Pain Medication

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Hello everyone. Let me just start out by saying I hope your doing ok with your stomach issues. Everyone needs a hug sometimes. But anyways I was wondering about pain meds. Tylenol does help and advil use to but i cant take it because of the liver problems and bleeding it can cause i think. So I was wondering what meds do you take for pain? I want like Tylenol Codeine, or something but my mom says no because of addiction. So i have been offered Codeine, Morphine and stuff even oxy i think but i denied it. So im just wondering what meds you take and if they help. Medical Marjuana anybody :ybiggrin: ? haha. I just want something to help. :sign0085:
Darvocet and Tylenol w/ Codeine are the least gut binding painkillers. I personally take Darvocet, but I think Percocets are wayyyyyyyyyyyyy "cleaner". Meaning when I take 1/2 a Percocet I don't feel high, I don't feel tired, I just feel pain free. BUT Percocet binds me up, which for me is very bad, so I cannot take it.

Do research on addiction you would be surprised how hard it is to get addicted to them. Most people who need painkillers do not become addicted, not that you can't but it is very unlikely.
Isla's right, it's extremely hard to get addicted to some of them. Darvocet takes days of heavy use and even then withdraws are not more than a headache that goes away after day one or two. There are no cravings associated with Darvocet addiction. In fact the reason it's still around despite not being as powerful as codeine (all but 3 countries have gotten rid of it) is because it's almost addiction-less. It's even used to treat addictions. Codeine's not much worse. You won't really have problems until you get into heavy Oxycontin use.
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well everyone's chemistry is different, especially with narcotics. I also know that 90% of painkillers bother my stomach, because not only do all opioids have a tendency to constipate you, but more importantly, all prescribed painkillers almost always have a tylenol or ibuprofen filler, which are pretty rough on the gut and liver.

About your question on medical cannabis, you might get a legal prescription for it depending on where you live. (Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington have all legalized medical cannabis)
i no this may sound silly but do you take the pills when you are in pain or just on a daily basis? i get ALOT of pain during the day but in small 5 minute bursts and so if i took the pills when i was in pain they wouldn't really have time to work for me :S ive never taken anything for pain before but wouldn't mind trying something at the minute!
I have a lot of pain, but usually it's joint pain. I am currently taking Ultram ER, and Edotolac, daily, but I've been informed by the GI doc that if they find more evidence of Crohn's, they will actually be contraindicated, and I will stop taking them. To be honest, I don't think they do anything ANYWAY. I still get joint flares, maybe not quite as often, but just as bad as ever. The only thing that's ever worked for me is vicodin. It takes care of just about any pain I've ever had. It doesn't get rid of it completely, but it makes it so I don't really care.

Percoset and the kind with ibuprofen both make me really sick, I can't take them.

eta: I have stomach pain, but not every day. The daily stuff is just the cramping from the D, the BIG stomach pains that come after I eat, etc, I don't have daily. Thankfully.
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I take darvocet as needed (PRN). My pain usually comes from constipation/inflammatory obstructions. I usually have time to take it. If you're having spikes of pain all day long then the right thing for you may be a regular dosage.

Jobengals, in the US you can get all of those opiates without the other stuff if your doctor writes the script specifically for it.
If your stomach is upset by Tylenol, which mine is too, you can take either oxycodone instant release or oxycontin. Other pain meds have acetaminophen in it. Which is basically Tylenol. Anyways, I went to a pain med doc. But I made sure to call ahead and see if he had treated Crohn's patients before. He had treated about 5, so he already knew about the Tylenol upsetting the stomach thing. I'm currently on oxycodone Instant Release. I get spasms in my large intestine that start just out of no where. The instant release is perfect, it starts working super fast! If you have been flaring up for more then 2 years, just ask your PCP to get a referral to a good pain doc. He can management your medication too. And they see you every 3 weeks, it was the best thing I could do for my crohn's. I would highly recommend it you guys :)
Pen said:
Hi there, I dont recall seeing you on here before, so I am welcoming you, glad you are here to express some of your opinions and CD treatment. I am on oyxcontin but I only take half of one, when I am in pain, I dont like the high. I tried ES Tylenol for my arthritis (time release) didnt so squat. I see that you also have Celiac's disease, I dont have it but I tried gluten free stuff for over 6 months, and it did help for ahwile. I had a great Zucchini loaf recipe and loved the multiseed bread but now Ifind the bread too dense. Hope you are okay.:)

Hi thanks for rewelcoming me :) I was registered last year, but this past year has been the worst flare ups for me. I was really depressed for quite a few months, but I joined a support group where I live for patients with chronic pain/diseases. They have been wonderful. I go every week. They recommended that I just focus on making the quality of my life better by treated and dealing specifically with my pain problems. Well so that's what I've been doing for the past 5 or 6 months, and I still am in flare up, but it's much better with the pain management. The oxycodone instant release is great for break through type of pain. The oxycontin is long lasting extended release. I take both kinds, but it depends on the kind of pain I'm having. My doctor is so awesome. He's one of those doctors that really really cares about his patients.

So that's basically it. I'm no longer having depression problems, I'm living one day at a time, and not worrying about future flare ups. :)
I take pills daily. I just wanna know a pill i can take that is not like oxys and stuff that can get addictive because my doctor doesn't want more issues. I love my crohns! :depressed: Im just tired of being in pain all the times.

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