as much pain as I expected and I'm definately glad I had it done. I feel so much better! They said there is a risk of it coming back or getting a fistula and having to get more surgery for that, but from what I heard the fistula isn't usually painful so I'd consider leaving it depending on the pain. I have to stay here for 2 more days after today then they'll discuss leaving although were not sure when Ill be back to school and Ill need a nurse to come pack it once a day, but everythings okay because I have a disibility slip for school so they will understand. I'm so glad I ended up coming. Thank you guys so much
Just a little update, the surgeon came in this morning and says the abscess looks great! They're giving me percosetts and sending me home tomorrow :). I still have to get a nurse to come pack the abscess everyday but its much better than sitting in a hospital.

So stupid though, one nurse with a little too much authority needs assigned me to be in isolation today because I had runny poop through the night. Umm, yep I have crohns, that's what happens. She put up some nice bright red signs outside the room, and now everybody that comes and goes out of the room has to wear gloves and a robe. My own mom is sitting here since Friday, and now she needs to do all this extra stuff. They're trying to say there could be more to the runny poop and I could pass something on to someone else. Nope, just crohns, I had it my whole life. -sigh
Hang in there man, you're doing great. Soon you'll be home and things will be better. Hospitals have protocols, they have to follow procedures. So just bear it as best you can.

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Thanks :). I just got home! I'm in some pain so I have some percosettes and I believe they gave me flaygyl. I have something else too but I'm not sure what it is.

Not so great though, I just went to the bathroom and all the packing they just put in, is now gone. All of it down the toilet. The hospital hasn't processed my records yet so they said it could be a little while until a nurse comes to re pack it.

How long did you guys wait before going back to work/ school? I'm taking the week off for sure to be safe, but I'm worried about it possibly falling out again while at school. I don't know what I would do. I have a bit of pain too so sitting is uncomfortable now that I'm off morphine. What did you guys do and how long were you out of commission? Thanks
Ok thank you. I just want to be able to sit on it without pain. Where my abscess is, there's absolutely no way I could hold it while going to the bathroom. I would have D all over my hand/arm. I still have heavy bleeding/puss so if it falls out at school, my pants would be covered afterwards. Absolutely not happening. They said they can't tape it either because of where it is. I only have 3 weeks left of school this term so I guess I might be taking it off. Ill have to see what the nurses say
I was out for about a week I think. My packing never stayed in either. You had it lanced and packed? What about a seton? Did you see a colorectal specialist surgeon?

C Diff precautions are standard for diarrhea regardless of cause. They have no choice but to assume you have it. It's bad, bad stuff and if they weren't ultra vigilant, it would spread like a fire through the hospital.
Also, if I do go to the ER will it be a colorectal surgeon or will it be a general surgeon? I feel so stupid because "boys are supposed to be strong" but I'm scared. I've lived with this for so long now, but its just getting worse and worse. I don't know what I would do without you guys.

Oh man. KWalker I'm sorry this happened this way. I warned you about leaving it wait until the ER scenario... I wish you the best. My advice now that you've already had it lanced and packed is to FOLLOW UP IMMEDIATELY with a colorectal surgeon. Get a referral if you have to as soon as possible and have it looked at and evaluated. Chances are, you may have to get it cut again. DO NOT allow it to be cut a second time without a colorectal surgeon consulting with you.

Don't just wait and see. Please trust me on this.
Muppet. I found out what I have is a perianal (sp?) Abscess. A really bad one actually. They did multiple things during the surgery. When they first poked the abscess, I had stuff squirting out from 3-4 inches away from where they poked it. They made the incision, used a wire type to fish through the hole giving them access to the whole thing and then they coterized it in spots. She said it was one of the worst abscesses she's ever seen. I guess that's what happens when it builds up for a few years.

She isn't a colorectal surgeon, but I couldn't wait any longer. I was in so much pain it was unbearable. She works a lot with bowels and even abscesses/infections and she was an amazing surgeon. I think I might even make her my new doctor. (She also has her own office). She was very knowledgable and I would reccommend her to anyone. She is also very familiar with the specialist I will be seeing so I'm really happy she worked with me.

I will be completely out this week, possibly longer, and so far I have 3 days next week for follow up, and speciailist appointments so that's almost a right off as well. The week after that is my final week of school for the term. I might have to take the whole rest of the term off as bas as it sounds. I can't take all this time off, then go back and catch up, AND write exams. I'm waiting for a phone call from my disibility office from school so we'll see what they say.

Even with the pain I'm in, I feel SOO much better than before.
I'm glad you're feeling better and that you appear to have found a knowledgeable surgeon. Honestly, though, if it were me or one of my kids, I'd still get a second opinion from a well recommended colorectal guy just to cover my bases. That's a very sensitive area for surgery and healing and one wrong move will affect you for life.

I'm not trying to make you anxious, just trying to stress that this is an area where you want to do as much due diligence as possible.
Okay, Ill see who I can find and get it looked at. I'm not doing much of anything this week though but I will definately get it looked at again. I have my app with my GI next Tuesday if I don't get to see somebody by then, ill have him show me to somebody. Actually I guess you never know, mine could of been a colorectal surgeon. There were a ton of surgeons and they picked her. I know her assistant specialized in crohn's as well. Ill have to look into it.
Hey guys, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get the packing to stay in. It never makes it the full 24 hours until the next packing change. What did you guys do? Do I keep calling the nurse 10x a day if needed to come change it? I don't want this to start healing over because the packing won't stay in.

Also, it's been 5 days since surgery now, and I'm still pretty stationary. The cut is approx 4cm long by 2 inches deep. It gets pretty sore at times, so I'm still on oxycodine pretty frequently. I tried to get up and walk around to the Walmart around the corner today and since then I've gotten sick twice. I don't know if it's because of the strong pain meds making me so high/dizzy or what, but it seems every time I eat, I get sick.

I'm pretty sure they put me on flagyl now, as well as another drug they said was pretty heavy so that could be causing the nausea as well.
Oh, and by the sounds of it, I'll be joining the Remicade club for the second time! Boo -.-

So what happens next? Will my abscess come back? Will it turn into a fistula? What about scar tissue? Will I require more surgery either way?

Thanks guys
You NEED to get in

Call every friggin doctor in the book until someone sees you. Do you have a general practioner? Have them refer you. If not - someone needs to see this now - it is dangerous.

I had a perirectal abscess - 4 weeks on2 time a day packing - which hurt like hell - but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I'm sorry, but did you miss the last page? Lol. I went in and had emergency surgery last Friday and am recovering now with packing also daily. Can't say I'm in a lot of pain though. I have an appointment with a G.I. Tomorrow as well, and Thursday with a surgeon to have a look at it and talk about where we go from here

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