Hi my IBD nurse want's me to start taking Pentasa even though I don't think I have Crohn's as I have not had any symptoms. Question is should I take it? even though I have no symptoms and what side effects could I expect from itanda-wave-t:
You talked about slow emptying. Sometimes, I feel like I take s while to empty. Is there anything I can take for this?I have just seen my GP and he wants to put on hold me taking pentasa until I have had my x-ray and had the results so it looks like no medication till after Christmas and I am on a liquid diet again for a couple of weeks as I am having some pain due to my pyloric stenosis and slow gastric emptying which is causing extreme bloating which is no fun at all.
I have now spoken to GI and told him what someone had said on this forum and he was not happy about it and told me to take no notice of it as in his words you will not die and for someone to suggest that you might was naughty so my mind is at rest now and I can now come to terms with what is happening and my GI said to phone him if I have any questions as he knows me and knows how he wants my treatment to progress.