People who understand blood test results... Unlike me.

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Jun 26, 2015
So I got results from L's last blood work and I have a question.

Almost everything was in normal range, except for the red blood count, which was slightly high (5.05, range 3.9-5.0) and then her MCHC was slightly low (33.1, range 33.5-36.0) and RDW was slightly low (
11.7, range 12.8-14.8).

I tried figuring this out by reading about the measures online, but I was just confused. I thought maybe this indicates she is slightly anemic, but I am not sure of the significance, if any, of the low RDW. I think her red blood count is high because we live at a high elevation. Her hemoglobin and hematocrit are both high normal range, if that makes a difference.
I'm sure someone will be along soon to give you some insight. Unfortunately, I'm not that person. I can tell you what I think, but I don't know if it's fact. I think living at higher elevations can cause an increase in your red blood count. I think steroids can do that too. What meds is your child on currently?
Ah! I didn't know that about steroids, and L is just finishing her taper off prednisone (only on 5 mg now, but was on 10 at the time of the blood draw). But we also live above 7000', so I imagine that is contributing.

I guess I just looked at her high hemoglobin and hematocrit and thought, great, she's not anemic, but then I saw the low mchc and when I looked it up it indicated anemia (which I think must be mild, though I do not have a feel for what sort of variation there is for mchc). And I do not have a clue what the low red cell distribution width means...
Had to go look at Jack's labs and I tend to more look for patterns. I keep a spreadsheet that I put his results in each time and note how he is feeling or if there is anything going on.
One thing I've notice is sometimes he will have a random slightly high or low reading and the next lab they are fine. The spreadsheet has been really helpful as my son is fairly asymptomatic and labs don't always tell the truth for him (well they do but not like they should) for example his ESR has never been above 15 (normal 0-15) but we have noticed over time that a 9 ESR coincides with a flare that has been confirmed with MRE. The only time he was at 15 he had MRSA. So I've and his GI have come to learn what's normal for him. Make sense?
Thanks, Jmrogers, that is a good point about trends. So far we only have two cbcs to look at... So no trends, as I wouldn't recognize an out of place value between two choices. But I imagine if the doctor sees anything worrisome to her she will call. So far they seem good at getting in touch with me quickly about test results that disturb them.
Anemia is only present if hemoglobin is low. MCHC is only slightly out of range so nothing to worry about as long as the trend is not moving down.

Dr are usually only concern with a high RDW.