Parastomal Hernia Surgery

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Hey Misty:

I was on Tramadol---it seemed to be something they gave me when I didn't really need Dilaudid and yet, I wasn't quite ready for plain old Tylenol. It's codeine based, so watch out for constipating. I was also a bit nauseous on it. Geez, you should be on stronger opiates right now, I should think.

I'm glad Stan's waking up and gettin' to work. And stay in and enjoy the hospital-ity while you can---you'll have enough time to be bored stiff at home.

Glad you've got the basics sorted out: coffee, smokes and the walk to enjoy both! How's the bloating today?
Bloating today slightly less. Suppose after I get all the gas and stuff out I'll look a bit better?! They do t seem keen on giving pain killers
Just got back from seeing Misty. But wow, if I look half as glamourous as her after my surgery I'll be happy!!

Stan was pretty noisy which was a good sign. We had a nice evening though! Of course it helped that her hospital room resembles a hotel room. Hehe
Stan was noisy alright! Michelle now has a good idea of what to expect when stomas are behaving badly!! But success everything is working which means I can go home tomorrow! Michelle I am not glam in T-shirt and sweats. It's the fake eyelashes that fooled you! Michelle brought me a wee stuffed bear with a bag! How sweet is that? Awww.
Glad to hear the surgery went well and that Stan's noisy as hell!!! I take it they didn't have to relocate him at all?

*In her best mom voice* Remember to take it easy! I know you want to go, go, go....but don't, don't, don'
Ditto what Cindy says, as soon as we feel better, we want to go but you can go longer not going lol...make sense?
Great news that you are outa there. Hope you get to escape early so you can go via the shops and stock up on some tasty treats for when you are behaving yourself and relaxing at home!
I am home!!!!!!!!!! I have stocked up on tasty goodies worries. Freya has already jumped on me though :frown:

I am gonna be good this time, I swear I am..:shifty-t:

Thank you all for your support and good wishes. Keep sending them please!!!!
Glad to hear it!! I'm packing up too- outta here within the hour!
Take it easy now..why I ever bother saying that to you though lol
Love and big hug xxx
That Andrea, is the pot calling the kettle black as my mother used to say!!! When you behave, I'll consider it...perhaps. :rof:

Absolutely thrilled you are off home again!! Whoot! Much better to enjoy the rugby on your own sofa!!
Yeyyyyyy glad you are both home!

And yes, Misty. You don't have to be dressed in a ball gown to look glamourous!

Pd. Did you steal that duvet so I can take it with me next month? :p
I am home!!!!!!!!!! I have stocked up on tasty goodies worries. Freya has already jumped on me though :frown:

I am gonna be good this time, I swear I am..:shifty-t:

Thank you all for your support and good wishes. Keep sending them please!!!!

Holy cow you are home already??? I was in the hospital for a full week!

Now you promised to behave, and I have my daughter and mother coming home so I won't be able to check on you...but there is still Joanie, Andrea and Michelle. Hold her down if ya have to!:ytongue:
Yes ma'am! I am currently on the sofa sipping a cup of tea. I AM behaving. I do wish there was better tv on today. Oh well, as I don't sleep in hospital a snooze might be in order zzzzzzzz
Woohoo- I'm home, but no sofa for me!
Rest up Misty, I'm watching you!!!

@Michelle, thanks honey. Hope you're well xx
Ahhhh, such good news from Misty AND Andrea. Let's see who breaks down in behavior first??

So glad you are home and on the couch, Misty. Yes, take naps and be nice to yourself.

So, Stan is still a proper teapot and has not been moved??

Lotsa love and hugsssssss =)
Stan wasn't moved thankfully. He's still a teapot. But he looks and feels like he's gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson,poor Stan!
They are probably not used to the new shortcut after having to travel "outside" your body for so long. Have a cup of COFFEE and a *** ... works like a charm ;) well, at least it used to for me.

Hope the bowels will soon cooperate. :thumleft:
Hahhaa Heike - you are right with the coffee/cig treatment. Always worked for me back in the day!

Hope you're feeliing better Misty! Thinking of you!!

xo - Ames
7 days after and just this afternoon I'm feeling normal, for me. And Heike and amy I did try the pot of coffee and lotsa **** to no avail. But the movicol did the trick!
Glad you are feeling relatively normal!! Are you getting stoppered up from too many painkillers?? Or just having trouble starting up again after the surgery?
PS I seriouslly keep reading your thread title as Paranormal Hernia Surgery and it makes me chuckle every time!!
Giggle! Paranormal sized Ollie! :ylol2:

The pain killers probably did stop me up a bit. But I took very little of them. I like PAIN! (not really) I just dont like pain killers much. I dont like feeling...more odd! Or, paranormal!

No, alls normal with me, (ish!) and I'm just on paracetamol since Monday. 2 days after leaving hospital. Although I did grump to the surgeon it hurt more than I thought it should've! She gave me a glare...I glared back. (I'm steely eyed I am!) I said if you hadnt let it go on so long lapro wouldve worked and it wouldnt hurt so would it!!!???

My other side shouldve been it is clearly sticking out. No, they can fix that during the reversal methinks. If I never get a reversal, I give up...I'm getting a tummy tuck!!

You seem in great spirits even though it's just a week after the op! Sorry to hear that is was more painful than you were anticipating.

Hoping the rest of your recovery goes smoothly and that what is still sticking out, will slowly heal and retreat so the tummy tuck isn't needed!

Gav :)
So glad to hear that Stan is obeying and functioning the way he is supposed to, which, no doubt makes you feel like a "normal" person again. :D

LOL - about the staring contest. I agree with you though, unbelievable that they waited soooo long.

How is the flare doing?
Glad to hear it all went well Misty, hope you're resting up! How long before you go back to work? I know you said you took holiday rather than telling them you were having surgery but I hope you don't end up going back before you're really ready, you don't need that pressure! Good luck with the rest of your recovery :) x
Thanks Ian. I was signed off for 10 days. So technically I could return to work tomorrow. The biggest issue is they dont like you to drive after GA! But in total I only missed a week of work. My holiday time is from tomorrow until the 30th. So I will return to work Sat 1st of Oct.

I'm off to Dr's tomorrow AM because I have a slight fever. Hopefully nothing a round of antibiotics wont clear up.
Nothing!! It's one of the common complications to get infections with hernia surgery. I'm just trying to stay on top of it. I've been very well behaved! LOL no choice!
LMAO! When I can figure out how to get my new Iphone pictures on here. Also, when I can get those pictures to not be too 'big' for this forum.
Ha -- lame excuses! Call tech support and get going ....

You can do it, I have complete faith in you! :)
Hey Misty just checking up on ya, sorry I have been not too active, but I have been busy. Now flaring so I am trying to destress and get some new shoes for this upcoming wedding. Love to be with family but also love to be alone lol...when suffering, it is no fun.

Hope you are behaving yourself... Next week will slow down back to normal ! :)
Oh no! I'm so sorry you are flaring Pen! Sweets you take care of yourself. What are you doing to get the flare under control? Huggggggssss
Sorry about your flare, Pen, I hope it will get better soon. Did you find shoes? Shoes is always a problem for me -- they always fit in the store for the 5 minutes of trying on and then hurt like hell when I am wearing them for longer times.

Oh, and Misty, how is your flare doing? How did the doctor go? Got anti-biotics? And, how about the swelling ... going down and loving it?
Yes Heike, I got Co-amoxiclav antibiotics. The swelling has gone down :dance:

Its still fat though!!! :redface: (the gut has never recovered from being cut like a xmas turkey...tummy tuck here I come!!!)

I am waiting til the antibiotics are done, then onwards and upwards with the dreaded pred and my first dose of 6MP. Shudder....
Argghh, Pred sucks majorly. Never took 6mp so I cannot comment on that but I definitely wish you good luck without any side effects.

What did the doc say about the swelling? Is it supposed to go down more and won't a tummy tuck interfere with scar tissue or even weaken the tissue?

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