Pain under ribs?

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Jan 10, 2010
Hi everyone no i keep posting alot i was just wondering what pain under the ribs is associated with, i get it on and off but today for the last 2 hours it has been there and stayed it is under the right rib and just feel like something is being squeezed and then i have a pain feeling like its on top of my hip bone pain and sensation sort of simular, any ideas? Oh and keep bringing blood up in my mouth
I had a similar pain tho I got it both sides left an right
sometimes jus right sometimes jus left an sometimes both

I havnt had it for a while touch wood
I have it too on and off. Sometimes it is gas, sometimes it feels like my liver is being affected. Not a major pain just something like pressure. Get your liver function test done, could be worth a look into. Meds can do alot of damage.
I get that..but it's usually just gas. I just massage my stomach till it comes out! lol
I've had it too! Its scary! Everything about this disease scares me (If you can't tell). BUt, usually its is all related to the crohns. Sit tight...I hope your okay...and I hope you start feeling a little better :) Sue
I had really bad pain under my ribs when this thing first kicked off a year & a half ago. It was a squeezing pain, as you've described. I also had the same sensation in my sides, at my waist. Hope it eases for you really really soon. I found hot baths & a hot water bottle helpful.

Hey, about the bringing up blood part....go & see someone about this.
hi Porter

sorry don't know about the blood thing
but I get that pain under right ribs too, my GI told me it was wind
when I get bad wind, I sip cooled down boiled water, like babies do, and gripe water for babies is good too
try not to worry, but see someone anyway about the blood and get liver checked
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
If you mean under the right ribs in front the 1st thing that springs to mind from the location is your gall bladder. Does it generally come shortly after eating? You should have it evaluated.

The blood thing worries me...I would definitely talk to your doctor about that...

As far as the pain goes, I get the same type of pain when I have really bad gas that won't get out. I have to try and massage it out, or lay on the ground, and do the bicycle thing with my legs to get it to come out. I find a mug of peppermint tea will help to stop the gas before it starts, so I start and end my day with the tea...

The pain can be explained but red fresh blood being coughed up MUST be evaluated immediately! There is no good reason for oral blood,,, get iy checked now.

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