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Aug 2, 2013
I will use Picoprep as a colonoscopy prep in two weeks. I've tried two different prep and found them just horrible. Couldn't drink or puke. It was actually traumatic.
My doctor says Picoprep is better. What do you think about Picoprep?
I've actually never had it nor heard of it until now. Seems to have the same ingredients as most preps though (sodium picosulfate - magnesium - citric acid). I was able to get Suprep down without mixing it with anything but for anything else that tastes like yuck you can mix it with any clear liquid. I like to use Sprite or Squirt personally. Always have a clear liquid chaser and try to drink plenty of water after you finish the prep to help flush it out and rehydrate you. Good luck with your scope! :D
By picoprep, do you mean picolax, pico salax, or prepopik? (Same prep, different names depending on which country you're in.) If so, yes, I did prepopik for my last prep. It was almost too gentle on me! It was easy to drink - just 2 little cups of prep (plus a bunch of other clear liquids of your choice, to stay hydrated). The prep didn't taste bad, it was almost nice. It did make me pretty nauseous, but I had some Zofran on hand which took the edge off the nausea. It didn't make me go and go, though. I went a few times after each cup, but I wasn't fully empty yet, so I ended up taking some dulcolax as well. Things finally kicked into gear about an hour before my scope, and just as they got me hooked up to the IV and the heart rate monitor and all that stuff, that's when I had to get unhooked quickly and run for the bathroom (and I had to keep getting unhooked to run to the bathroom repeatedly while waiting to be wheeled back to the procedure room!). In the end, I was clear enough to be scoped. But if this is the same prep you're doing, I'd suggest having an anti-nausea med handy, and be prepared to take more laxatives if you don't go enough to get cleaned out. Other than those two issues, I did fine with prepopik.
My daughter used picoprep a few days ago. She said it didn't taste that bad, but we mixed it with lemonade. After taking the prep things didn't start moving for about 2hrs. All up she probably went toilet 6 times.

Good luck with your prep and colonoscopy.
I found picosalix to be the best prep.
It came already flavored and only two cups to drink as directed.
You must drink lots of clear fluids to make it work best and I was told to drink 4 litres,clear fluids
I used a cup about every twenty minutes.
It worked really well.
Usually I get felled with nausea with other preps but this time the nausea was negligible
and I lasted to the end.
Good when its finished of course.
My GI would not allow the picosalix because he said my renal failure precluded it, but the surgeon did allow it and said my level of renal failure was mild to moderate and that I could take it.
Best wishes

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