I have to be monitored by an adult rhuemy and go once a yr, unless in a flare up then i go every week.
Spoke to GI, he felt the maintenance drug (which the name I cant remember right now - sorry newborn baby brain) he was planning on starting Jacob on would help treat joint pains but supports whatever decision I make on the rhuemy. His pediatrician initially really pushed the issue but then let up once we got the official diagnosis and heard my rant about not taking him to another dr so they can draw 8493030 bloods. At that time my then 3yr old had been hospitalized twice totaling 15 days, had 2 endo/colonoscopies, about 4 xrays, 2 ct scans with contrast, ultrasounds of everything, and countless viles of blood taken. He was under the care of - cardiology, infectious disease, gi, and immunologist. So i just felt like it was alot. Plus i was a huge 7 months pregnant. Up until Sinai, it was hard to find someone who remembers his age and thought of him as a child first. Sorry again for my rant nature, ive kept alot of my feelings bottled in because its just easier to cope that way. Im also very anxious about returning to work full time and being away from him. Everytime i thought we were ok, we would end up in a hospital.
So yea im a bit all over today.
Maya - CHOP is childrens hospital? (Sorry if question seems silly)