Pain and cramping in my upper left quadrant and black diarrhea

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 5, 2009
Does anyone have either of these? I have it in my terminal illeum which was removed in may. But now I am having pain and cramping in my upper left quadrant right under the bottom of my rib cage, also black D. and nausea. I had my colonoscopy last week which looked good. So now I am waiting on an appointment for a pill cam. Just wondering if you have either of these what your symptoms are and where your pain is. I am just nervous the disease has moved and can't stand the wait any longer.

•Gastroduodenal CD - Gastroduodenal Crohn's disease, which affects the stomach and the duodenum (the highest, or beginning, portion of the small intestine), is often misdiagnosed as ulcer disease. The correct diagnosis frequently is not made until various ulcer treatments have failed, or until Crohn's disease is identified farther down the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of gastroduodenal CD include loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, pain in the upper middle of the abdomen, and vomiting.

•Jejunoileitis - Jejunoileitis is Crohn's disease of the jejunum (the longest portion of the small intestine), which is located between the duodenum and the ileum. Symptoms include mild to intense abdominal pain and cramps after meals, diarrhea, and malnutrition caused by malabsorption of nutrients. (The majority of nutrients are absorbed in the jejunum.) Fistulas (abnormal openings in the intestinal tract) may form. These can link a diseased area of the small intestine to another area of the intestine or another organ, such as the bladder. Fistulas may increase the risk of developing infections outside of the GI tract.
Hey Dusty D, anyway you can associate the black D with a food or medication? How long has this new pain persisted? There are myriad diagnoses it seems for all the ibd symptoms you all go through. No wonder it's so hard to nail anything down!!
I started to flare around the 7th went to hospital on the 9th cuz pain was so bad and they put me on pred I guess the black D showed up around the 11th lasted for about two weeks and is now gone. I am still on the pred 20mg with out a taper. Still swollen (had some one congratulate me on my pregnancy last weekend...haha) and still having the pain but not as bad and still having the D but have had it since my surgery in May.

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