On a diet but its painful

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Oct 7, 2011
on a diet but its painful

I have gone on a diet, last real flare up 5 years ago I dropped to about 8 and half stone (dont ask me what that is in pounds) I am now 12 and a half stone ! i have been using azathioprine on its own for the last 3 years and it seems to keep things quiet, anyway i want to loose some weight. I have been having two bowls of breakfast cereal (mostly bran) and a small evening meal each day and fruit and I have lost 6 pounds in a week, But god its very painful !! stomach cramps and guts ache, has anyone one else found the same and has anyone got and tips/advice I want to get to 11 and a half stone.


Hi Dave
Is this very different to what you were eating before? Sounds to me there is a lot of fibre in this diet with the bran, fruit etc which might be what's causing the pain and cramps?
Hi Dave
Is this very different to what you were eating before? Sounds to me there is a lot of fibre in this diet with the bran, fruit etc which might be what's causing the pain and cramps?

Thats what im thinking, ive been told fibre is good for crohns but its does not seem to be doing me much good.
It sounds like the change in diet has been too sudden! Can you do it more gradually, or find some safe foods you could have instead? Or maybe rather than changing food, just eat smaller portions of the foods you were eating before. I'd guess you are getting the symtoms because of the food, not because the illness has come back.

High fibre diets are actually bad for CD I believe. You could check out the diet forum on here for some better advice :)
Have you had Crohn's for a while? My guess is that you might have a bit of narrowing caused by scar tissue left from healed inflammation and your gut is finding it hard to process the fibrous food.
Do you have regular checks of any kind?

I agree with the above feedback. The diet your on sounds like the fibre is high, this makes you body work harder to digest, and a result would be the pain and bloating. Not fun. It may well be worth your time to look at other crohns friendly diet planms for your self!

Good luck.
Lol :), but young at heart like me, yeah? I'm thinking with your fruit and veg, you could make sure you eat only the less fibrous ones and avoid ones that are well-know for triggering CD symptoms i.e. oranges, mushrooms, cauliflower, onion etc. And possibly try blending your fruit into smoothies and making soups from the veg to see if that helps?
Let us know how you get on.

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