I am glad that you did not make any irrational decisions. There are some rough moments that we all go through. Life itself can be an emotional struggle at times from the surrounding that impact our lives. When you also have to deal with a chronic illness it just makes things more complicated. At times many of us have thought when going through dark times, that there would be no end to the misery and pain. Talking it out with people, venting, and finding ways to cope with difficult times are a necessary thing to do to emotionally be able to cope with it all.
I myself have had many rough moments. My life is definitely not perfect, not that anyones is! I had many dreams also like yourself. I loved science and graduated and worked in a lab. I wanted to continue within the medical field but was not able to. I made a decision that it was too many hours on my body to be in that field and it took a lot of time to decide on a career change that would still make me happy. I am still not able to go back into the workforce yet, as I am on disability because I am still not well.
I was not able to get my undergrad degree untill I was 28. When I was your age I was told nothing was wrong with me except for anxiety when they did some tests but none to search for any IBD conditions. I was suffering. I ignored it till I was not able to anymore and became extremely ill when I was 25 1/2. at 26 I was dx with crohns and my terminal ileum was narrowed to the point of no help. All these years in between had to take time off school a lot. Now was the big gap in my goal for completing school. Surgeries, many hospital stays, so many complications (abcess, blockage, flare ups). At 28 when I sat there with my class at graduation tears came to my eyes from happiness of all what I overcame. The week of finals right before I graduated I wound up in the hospital. I cried and cried because it was also my birthday that I spent in there. ( I was more upset about graduating) I told the nurses that if I was still in there for graduation that I would leave if I had to and drag myself to my seat for graduation. My professors worked with me and I took most of the finals the day after I got out of the hospital. It was hard but I did it!!! It felt so good I cannot even explain to be able to sit there at graduation and think that I was there after all I overcame.
Some advisors told me to take easier classes and to possibly change my major from Biology and psychology to something simpler and related. I said no but altered it a bit to still get into the field I wanted. I got the major in Psychology and almost Biology but did not have the organic chem. Sickness made me drop it too many times. I got the minor instead in Biology but had all what I needed to get my research and lab experience! No big deal for me now that I think about it. lol
There was a point where I once also after a second surgery had thoughts like you. I am glad I did not do anything. I am 30, but when I was your age I pictured my life to be so different. I would have my career, married, own a house by now, have the car that I want (an audi!) maybe be working on a PhD and many more things.
I do not have any of those things lol. I live in an apartment by myself (well at least I have my little guy! An 11 year old chihuahua!) I am on disability, I drive a corolla that I wish a big rock would fall on so I do not have payments anymore lol. And I am not there yet for a Phd. I almost have my masters degree. And I will also smile proud when I get that from all the hurdles that are thrown in front of me. I am sick still and even this thanksgiving was ruined because I spent a week in the hospital. Its my favorite holiday and my family has a tradition of all getting together in the city at a great restaurant (carmines). I changed that this year, no one got together because of me! My father visited in the morning and I told him to go before my mother and brother got there. They hate him! Fun for me because thats a whole other frustration. My mother and brother stayed with me the whole day after and we joked and lol even though I was really sick. I looked at them after my mother almost threw me out of the bed from playing with the buttons bec I said I couldnt get comfortable and smiled and lol. Sick, pain and all we all could not stop lol that day. Even though I felt bad they ate a horrible looking turkey sandwich from the hospital cafateria we all know how important we are to each other and I am greatful to have my mother and brother.
Its frustrating because I also miss being as active as I once was. I used to be very active. Riding 7 seater bikes in New York City, working full time, going to school when I was able to, spinning classes, swimming laps at the gym, going out with friends and more when I was well. I see some friends and people I know with many things that I would like. It is frustrating at times when I think of how nice it would be, but I could not be more happy for them if they are happy themselves.
I look at the bright side of things when I can. Recently I just had a huge heartbreak that I feel set myself up for. I just started dating someone a three weeks ago and he makes me smile. I do have hope for this one! lol after the couple of strange dates I had right before him. But I can lol about them. Friday night I went to a friends wedding with my new guy! My best friend brought her date also, and we had a blast! Just sitting there watching the bride and groom sooo happy together brought a smile to my face. I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge (both of these do not come easy with a disability salary
), and my few good friends, and some family that I know I can count on when I need them.
My brother and I have many conversations about this. He helps me just think of a lot of things and laugh even over some things even when the world seems like its collapsing around me. I have my moments where I cry here by myself when I think of things, but my hope that things will change helps me get by along with family and friends (and you guys!!) trying to keep me strong.