One more question about fistulas....

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May 1, 2012
What about hot tubs and pools???? do you swim? soak??

my colorectal surgeon said i could use the hot tub and pool as long as i wasnt actively weeping......

my question why? is it a health risk for me? or for the water? or?

can anyoen help me out????? I miss my hot tub and my pool . I havent been in either since i found out i had an abscess.....a year and half......:(
Just a guess but I expect that it is more about the puss and "stuff" getting into shared water than any worry of the chlorine hurting you.

I am glad you mentioned this, I never thought to ask about it.
well that is what i was thking. I mean i have a seton on the one side but not the other. BUT the seton side is the one that weeps when i have a bad D day.....seeing as it is MY hot tub and pool, we can shock it and clean it as nessecary. I am very paranoid, but a part of me keeps thinking, how much worse can it be?
I haven't swam since I had my setons placed, just because I think it's gross for everyone else. Before that, I didn't swim on the days when my fistulas were actively draining.
I would imagine it's the likelyhood of getting bugs from the water, although if it's your pool/hot tub I don't see that as much of an issue. Could you not get some waterproof dressing to put on to wear when you go in and just take it off when you get out. My son has one called Allevyn thin for his abcess/fistula area that you can put straight onto a wound which seals it up (until the puss starts building up).
I used my pool the entire summer when I had a fistula and seton with no problems. If you have a seton then the trct is open, the chance of "catching" a bug is nill.

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