Pain Medication?

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Jan 18, 2010
So I found out I had Chrons and IBS in Jan. Had a huge flare that kept me in the hospital for 2 weeks and they did a colonsopy and found out it was Chrons and IBS. My question for someones is that they gave me paid meds percocet when I left. I took them then felt better and last month I got sick again. The doc gave me some more pain meds (percocet) and I feel so much better when I take 2 a day I feel like I can get through the day without pain all the time. My doctor is reluctant to give them to me so now im out and feel like crap again. My question is does anyone else take pain meds and what kind? Is life really worth feeling crappy everyday?
Hiya Awbrey

sorry you're feeling rough, when I was in hospital they gave me Codeine Phosphate, it's a fab painkiller, and for joint pain too and it also stops D in it's tracks, it makes you drowsy too, great if you have steroid insomnia!!
but bear in mind it's habit forming long term, so I only take it when absolutely necessary, ie when I'm in agony!
when I left hospital, they gave me loads to take home with me
I only take them if i really need them. they are very addicting and not that easy to get weened off. If i use them for more than a few days when i stop i feel pain in old injures. Why i have no idea.
I have to take pain meds when flaring and thru the entire flare....its a long time to take pain meds, but there is NO other way to get thru it for me. I have been flaring since Jan....and finally feeling better....Ive been on percocet since Jan....not every day, but on my really bad days, I take it around the clock....otherwise I dont eat, I dont sleep, Im in agony and its just not worth it. So taking it is ok, try to take one and see how that does....really push before you take a second one....try to get your body used to just the one....and then maybe a half of one until your controlling the pain with the most minimal amount needed. But docs dont like giving that stuff out....way too addicting, good luck!!
I was on percocets for a month. Pain killers don't solve your problem they just postpone it or even make it worse by hiding what's wrong. I say pain killers are okay to take if you actually need them(in pain) and when taken with medication that will help your Crohn's(Prednisone, etc)
Hi Awbrey-I have had to take morphine sulphate for my pain prob is Im used to the med and they had to up me 30 mg every two hours-hope yours dont get this bad. God Bless---sherri
I could be way off the mark here because I don't know the doctors reasoning in prescribing this particular medication for your pain, did he give you any explanation?

Neurontin (anticonvulsant) is used to treat chronic neuropathic pain. It is a relatively recent treatment, well in Australia anyway, for people suffering chronic pain and in more severe cases is used in conjunction with with S8 drugs.

I have never used it but I do know people that are in the severe pain category that have been prescribed an anticonvulsant in conjunction with S8's and it has reduced their usage of the S8 drugs and provided better pain management.
I was prescribed neurontin. It was HORRENDOUS! I'd rather take Prednisone for the rest of my life than ever, ever take Neurontin. Soon after I took myself off it, I found out about tons of lawsuits against Pfizer regarding off-label usage (pain management is one). If you take the Neurontin, please read all the side effects, warnings, etc so you know what to look for.
I took Percocet regularly for a few months at the end of last year and beginning of this year until I could get on some new drugs and get some relief.

I 'toughed' it out for many many years. After being unable to sleep and in pain so bad it made me nauseous for most of last year I finally gave in and asked my Dr. to refer me to a pain management specialist. My Dr. then prescribed me Vicodin which did nothing. They then upped me to Percocet which made a world of difference.

Now that I am feeling better I don't take it, but I do have some left over (I was getting 150 pills precribed at a time). In the future if I ever get in that same situation I wont hesitate to take it again. Need to have some quality of life.
Crohn's hobo....150 pills at a time! My Gi gave me 30 once 2 years ago,, then I needed more a while ago, my gp gave me 10.. Make it last he said. Percs are not given out lightly here!
Crohn's hobo....150 pills at a time! My Gi gave me 30 once 2 years ago,, then I needed more a while ago, my gp gave me 10.. Make it last he said. Percs are not given out lightly here!

Yeup. It was pretty funny. Just a giant bottle of Percocets. I was taking 2-3 a day when it was really bad, so they went fairly quickly.

My Dr. was not to worried about addiction for me. They barely effect me at all, and I was so paranoid about taking anything for so long that I was really cautious with it and my doc monitors me closely.