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May 11, 2011

I have some questions about having a flare. I am on Entocort for a couple of months now and walmart messed up my prescription and i was off for 4 days. a couple of weeks later i had this terrible pain in my rectum! It was throbbing and it was so painful I stayed in bed crying. I tried suppositories but they wouldn't go in like there was something in the way plus it was so painful i could pass out from pain. I have a high pain tolerance this was off the charts! so i went to urgent care and he didnt understand me he kept saying i was constipated i told him no! I have crohns and i have diarrhea. So i have been on Vicodin for now a month due to pain and my dr wont see me. so i saw my primary and he doesn't know much about crohns. So i go next wed to see my GI dr. Also lately i have been sick to my stomach nausea and dizzy spells. Then I have pain and can hardly eat. I know i dont have a obstruction because i have seen patients with them and I have been having bm's. I don't know if anyone has had such pain before. I have had hemorriods and fissures but this is extreme pain. I cant stand or sit i have to take 2-3 Vicodin. I told my primary that something is wrong. The urgent care dr did a check but said it was tight but nothing else. I dont like my Gi dr but its a small town and not very many options. Any one have suggestions?
Im sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. All I can say is your GI doctor sounds crappy. I would think if you are a Crohn's patient and having trouble he would see you ASAP. Sorry you live in a small town. I hope you can get some help and a new doctor. Doesn't the hospital near you have a GI doctor on call?
no sadly, I work at the hospital and my company doesn't have a GI dr. They are in the next town over where mine is at. They are so swarmed with patients and surgery you cant get in the see them
Try to relax anyway you can. Stick to bland food. Of course you know all this. If it gets bad consider going over to the next town to see a doctor. If your struggling, get help.
Wow, I'm so sorry you're having this much trouble :( I sat thinking of suggestions but couldn't come up with anything. But I wanted to send some *hugs* your way and give you a free bump so someone else might come along with some additional ideas.
Hi tayandky,

I have a few thoughts. First, you can strictures and still have bowel movements. Vicodin may actually make it worse...but, since you dissociate from the pain, it may make you think you are doing better.

I'm also curious that you refer to pain in your rectum. Can you explain this?

How about the dizzy spells? Can you describe them. When do they occur? How long do they last. Can you remember the first time you experienced them?

My pakn started about a month ago and it was throbbing extreme pain it took my breathe away and I had to call off work. I had no meds for a week then i went to urgent care. That's when they put me on vicodin. The nausea started about a week after. This weekend was terrible and it was after I ate and it would come on way after taking pain meds. The dizziness started about a week and a glad ago I would almost faint in the shower or face plant it on my computer while laying down. I don't get constipated because of my bowels. I have always has soft stool or diarrhea. It hurt so bad to pit a suppository in it felt like something large was in the way. I'm hoping my gi Dr figures something out on wednesday.

When is the last time you had a bowel movement? The pain in your rectum, is it start at the end and move up? Kinda like something is stabbing you there? I also find it interesting that you can have bowel movements (coming out) but cannot put anything in (suppository) because it feels like there is something in the way.
I agree with the others about the care you are receiving in your small community. What you are experiencing right now is priority and you need proper care (GI). I think that Brianncc's comment about travelling to another town is good. Are you able to try that out?

No I have no idea. I asked because I experience that pain sometimes, just about brings me to my knees. I also have no issues with B movements and am very regular.
Hi tayandky!

Nothing you have said rule's out obstruction. Your description reminds me of my own experience except I was lucky to have the education and clinical experience to diagnose myself when my internist thought a little Malox and prednisone would do the trick.

I wasn't buying that and went to take a look at the radiographs. Yes I knew what to look for but still nothing prepared me for what I saw (and what my internist didn't see). My problem was much worse than I ever imagined and I marched those films straight to a colleague who specializes in gastroenterology. Within the hour, I was admitted in the hospital and it didn't end there.

I was so obstructed they couldn't do a colonoscopy. Worse I was perforated and nearly died and would have died if I didn't get treatment in time. I was on an IV for 9 months and had to undergo three surgeries in that 9 month period. It wasn't pretty.

I hope my story scares you because, like the others, I'm convinced you must see a competent specialist ASAP! If not for you, do it for your kids.

Curious as to how you are having bowel movements when you had all of your colon removed?

My small town doctor seemed very incompetent when my case became difficult. I asked him to refer me to a specialist in Chicago and the quality of care was noticeably different as soon as I walked in the door. Sure I drive a lot farther and it now a doctors visit is an all day event but it's worth it.

Wishing you the best in getting this figured out.
I have to change my "about me" I found out about a month ago that I have my ascending colon left. I found out from my primary not my GI, thanks dr! I might have to drive to Portland and go to OHSU... it's a 2 1/2 drive and right now its in the snow
I see Dr Henderson at BMC and I'm not happy and hopefully wed won't confirm that more. We should meet up one day. I'm looking to start a crohns group
I just wanted to post a quick message in support. I'm so sorry you're having this pain. I hope you find something out and are able to get a better GI. Did the dizziness occur after starting vicodin? I know it makes some people really dizzy, like my husband. I don't get dizzy when I take it, but it makes the room spin for my husband.
Yay Dr henderson dosent have any bed side manner :-( very cold I have seen him before. Find me on face book Awbrey LaFave
I had my appt today and he did some blood work and scheduled me for a colonoscopy on Tuesday. I will let everyone know what happens.
try sitz baths. when i had really bad fissures and hemroids i would just fill up the bath a little with warm water. just above luke warm and id sit there. it was still painful but it alleviated some of the intense burning. hope all goes well

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