Pain high up

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Aug 21, 2010
pain high up


I have been in quite a bit of pain passed two days but the pain is high up ust under my breasts in the middle and my tummy is sooo swollen the pains come and go make me sweat etc i had these similar pains a couple of months ago when i had a flare up but this is not quite so severe but am concernred

I saw my consultant last week and he is doing MRI scan and another endioscopy to look at my small intestine as this seems to be where most my pain is at present

Can anyone relate to this?

Tor xx
Except for the last 2 weeks of an 18 month period all of Roo's episodes of pain were upper epigastric which is where you are describing. She was eventually diagnosed with Ileal Crohns.

Dusty. :)
yes the consultant metioned that area which is why they doing the scan and the endioscopy its ice to know someone else gets the pain there to i thought i was going mad thanks x
It can depend on the meds you are on, I got two pains in different areas, one was in the liver area from 6Mp the other was dead centre, breast bone and an endoscopy showed a Hiatus Hernia, which in my opinion was caused by use of Pred over the years. The endscopy will show you what is wrong. Try eating smaller meals, no spicy foods and drink water to keep it moving. Let us know what it reveals ok? Good luck.
Hi Tor, nothing to add, I just wanted to welcome you and reassure you that soon some of the sufferers on here will be able to help with your questions. Good luck!!
I also had pain high up under my breasts in the centre, and my inflammation is the ileum. I think it is referred pain for me, as when I am in pain you can press where it hurts and the pain stays the same. But if you press lower down where the small intestine is, it really hurts.
I've also had some chest pain recently. I noticed it when waking up one morning & felt a pain in my chest under the breast bone in the middle. It seemed to get worse when I would turn or twist my body. Scared me at first b/c I thought it may be my heart. But the pain still comes and gos, it seems to be a little to the left, and also in the middle. <- Not sure how to explain it exactly. But I think it may be radiating from one place to the next.
yep - been having similar pain lately, feeling bloated/full.....going to talk to my GI doc in a couple weeks at my next appt.....colon was clear though - just had a scope on Friday.....hoping this isn't ulcers/hernia etc.....sigh.....