Pain when lying on right side

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Jan 25, 2012
Northern Ireland
Ok I cant lay on my right side at all when trying to sleep as I get very sore inside. his had been like this since over a year. When im having a bad time its worse. Anybody experienced this. My problem is right lower abdominal pain and D. Last time I did a barium follow through test I had this problem in the Xray room and is was very uncomfortable , I did mention it to the radiographer but that was it .I still have it .
I don't know, I would guess it means something like your inflammation is in such a spot that lying in a particular position like that puts pressure on the inflamed areas, something like that. I don't think pain when lying on the right side is indicative of anything bad particularly though. You've said it's been going on for awhile so I'm assuming your doctor knows about it? If it gets worse or changes, I would definitely call the doctor. Sorry I cannot be more helpful. Hopefully once you get diagnosed and get some proper treatment, the pain will go.
Something that a doc told me long ago was if you wake between 1-3am in the morning and are nauseous, pain in right side, it may be gallbladder. I guess that is when it is most active. Something to consider, if you feel ill and it happens around that time...
My crohns is in the left side and I get pain there if I lie on that side at night., when the crohns is active.
Sorry to hear you are having this pain. I know any kind of continuous pain is worrying :-( I see you've had quite a lot of tests. Has nothing shown up in them? What are your doctors saying?
You probably know that lower right pain is a sign of Crohn's in the terminal ileum, but I guess there could be other causes as well. My pain was predominantly there, but it was pretty constant, not just when lying down. Do you use a hot water bottle or heating pad? That can give some relief.
Grumbletum. I have the pain 24/7 in that area but recently it is very noticable when lying on the right side. I do believe it is the illeum that is affected. The docs have not been able to pin point the source of the pain but have still put me on medication for C/UC symptoms.
I have now started using a heated pad to get some relief. Going back on the 9th of march for a review. Very frustrated with the lack of treatment as as you know this is a life sentence. Im going to try and persued the doc to take another look as it has been six months since the last scope and I do feel that it has progressed.
How frustrating for you :-( I know with disease in the ileum, the colonoscopy isn't often the best test as they often can't get into that area of the bowel. Perhaps push them for a Pill Cam test when you have your review?
Grumbletum. Im going to ask for the Pill Cam, dont know what reaction to expect but nothing ventured nothing gained. I m just about managing to stay at work as I had a couple of very bad days, but thats the way it is now good day bad day. I have worked out that any food now causes the pain so i can assume now that something is going wrong in there.

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