People Projecting!

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Dec 11, 2010
Nooo...this is NOT about projectile vomitting, although no doubt many of you lovely readers are very good at it! Sadly at my age, I can no longer spin my head 360 degrees anymore. A sad little reminder that age catches up to all of us. :ybatty:

No, this is about people projecting their fears of what it must be like to have a stoma on me. Ever since I had my surgery I get it. I dont talk about it, but everyone at work knows about it. Apparently there simply isnt enough gossip going around???

You know, the sureptitous looks. The 'oh sooo sad' looks. The 'oh you poor thing'. FFS!!! I dont need anyones pity! Oh, and the...'wow, I'm amazed you look so well' or the 'Amazing you still come to work' or the 'oh, wow, how do manage', and on, and on!

I'm doing just great now!! I am perfectly happy! I'm outselling my collegues, I run circles around most, and wtf is up with people!!!!!!!!??????????????????

:ymad: Sorry for my vent.
I think this is why I'm so open about my Crohn's. No one gets the chance to give me looks like that because I've already told them EXACTLY how I feel about what ever situation I'm in - without harping on about it though. It's usually to the tune of 'Yeah I was in hospital. They anally raped me a few times which was fun(sarcasm) and now I'm fine'. Believe me, no one will bring it up after that. If they do, I offer to show them my colonoscopy pics.

Or there are the rare occasions where people ask how I am and I burst into tears and then they don't dare ask me again after that either!

Hmm.. guess I go for the all out scare/too much info strategy.

I know how you feel though. I used to get it ALL the time when I was a kid. But seriously Misty, you should project some of your stoma offerings over them!!
Michelle, I'd love to paste them with poo! Thing is, I just dont talk about it to folks sooo, they should mind their own business!

I just get on with it. The problem is all in their own heads. Morons. I imagine they think they couldnt handle it, and project it onto me. Crohnies can be tough little cookies, so the last thing we need is thier projection of their OWN failings placed onto us!

I do understand where you're coming from. I've been pretty much an open book about stream-lined intestinal track. If my co-workers have a questions they know they can ask. If I spring a leak I just tell them to cover me because I have a wardrobe malfuntion. I've worked with with the same core 15-20 people for over a dacade now. They've seen me at my best and at my worst. I don't feel I get treated any different from them. We're just a big disfunctional family, everyone has their own unique problems or issues. We can all tell if someone is having a bad day, even without spoken words, and we do our best to lighten their work load so they can take it easy for the most part. We're pretty much all out to look out for each other.
That being said, I am active in many different things. I do met a lot of people and when and if my Crohn's or ostomy needs to addresses I lay it all out there and let them know if they have questions to ask. To not not feel sorry for me and to know I am happy with my ostomy.
Now I'm not say I am shouting for the roof tops that I am sooo happy to have an ostomy! But knowing what I've been through prior to my ostomy surgery I know what it was like.. It gave me my life back.
Crohnies can be tough little cookies, so the last thing we need is thier projection of their OWN failings placed onto us!


Actually I once had the opposite problem. When I was in middle school I was really ill and being quite badly bullied and so had no one to talk to in class. So I used to just sit there and get on with my work. There was nothing else to do. The teachers would always praise me for being top of the class despite trekking down to Great Ormond Street every week and being ill all the time.

One girl actually had the audacity to tell me that it wasn't fair that I got praised so much because no one else had the 'opportunity' to prove that they could excel while being ill because they quite simply hadn't ever been ill. If I hadn't of been such an insecure wall flower at the time, I would of given her a piece of my mind!
So that girl was jealous of you becuase you had a chronic illness?!?!?! That's a new one. Besides the typical 'I wish I could lose weight as fast as you' type of jealousy comment I get every once and a while.
I think she was just jealous because I was top of the class despite being ill. Kids can be pretty cruel though.

People get jealous that I'm not allowed to eat healthily! Ie.. loads of veggies and brown bread etc. Personally I'd rather be allowed to eat it... lol
With every oppertunity and sucess there is always some trying to tear you down. We all just have to raise above all the nonsense and live our lives.
I know what you mean. I presonally love veggies. My parents and grandparents had huge gardens growing up. Nothing like picking veggies right off the vine and eating it. To bad these days it's not such a good idea.
Raise your hands up if you want to take that sweet corn growing and NOM IT UP!!! (mind you its better if you steal it...dont ask me how I know this)

Burp! (I friggin WISH!)
My hand is raised..... While I was in Iowa (nothing but corn farms for ever) we stopped at the side of the road and "borrowed" some ears of corn... It was pretty d*mn good!
Corn on the cob is the BEST. Dripping in butter! MMmmmmm

I had a whole bunch of olives and sundried tomatoes today. Eeep. Looks like I may be downing the lactulose tomorrow.
Corn on the cob is the BEST. Dripping in butter! MMmmmmm

I had a whole bunch of olives and sundried tomatoes today. Eeep. Looks like I may be downing the lactulose tomorrow.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Smother it in butter. Just like a southern gal like me would looooove! (lived in Arkansas for 13 years)

Olives and tomatoes, did you add some cheeeessse? You must add cheese.

Now,....back to the projectile vomiting, or alternatively.........'The other end'.
Haha I've eaten it in Nebraska and in a crawfish boil in Louisiana. YUMM. But of course, I had some feta cheese with it.

Haha I just have this mental image of you squirting your bag everywhere when I see the title of this thread!
Mmmmm crawfish boil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mmmmm Olives and tomatoes! Yes with fresh mozzarella!!!!!!!
Oooh this thread is making me hungry one second and completely off food the next!

Imagine how much weight I'd lose if I imagined Misty squirting her bag every time I think of chocolate!! lol.

Which reminds me.. my younger sister used to call diarrhoea poo juice when she was little! lol
I think you are safe Michelle. I cant aim. Yet. I'm thinking I could switch to urostomy bags though, I think you can aim those! :ylol:

Meanwhile, I believe you are safe to eat chocolate. mmmm Johhny Depp in 'Chocolate' oh, I do believe it's time for a snack!
ahhh misty!! your post made me feel your anger...some people are just too nosey for their own good. i've also had the tip the head to one side and the 'you poor poor thing'.

on the other hand....i found out 3 weeks ago my crohn's had spread and they will be taking out my large intestine, rectum and anus and i'll have an ileostomy, i was very emotional and told my 2 best friends, their reply was 'ohright'...and then i think the subject changed to 'guess who i saw last night?' ....i have to say i was really disapointed at the lack of support they showed me, i didn't want sympathy just some kind of words of support, it's probably because they're young but i was disapointed nethertheless.
I'm sorry to hear your friends weren't that supportive for you. I don't think that they don't care. They may have not known what to say. Never the less it still hurts. I know when I told my friends they were pretty speakless as well. But after a while they would ask questions, help me out a bit, and be more supportive.
For right now we'll be your support group and help you and guide you through any questions you may have. Take care and we wish you the best.
Littlefreebird, I'm sorry to hear that you will require surgery, and such major surgery at that.

Folks just dont know what to say to us. Your friends want you to be healthy and happy. No doubt they dont know how to cope with your illness and impending surgery. They may surprise you though, just when you need it most. I can only hope so. Meanwhile, that's why we have this forum!
go misty, get it off your chest girl !!!! . . . . wahooooooo

your absolutely right apart from the age catching up bit !! . . . you look great !

Bruscar...bad light, mobile phone picture....not in foreground. Perfect. Also, carefully place dog to hide jowls and neck. Bruscar...I could hug ya!
(ladies, pay attention, someday you will need to resort to this)

Its a majic photo...cause it's an IRISH TERRIER Bruscar. You know, they are mystic beings that have kissed the blarney stone. Its true. Really. :ytongue:

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