Peppermint oil tablets

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 23, 2012
Well I called Gi yesterday because Kotas pain has been staying pretty bad. Last week they couldnt even get the dosage of Bentyl right. Yesterday they didnt even call me back. So last night Kota got really sick at his stomach and needed to throw up. So I called Gi on call because all I had was phenergan and wasnt sure if it was okay for him to take it with all the other medicines. Gi doctor said yes it was fine. So he took it and the feeling went away after a while.

Well today about 5 Gi nurse returns call from yesterday. She says Dr wants him to continue bentyl and now to also start peppermint oil tablets. Has anyone used these and if so did they help any?

Nurse told me labs were back from Prometheus Thiopurine Metabolites. Said everything looked normal and they were going to keep him on the 50mg of 6mp. Said we would now have labs done every 2 weeks and Metabolites test done every 6 weeks.

I know it takes a while for medicine to work. His pain didnt get like this over night. So its not going to disappeear over night. But should he be feeling any better at all. This is all new I dont want to be expecting to much.

Ko did go see allergy doctor yesterday. He wasnt real happy that the whole time he was in the hospital they never game him any of his ashtma medicine and then had me take him off of them because of the high heart rate. (we are still dealing with high heart rate) His lung function test is down so he started a new inhaler. But we did find out after 3 years of allergy shots 1-2 times a week now he can have them every other week. So we were very proud of that.

Just wanted to update thanks for listening. Hope everyone is having a great day
Thanks thats what I was thinking :) Everything that I have read tonight it sounds really good. So we are going to start it tomorrow
V's GI has recommended peppermint oil when V's motility was bad. He said it speeds motility.
V had tachy HR when really sick and it was from malnutrition and inflammation. Her HR stayed above 110 all the time until disease was brought under control.
I'm so sorry to hear that Kota is still having issues hun. :hug:

Although we have never had the need to use peppermint many people do find it useful.

The 6MP can take at least 3 months to become fully therapeutic and for some it will take this long for the benefits to show.

Good luck to your boy Mum, I hope things settle for him soon and he has lasting relief!

Dusty. xxx

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