Our Surgery Journey

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So excited for this journey to come to an end for you both. Please know (and let Gabs know to) that you both have be an inspiration for my family, especially my daughter. Sending our wishes and prayers that there may a lifetime of remission for Gabs.

The Simone Family
I'm soooo very happy for Gabs!!!! She certainly does deserve (as do YOU! :) ). I hope she can start on her Cimzia soon and get on with her lifetime of remission!!!!!:ybiggrin::ybiggrin::ybiggrin:
Oh, how I love to hear wonderful news!! Hoping those infections are gone soon and that things are going smoothly in no time!! Congrats! :)
I thought we were done with things "surgery" related, and we basically are.
However, I completely forgot that she needed a follow up on her kidney issues from before the first surgery. ( I like forgetting about how bad things were actually :) )
So, she goes next Friday for her Nuclear Medicine Scan and another round of blood tests.
I'm hoping the kidney has repaired itself completely and she will be discharged from this doctor ! One less doctor in our list of many :D
I forgot about that too T! :eek2:

God I hope the scan shows all is AOK, Gabs has had to deal with enough to last a hundred lifetimes!

Sending mega loads of love, luck and well wishes!...:goodluck:

Are you going with her T? Sarah had one of those scans done, it's interesting watching the dye and the scanning. :)

Dusty. xxx
Thanks Dusty :)
I went with her for the first one in June ? last year, but I didn't get to go back with her and watch :/
I'm actually not going with her this time. This will be the first appointment, ever, that I won't be! :eek2: JJ and I have decided to take a road trip up to Missouri for his Spring Break next week so I asked her if she could find a friend to tag along :)
I'm sure she'll do just fine. She has other appointments that day as well ~ bloods drawn again and she has to pick up some machine for her sleep study appointment coming up soon.
My how times have changed when I am "ok" and know that she can handle this, and she has no hesitations about me not being there ! :lol:
That's a bugger you didn't get to see the first one.

I hear ya T! Your baby is growing up! :lol: And what an incredible young lady she turning out to be! :):):)

Ooooo, have fun on holidays! Maybe something will arrive in the post before you leave! ;)

Dusty. :)
I'm soooo hoping all goes well at her scan!!! Let her just put this ALL BEHIND her!!!:Flower:

And love the new picture! She is really so gorgeous! :queen:
Awe Tess thank you! :)

Kim - we will be in St. Louis some but also (mostly) in Illinois as well. We're just going to relax and visit w my brother ( who also has CD) - cookouts, camp fires, four wheeling, - good ole lil "redneck" fun ! Lol my brother is a good ole boy- I just love him! :)
Well knock me over with a feather T! I didn't know Dex was your brother!
Har....dee...har..har!! Swing by here on the way T!! I'll hook you up with some moonshine and wacky-tobaccy! Ain't nothin' like moonshine and four-wheelin'!!
What a story, I just read from the beginning...wow, just wow.
I guess this is what V's doc fears when he speaks of undertreatment.

I'm very happy to read the ultimate outcome, though.
She is so lovely :smile:
Thank you Julie :)

That's exactly why I kept documenting everything...even my "crazy" "overreacting" moments; I knew in my heart it was going to be ok, and I wanted others to know it as well ! :)
Oh T...thinking about you and your gorgeous girl hun...:hug::hug::hug:

Always, :heart:
Dusty. xxx

Har....dee...har..har!! Swing by here on the way T!! I'll hook you up with some moonshine and wacky-tobaccy! Ain't nothin' like moonshine and four-wheelin'!!

why are you no longer on the 6mp?
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