One Year Ago Today

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Dec 11, 2010
I was wondering if I would live to see Christmas Day. I was waiting and waiting for the emergency op, for 3 days. Finally at 5.30PM they wheeled me down to theatre. I felt so alone. I'd never had surgery really. Just minor things. Nothing major. I didnt know if they were going to have to remove my entire colon, or just the worst bits. All I knew was that I was going to wake up with a stoma. If I woke up.

I remember the Love Bug was playing on the telly in the ante room. Awful movie. But the songs were good. I remember thinking, I know my mum is here in spirit, and my grandmothers. I know I am not alone, but I do know that when you have to go through things like this, you HAVE to do it alone. No one can be there in your mind and body to get you through it, you have to do it yourself.

But, because I had joined this group the month prior to this surgery, I felt much more positive than I would've. I felt that in actual fact, when I got out of hospital, I would be supported, by you lovelies!!! Even though you all couldnt make me a cuppa, I could still come on here and get help when I needed it.

Just a thank you to all of you. And, happy birthday bad boy!!
Happy Birthday Bad Boy Stan!

Aw Misty, you lived to tell the tale, no regrets hey?
Have a fab Christmas hun
xxx :heart:
Regrets...I've had a few...I'll stop singing now. Yes, I regret not taking care of myself and letting it get that bad!

Did I learn...probably NOT! But Stan is a lifesafer! (even though he's just like a moody man!)
Happy Birthday Stan!...:birthday2:

Oh Misty...:hug:...that bought a tear to my eye but also a smile that you did indeed wake up and are here with us now. :)

Off topic...just one question though...why is it that all the Stoma's around here have male names? Or is the answer the obvious I'm thinking of...:ylol:

So happy you are here Misty, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Thank you Dusty, I'm glad to be here too! You KNOW why most of them have men's names...ahem.
Misty ~ you are one brave mama!
I am so happy for you and glad that you're still with us.

Stan, as bad as he is, deserves a celebration.
He is your life-saver. :hug:
Wrap him in a pretty bow for the occasion. :)
Happy Bday to Stan!

So glad you are in a much better place this year.
Happy Birthday Stan.
Congratulations to you Misty, for getting through what you have and being a positive rolemodel for people like me.
I am also grateful to have found this forum as I am facing surgery as well. Am not as worried as I would have been as I know there are lots of brains I can pick for info on here.
Hope you and Stan have a fab Christmas and he behaves for you.
Sharon xxxxx
Stan says 'thank you' for the birthday wishes. I fed him cake last night (well, you know what I mean) he's been a bastard all day today, perhaps he's hung over?

Ya'll have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! May 2012 be the healthiest we all have ever been!
happy birthday stan!!
...sounds like may have been partying hard yesterday then! lol

you are an inspiration misty :)
hope you and stan have a very happy christmas and new year!!
Congrats Stan on your Birthday!

:cheers: Merry Christmas to a brave and enlightening woman! You've been thru it and you are still smiling and moving forward---what an inspriation. Take care of you and yours! Hugs, Snap (Dana):p
I am very glad for your Stan matter how bad he is, he is the reason you are still here with your wonderful sense of humor and your unbeatable spirit.

I wish and hope that 2012 will be all it can be for you! Merry Christmas and much love and hugs!

Happy birthday Stan and Merry Christmas Misty! So glad you are in my life, I have grown to cherish you and your stan. (Always stand by your man :lol). You are a trooper and deserve all the happiness you can get. Cheers to man (stan)!!! Hugs!
Thank ya'll very much!!!! Stan says thank you too! (at least I think thats what he said, came out more of a belch/sneeze, but I'm pretty sure it was a thank you! :ycool:)
Misty and Stan the naughty
Happy Stomaversary to you and Stan!

Selfishly, I am glad Stan was born because that means we all get to benefit from your wit, wisdom and amazing sense of humor and spirit.

Love you, Misty! Merry Christmas to you and Stan!!

xo xo xo - Ames
So glad to read your stories... your life with Stan. I know so well that feeling of overwhelming alonness one faces when being wheeled into surgery. I have had numerous belly surgeries and I never knew what I was gonna wake up too. My stoma was born in 2003. And has since been closed up and a new stoma on my other side was born in 2010. I call him MT. Vesuvius ....
For obvious reasons. And a male stoma for sure . Happy birthday to Stan. They have made a big difference in our lives haven't they? A lifesaver
Happy Belated birthday Stan!

:ywow: Your stories are great, honey! You are awesomely funny, witty, wise, and I love it when you cuss out Stan. How strong you are to have survived such a daunting emergency surgery. Thanks for the laughs, chick. I tried to come up with a boy name for mine---after all it is 12 days old already. I just couldn't bring myself to name it a boy name---I'm surrounded by testosterone at home. My "Blossom" (you can read later how I came up with that) is a lifesaver similar to your naughty Stan. Keep laughing, girl---you're a true-blue inspiration---and funny as hell!:rof: Dana
Honey, 'it' doesnt have to be a boy!!! It just looks like, yah know...a peni. It also behaves like a man.

However, if I go all medical and such...the large colon is male, the small colon is female. ileo is a girl, and a colo is a boy..technically of course! (this is going all Latin and such)

Mine as a colostomy is a boy..and he is all boy. no doubt...a girl. They have thier own personalities...oh wow do they ever. But the point being...they are all life savers. A pain in the proverbial ass yes...but life savers none the less.

A toast to stomas! (may they give us a break for gds sake and behave...or so help me I'll pour a gallon of scotch on the little '****'!)
I named mine Oscar because he's a Good to know that I picked the right gender name for him though...he being all large intestine-y and
As I sat in my families living room.... crowded in with everyone watching a movie. ... of course my stoma started making noises. Not just a little noise. But loud and long belchings. I am not that close to this part of the family and no one knows I have a colostomy. _@. I gotta say I was sooo embarrassed. I left the room and stayed in the kitchen. Oh well
You were just doing what they secretely WISHED they could do with the noises!

Sounds like something Stan would do...anything for attention. Thats why I'm always squashing the bugger!
lol last night I was sitting around with my bf's family.. the first time I've seen them since my op. My bag was filling up with air but I didn't want to go to the loo to empty the air out while watching the film. Then I thought I felt the air make a leak and I could smell some nasty smell... I was about to comment that I thought my bag was leaking and sorry about the smell when I suddenly realised that if there was a leak, by bag would of deflated.. it was someone else that had made the small! I had a little internal giggle!!
Isn't it funny how we automatically think that every smell is our smell? lol
When my bag fills up like a balloon ... I don't like to go to someones bathroom to let the air out cause the smell sometimes could knock ya out. The other night I went outside in the cold. Then I secretly popped the bag open and got back inside before anyone noticed me. Sometimes having to go outside is the only way to avoid smelling up the place. Sheeeesh
Awww! Can you not be happy to get vengeance on the men??? I mean think about it, how many times have THEY cleared a room and been proud about it!?
That's for sure!! But I gotta say the smell that comes out of a bag can be particularly nasty. Any times in the hospital the nurses and aids have cleared out when the bag was popped open. They all immediately remember they have something urgent to do elsewhere and will be right back. Sometimes I have to laugh as they try so hard not to let on they can't breathe.....
You know, you have talent there. I think you should use it to your advantage in certain situations....just sayin' :yfaint:

For instance...long waiting lines..very discreet...teeehhheeeee!!! I'm sure you can think of things to use it to your advantage. (I can clear a aisle in Tesco's in record time, especially useful with screaming children abound) :devil:
It must be because you have a colostomy, lari as the air in mine doesn't tend to smell at all unless there is output in the bag which fragrances it!
it's not the colostomy.
I tend to head outside to burp mine too, I don't want that smell in my house.
Same here ... although, usually during the day, when things are "flowing" it isn't so bad but the first one in the early morning hours ... phew ... even the dogs try to hide! :)

LOL, Misty ... there are some thoughts ...airplanes...get some room around you! :D
Oh yes, I took movicol yesterday. Well, this mornings was enough to make Freya run screaming from the room! Nearly fainted myself! :stinks:

Airplanes...I wouldnt dare! Or would I..........?
Even if its freezing and snowing outside I still go put there first thing in the morning cause that'd when the smell is at its worst!! So when I spend the holidays with family this is the main drawback. Only one bathroom..... so I get up before everyone else and take care of business. And hope my stoma stays calm thru the day.
You guys are all so considerate!! I don't care if my **** stinks quite frankly! It is what it is. If the bathroom I'm using at the time has some spray in it (like air freshener), I'll give that a spray before I come out, but otherwise I don't worry about it. When you gotta go, you gotta go!
Same here ...

LOL -- yesterday I went to Victoria's Secret to exchange some nice sweat pants and the minute we hit the store I nearly fainted :ywow:.....

Misty, were you there???

Boys and that was some stink!!!!:ytongue:
I have tried the bags with the filters and it does help during the day cause the bag doesn't get bubbled up with gas as the day goes on. No need to "burp". I just wish they made them with bigger filters that didn't clog up. Anyway... its less stink toworry about when out with other people. Aaahhhh. The things we have to think of... and do ...
Late to the party here, but wanted to wish a belated Stomaversary to Stan and Misty!

xo xo xo - Ames

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