I am so truly touched by all of the support from everyone here, It means the absolute world to me; more than you will ever know. :heart::heart:
Kelly2, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness

After I've hopefully had a bit of sleep tonight, than I will try and find your story to read. Ours do sound very similar.
Gab had a pretty good day considering. She is in pain of course, it's to be expected. However, it's nothing compared to the pain she had post surgery in March. I am pleased with that.
Also, she didn't wake up with any extra tubes this time! No catheter, No JP drains, and especially NO OZZIE ! :ylol: she's already been up and to the restroom to pee a few times ! Also, We can already here grumbling sounds in her bowels! All good stuff
I had a talk with her the other day and was trying to explain to her that she will most likely experience some phantom Ozzie moments since he was around for nine months, and was definitely a part of her every experience. Well, I have lost count at how many times she has told me that she keeps thinking he's still there and reaches down to "quiet" him and realizes it's gone. that and she keeps asking why they are taking so long to take her back and do the surgery and how she just knew it wasn't going to happen

Poor girl, I can't wait till her pain meds are lowered and she can remember that she's had the surgery and it IS REAL AND GONE :ywow:
I am beyond tired, but I'll catch up when I get home LOL.
It's ironic that we are on the same floor, with the same favorite nurse, and the same room as the March surgery !! And we were pleasantly surprised that they remembered her and I the moment we came in
In fact the only negative experience that's happened so far was nothing to do with Gab. I went to the nurses station and politely requested a cup of coffee. the tech lady on duty says "Sure you can have coffee, but would you like some crackers, or a snack bar, or something to eat?" I simply said, no thank you just coffee please. So as I start to walk back to her room, this tech follows me a bit and says..."but you're sooooo skinny, are you sure you won't eat some crackers?? Please??"
WTF ?? Seriously, people do this ? I mean, does she think I'm not aware of what size I am ??? I'm quite offended, even tho I'm sure in her mind she meant well. Still, no excuse ! :mad2:
Other than that...It has been one hell of a well deserved amazing day for both my daughter and myself !! :rosette2: