Pain in lower right abdomen/back, ny idea ?

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Nov 22, 2012
Hello everybody,

I'm Guillaume, 26 years old, in Jannuary it will be 1 year since I'm officially a Crohn among I don't kow how many poor humans with this ****.

I seem to have been ill since quite a while before getting the diagnosis, I saw the MRI and my terminal ileum look bad, a part of the jejunum is also affected.

I've been put on medrol and Imuran (azathioprine), had delirium, acute anxiety crisis due to the medrol, it was relief to stop it. I thought during 4 months that I was okay then I started to fee pain in my lower abdomen/(projetted on the back). A CRP check showed it was going uo again since May, and an MRI confired I had active inflammation. Then I've been hospitalised a week and after quite some tests put on Humira. It's been 4 months I have nothing, until last week I felt bad Two days and it went okay. And this Tuesday I started to feel the same pain in the lower right abdomen as I had in August. My home doc sent me to the hospital, they gave me a pain relief checked the blood, urine, and it was okay.
But still it's painfull, I'm wondering if some of you had this experience and what it could mean, a good blood tests and a pin that look like what I had before. Does it mean the huira is not working or simply it takes some time ?

Thanks in dvance and good luck to all of you
Hiya Guillaume
and welcome

I have Crohn's in the terminal ileum too, and 2 years ago I suffered horrendous lower right/lower back pain too.
Nothing would ease it and then I started projectile vomiting and GP called an ambulance, I was blocked.
Prednisolone healed me nicely. Sometimes a course of this steroid is needed to blitz the inflammation whilst the Humira or other meds kick in and maintain.
Go to hospital if you start vomiting, not a good sign. A red flag.
Can you get an appointment with your gastro?
Good luck xxx
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Have you noticed whether a specific type of food sets of the pain or is it now constant with whatever you eat? I have not been on Humira myself so could not advise on whether this is a blip and the med is still kicking in, we do have a sub forum for this However that is worth having a look at though: Do you get any other symptoms with the pain? Is the pain sharp or like a tummyache?When are you next due to see your doc to discuss how things are going?

Hey Joan and Angrybird,

Thanks for you replies. it's good in these periods to exchange experiences with others people, keeps the sadness away for a while.

Actually, my gastro and I saw Wednesday that I had nothing wrong in the blood, but still I have this pain that stays, alternatively mild or stronger. No matter what I eat, if I do. My doc just told me to relax, stay home till Monday and if the pain doesn't stop to come to see him again. He was actually relieved that there was nothing in the blood but told me we should consider a CT scan if the pain stays. It doesn't look like a tummyache, it more focal, I feel it at my lower right back. and it's exactly the same pain as i felt before being put on Humira. I'll see tomorrow but I'm afraid having to do the scan again.
Perhaps for the next couple of days try going on a bland low residue diet to see if this at least helps with easing the pain a bit. Whilst it is worrying to need another scan it is best to get a proper picture of what is going on inside so it can be sorted for you.

Please keep us updated on how you are doing hun.
Hello Jyscall,
Sorry that you are having a difficult time and wish you could feel better.
Sometimes kidneys can cause problems with stone formation, it happens with crohn's patients.
It does rather sound as if you are into another crohn's flare though so your doctor is right about another CAT scan if the pain continues. It is necessary to find the cause of your pain.
We are interested to know how you get on so please keep in touch and let us know.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Hi Trysha,

Thank you.
The kidneys were fine said the urine, and the doc after he had knocked my kidneys.
The only thing is it hurts but the blood markers are ok. And my pain can be up and down. I'm already on humira so what can it be ? I know the only way to know and my girlfriend is pushig me to do it, but I'm scared of both the way to know it (CT scan) and the answer.

I'm calling the GI anyway, will tell you in the coming days what is it.
Hello Jyscall,
You have made a wise decision, the GI will have a better answer for you and it is good to get something done before it gets worse.
We all prefer to put off doing these things but crohn's is so unpredictable it it better to get things looked at sooner than later.
Feel better soon
HI Jyscall and welcome.

What dose of azathioprine are you on and have they run any tests (such as thiopurine metabolites) to make sure it is at therapeutic levels in your system? If you're not sure, this would be a good question to ask your doctor. Just because you're on Azathioprine doesn't mean it's working as optimizing dosage to the patient is critical. And if you're not at therapeutic levels, then what you're experiencing may very well be the Crohn's inflammation and potential related complications.
Did they do an ultrasound to check for kidney stones?
Since your blood work could be normal and still have kidney stones.
If the stone bobs up and down it can cause the pain to stop and start.
Sometimes pain is not related to Ibd but still in the same area.
Ct of abdomen would pick it up but so would a quick ultrasound.
Had urine checked, kidney knocked, nothing.

The ultrasound never revealed my Crohn, two different docs have tried, niet.
Although the scan/irm were really clear, even I could see what was wrong.
My aza is 150 mg/day, HUmira one pen shot every two weeks.

Hope it will stay the same and that "thing" is temporary, i'd rather avoid surgery and stuff like that. Not ready for it.
Fish Oil is helpdull in pain

hey frnd thanx 4 ur post, i think u r survied by ur pain, the im just suggesting u, u can try fish oil 4 it. bcz Fish Oil is the one of the best nutrician , it has been show to provide a number of health benifits, and recomended by many health autorities as a part of balanced diet. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, specifically docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).One of the health benefits linked to fish oil is a low risk of heart attack. very healpfull for blood circulations. provides fish oil nutrition at huge discount.
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Back from the ER, still landing back to the ground because of the pain killer.
Saw another Gi, I did the mistake to tell him they usually don't see anything with ultrsound. He just kept looking at me for ten seconds and said : "We always see it", then he proceeded. Waow, was thorough but he managed two see my two crohn's areas inflammed and gave me antibiotics for ten days . The drug I had in August at the hospital, I'll also see him with my usuall GI next Monday.
He briefly talked about raising from 2 to 4 times a month my injections of Humira.

I'll see.
Well, I fell better now but it doesn't look better on the ultrassound. I keep the antibiotics for 3 more weeks and we'll see.

edit: Ok, I felt better this morning, not tonight.

I'll try to go at work tomorrow, even if it is just to say hi and goodbye
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