Pentasa and gaining weight

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Jul 16, 2010
Hello again,

Whats everyone's experience with Pentasa? I took it for a couple months and it made me feel better (less gasy and better stool) but I don't think I gained any weight. Doctor said it doesn't do much but make me feel better. Just wondering because 2 pills x 3 times a day is a bit difficult to take ;)
I have had no weight gain issues with Pentasa. Didn't stop the pain either though.
I've been on it for several months and hardly any weight gain. I just called my doctor and he will probably put me on entocort because the pentasa is messing up my stomach:yrolleyes:.
I've been on it for 5 years, with no side effects.
but it's a prophylactic, a preventative med, it's an amnio salicylate (5ASA) which acts like aspirin to ward off inflammation, and to maintain.
If you're inflamed, it doesn't work, no good if you're flaring, Prednisolone will help to gain much needed weight.
I have to say, your doctor is quite flippant isn't he?
has he never explained what these 5ASAs do?
Thanks for responses. Astra101 I don't think he was being flippant, maybe I didn't ask him the right questions. His concern was more that I didn't lose weight than anything, then if I lost weight he said we would try stronger meds. I seem to have (at least for now) a milder case of chrons. I did a little reading on mesalazines when I was assigned pentasa, and it seemed like a pretty mild drug. I guess steroid-type drugs are for more stronger conditions.

Has anyone took any natural supplements to help with weight gain?