Pain under right ribs

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May 28, 2012
I posted this in the general discussion but l'm curious to see if any of your kids have been though anything similar... BTW we're off to see the DR soon.

My daughters been getting pain under her right ribs the last few days. She describes the pain as aching / burning. The pain varies from 5 mins to 30 mins. Panadol and a hot water bottle settle the pain. Its been on and off so l haven't called her nurse yet. Any ideas what could be causing this ?
Gallbladder? Bad gas pains? Costochondritis? Glad you are off to the doctor hopefully they will figure it out soon!

The two most obvious things that spring to mind are the liver and gallbladder.

When was the last blood draw?

And how is her Crohn’s going symptom wise?
If she is symptomatic it may be her Crohn’s

The other thing that may be considered, just thinking inflammatory type things here, would be Costochondritis.

Good luck at the docs and let us know how you get on. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
The last blood test was done 2 weeks ago which was normal. Crohn's wise not too bad.

The first time it happened it radiated to her back. At the time l didn't think of the GB, but now its freaking me out as my dad is still in hospital 10 weeks after complicated GB surgery.
So hard not to worry with that happening with your Dad. :ghug:

No doubt you will mention your Dad when you see the doc and be sure and tell him about it radiating through to the back the first time.

In my thoughts, :heart:

Dusty. xxx
I hope you've gotten some answers by now and she's feeling better! :ghug:
My daughter would tell me ribs/ chest area would hurt leading up to her diagnosis. She was not on any meds just Crohn's flare. My guess was gas or inflammation. I hope it's something as simple as gas for your daughter.
No answers yet. On examination she was sore when he pressed between the ribs, but more to the right. He said her pain is located in the liver / gallbladder area.

I have to book an ultrasound and chest xray on Monday. He also did a blood test.

Fingers crossed so far no pain today.
Thanks for the update upsetmom. :ghug:

Good to hear the pain has settled again and I hope it stays that way!

Good luck with the bloods and tests. :goodluck:

Dusty. xxx
I have gallbladder issues (avoiding getting it taken out, but I won't much longer) and that area sounds correct when things flare for me. I hope it was something mild and it passes soon.
Not many results yet. Blood test shows her ESR is back up to 28, Ferritin is low at 10 which was 18 the previous week and Alk Phos is raised at 178. Lower ultrasound was done which actually found her uterus.:) ...Upper ultrasound is booked for Tuesday, so we should know more then.

The DR has faxed the results through to the IBD team. He said iron supplements need to be started. I don't know why the GI kept telling us she doesn't need iron supplements when her iron has been steadily dropping. That might explain why my daughter has been getting dizzy every now and then.

Shes still getting pain...not as often but its still there,

If the ferritin range is the same ours which I believe it is.

Ferritin 18 which be low normal ferritin. (No supplements)

Ferritin 10 is low and you start supplements.

How her hemoglobin levels, is it falling too?
Thanks for the update upsetmom. :ghug:

Woohoo on the uterus news! :):):)

I hope all else is soon sorted, bless her. Continued luck with the tests!

Dusty. xxx
I don't know why they don't like to start supplements earlier. Your daughter results almost perfect match whose of non IBD 15 year old.

They only started supplements once her ferritin levels were clearly out of range.

We will retest after 2 months.
After speaking to the nurse yesterday M needs another blood test to check her Amylase and Lipase levels, she thinks the pain might have something to do with the Imuran. I don't think she was too happy we went to see the GP before contacting her first.

She didn't want M starting on Iron supplements because they can constipate but after explaining that M seemed tired all the time and was occasionally dizzy she agreed to put her on them for 3 months. I picked up some Fefol tablets but they didn't come with any instructions so l'm assuming they're taken with juice.
Hope the iron tablets work. You can take them with juice or water - milk interferes with the absorption of the iron. If the tablets do cause constipation you could ask for a liquid. My son uses one called Sytron which is quite gentle on the stomach.
Iron is best taken with orange juice or Vit C as ascorbic acid enhances the uptake of nonheme iron.

Lipase and Amylase are pancreatic enzymes. I hope the Imuran isn't causing issues with the pancreas mum, it is the opposite side to the pain so hopefully it isn’t so. :ghug: Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Fwiw DS ended up with D instead of constipation from iron pills .
He now takes the chelated iron ( easier on the gut) with a slice of pb bread and juice .
Hope things improve
Ultrasound was normal.

Blood test is getting done tomorrow even though the DR doesn't think its pancreatitis.
Blood test came back normal.

The nurse was thinking it might have something to do with the estrogen patch shes using,
but l doubt that hormones would cause pain.
Phew! Good to hear the enzymes are normal. :)

Any ideas as to where you go from here?

Dusty. xxx
I told the nurse that the pain hadn't come for a few days and we were both hoping it wouldn't come back, but a few hours ago it was back.:( so l don't know what we're going to do.
A call back to the nurse on Monday? Assuming nothing untoward happens in the meantime.

Dusty. xxx
Its been 5 days since starting the iron supplements and this morning M had very bad stomach cramps and diarrhea. Could this be caused from the iron after 5 days ?

We've decided to stop for a few days to see what happens.
It was for DS around the same time.
We added food to when he takes and changed the time to middle of the afternoon away from other meds .
Does she eat with it?
Lipase and Amylase are pancreatic enzymes. I hope the Imuran isn't causing issues with the pancreas mum, it is the opposite side to the pain so hopefully it isn’t so. :ghug: Good luck!

I was going to suggest her pancreas. When I had pancreaitis last November, all of my pain was in my right side just under my rib cage and then it spread to my back
I am glad to hear that is not the case though, I hope they find the source of her pain soon :hug:
Our Gi suggest a small meal with it when DS started to have cramping and D.
It worked
Maybe you can ask your doc ???
Not having much luck with the iron supplements. M started taking them with food but it didn't help at all, so we've stopped till we see the GI next week.

The pain under the right ribs has disappeared. After all the testing we never found out the cause.
Iron supplements gave me stomach cramps so I changed to the one my son takes - a liquid called Sytron. So far it's been great, a lot easier on the stomach.

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