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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 4, 2011
Hi! I am a 51 year old female who has CD, as well as 2 children 16/20 with the same disease. (We should be the poster children for Charmin LOL) My son 20 was diagnosed 3 years ago. His illness was under control so the genius decided while away at college, he no longer needed to take his meds! OOOPS...he ended up with emergency surgery (December 2010) . He was riddled with sepsis, had a perforation and over 12" of intestine removed. After 1 week in the hospital with an NG tube, a blood transfusion and other" fun" things, he now respects his disease and takes his meds regularly.
My daughter was diagnosed after several bouts with "D" and weight loss. Her diagnosis was quicker, as the doctor was treating her brother. She has always been diligent about taking meds, but unfortunately needed MAJOR surgery on June 9th resulting in almost 2 feet of intestines removed as well as an abscess, fistulas etc...causing her to have a temporary iliostomy. ("Omar")We are hoping to set a date for the reversal shortly. She is doing amazing, I am sooooooooooo proud of how brave she is!!!
I have always had a "bad" stomach and after going to several docs when I was younger was told I have IBS. Last September, my stomach was feeling "different" and I was advised to get a colonoscopy ...yup...it was Mommy's turn!!! I feel very lucky, as I have been pretty much asymptomatic. I take Pentasa but now my doc wants me to start Imuran as she feels Pentasa is just not going to work and the history is strong. Not sure what I'm going to do yet, need labs.
So....we are 3 Crohnies in 1 house! I have been reading this Forum lots lately and finally decided to write My Story. Sorry it's lengthy! I'm looking forward to helping others as well as educating myself. ;)
Your story is touching! I hope you have more than one bathroom, btw. lol

Welcome to the forum! I look forward to hearing stories about your family.

Welcome to the forum! And I must say, I hope you have a lot of bathrooms in your house! ;) Sorry to hear that both you and your children have Crohn's, but it's good that you have firsthand knowledge of some of the things they're going through and can be a good support to them. There's an Imuran Club in the treatment section that you may want to look at if you haven't already, and there's also a Parents sub-forum in the Support section. And there's also a stoma sub-forum which might be of interest to your daughter. Good luck to all of you, I hope the imuran works for you, that your son keeps taking his meds, and that your daughter can get her reversal soon.
Hi and welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear about all 3 of your diagnosises. And they question a genetic link?!

Way to go on joining the forum, Mom. You'll learn a lot on here that I am sure will benefit you and your children. Once again, welcome!
Hi and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here 'cause this is a fab place for support and info!

I don't have Crohns but my two children do and they are similar ages to yours and have had surgery also. My son was diagnosed very quickly because of sister, so many similarities!

Crohn's Mom, Tracey, has an 18y/o daughter, Gabs, that had surgery in March and she also has a temp ileostomy. Tracey is currently having tests done and IBD may be one of the outcomes.

You have already been pointed in the right direction for the forums that may be of particular interest to you so I can't add anything there! Good luck with the decisions you need you make hun. Welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Welcome to the forum, i have had crohn's now for 21 years and still fighting it so, i know it's hard with three. anyway see you around the forum. best wishes
Welcome to the forum. HA! I did the same exact thing in college and the same exact thing happened to me. I know better now.

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