Well, my initial dx took a long time. It wasn't so funny, either! But, there are funny stories thru the years that will share when the time is right.
When I was in high school and college, I used to say that I had a "crick" in my colon because I always knew when something was passing through that spot. Now I know it was an ulcer and adhesions. And in college I would have strange bouts of the big D and not know why. I didn't feel really sick or anything.
Then several years later, I kept coming down with the "flu". At least that is what the doctors said. I finally got mad and told one of the doctors it wasn't fair to dx me with that. People don't get the flu every couple of weeks. He told me life isn't fair. Grrrr. Secretly I was convinced that I had colon cancer and it was slowly eating away my colon. I had blood on my stool and I hurt constantly. They said I had a hemorrhoid and IBS and put me on massive doses of fiber plus laxatives.
A couple of months later I was hospitalized for severe abdominal pain, fever and uncontrollable D. I didn't show signs of appendicitis, but they put me on IV antibiotics to fight the "infection". They did an exploratory surgery and told me my bowel was the weirdest bowel they had ever seen.
I reacted to the antibiotic and they "finally" cultured out C. difficile. They wouldn't believe me that the "massive doses of antibiotics that caused this infection" were given to me at the hospital. I was discharged on Sulfasalazine and Flagyl.
A couple of weeks later I had to go back as I was throwing up constantly and having D again. This time they sent me to a specialist in another city and he diagnosed me after a colonoscopy. I was lucky that way. Another lady in our town that was sick around the same time ended up being treated by doctors here and pretty much lost her colon.
Now I am on Pentasa and it pretty much holds me except when it doesn't. LOL!! I also have Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, and Hypothyroid disease. All pretty much normal with the disease and medications we have to take. I hate Prednisone and could live my whole life without taking it again. But, I won't, I know.
That is enough about me for now. Thanks for the warm welcome! This is the first forum I have found where people know that all the symptoms you can have don't necessarily follow the text book. That is nice, because mine sure don't!
I picked sunflower because I live in Kansas and they are really growing this year. I have seen them alongside the road, and there are tons this year because of all the rain. They will be beautiful this year, I think.:biggrin: