OTC medications and reactions?

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Jun 14, 2011
Just wondering, has anyone had any issues with typical OTC medications? My son hasn't needed any since diagnosis but, we're going to DisneyWorld tomorrow and I want to pack some meds like anti-nausea, anti-diarrhea, antihistmine, etc. (am packing Tylenol, NO ibuprofen :thumbdown: )

As I haven't had to give him anything since diagnosis, just wondering if there's anything I should avoid??? Any brands/types that you've found have been problematic???

Anything else you would advise I pack?

Thanks for your help! :ybiggrin:
As you said Ibuprofen is a no no. I haven't had a problem with anti-nausea but haven't needed them. I don't recommend anti-diarrhea pills be used habitually as they will make his inflammation worse in the end. Of course if he's flaring and the trip is already scheduled, you may have to use them for a brief period.

Make sure he understands that anti-diarrhea medication is for exceptions and not to be used for convenience (or, unfortunately, even day-to-day comfort).

Have fun at Disney! I'm jealous! We haven't been since 2008.
Hi Muppet,

Thanks for your reply. He's not flaring now but between the rides and having less control over the food (prep, etc.), just want to be prepared if he feels ill. This is all still a bit new to me so I'm a little worried that I could trigger a flare if I give him something I shouldn't. :frown:

In addition, his only treatment has been a nutritional formula (started as an enteral diet, now it's maintenance - 1/2 dose, 5 nights per week), but while we're away, he won't be having the formula (which is his only 'medication'). His doctor said that he should continue the formula for the two 'off' nights the week before and after the trip but, just one more reason why I'd like to be prepared on the trip.

Expecting that all will be fine BUT better safe than sorry! :eek:

Thanks! Yes, am so looking forward to going!!!! Think we can all use some 'magical' moments here and there! :hippy:
When I went I had an active fistula and major asthma issues but still managed a good time. Disney is good that way.

His case must be pretty mild if his only prescription is bowel rest by way of the formula diet? Have you spoken to his specialist about your trip?
It does seem that most people take some sort of medication??? Can't really explain why he doesn't... They told me he had moderate Crohn's in his TI, some in the large bowel and a little in his duodonem (spelling???). Apparently, they couldn't see his small intestine as the scope doesn't reach in that far (he's supposed to have an MRE/MRI but hasn't happened yet), but they assumed there was some inflammation in his small intestine due to swelling seen in the ultrasound.

When he was admitted, he was given Flagyl and then started on the enteral diet. His crp at arrival was approx 150, he was anemic and had lost almost 20lbs. By the time we left, his crp was down to 20 and last month was 6 or 7 and he's gained 25 lbs. He seems to have responded really, really well to the treatment. (For which, OMG, I am so grateful!!! :biggrin: Makes me even more anxious in that I DON'T want to make a mistake and push him into a flare!!!) The only medication he takes is one nexium per day.

I did ask his specialist re the trip and even asked if 'rides' could hurt him (I 'know' they giggled at the question! LOL). And, as we're only going for 4 nights, he suggested the slight alteration to the formula schedule and didn't expect that it would be a problem (nor the rides! :yoshijumpjoy: whew!)

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