Paternity while in Remission & on Medication - Need Advice !!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 9, 2012
I've been diagnosed with CD and been undergoing treatment for the past 2 years...and been in remission for an year now. I have a kid that is 4 yrs now, born before I was diagnosed. My Wife & I are interested in having a second child now.

Need advice from fellow members - how safe is it to plan for a child, while in remission, and still on medication? I am on Asacol 2x3times and Budesonide 3mg once a day.

Also...what would be the risk factor for the both the children - i mean of them getting Chrons?
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Hey ram,

Budesonide and Asacol are considered safe for male and female use during conception and pregnancy. :)

Most studies seem to place the risk at about 10-15% of developing Crohn's if their is another family member with it. This risks then seems to jump to about 30% if you have a sibling with it. There are many members here that have Crohn's but their children don't or others like me, my husband and I don't have Crohn's but our children do.

Dusty. xxx
Echoing what Dusty said. I also wanted to welcome you to the forum and here's to a happy, healthy new child in your future :)
Hi ram.Chrons,

Most of the things I have seen written about Crohn's and pregnancy deal with the woman having IBD. Therefore, pregnancy complications due to IBD are likely less when the father is one with the disease.

Here is a brief fact sheet about Pregnancy and IBD from the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation in the United States. While it is geared towards women with IBD becoming pregnant, it also has some information related to men.

I hope you can continue to remain in remission and that you are able to reach a decision soon over whether to have a 2nd child or not.