Pills to gain weight?

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Aug 13, 2011
I'm just curious, is there anyone that has ever went to the doctor to try and get eeight gain pills? I know where I could find some illegal steroids, but I won't do that.

I have high metabolism because of my crohn's, and although I've been eating like crazy, and working out/lifting weights quite a bit, I just can't seem to gain any weight! Maybe its because crohn's is making me go the bathroom so much that everything I eat just gets wasted.

I've tried protein powders,weight gainers and haven't seen any sort of substantial increase. I feel like a string bean in my clothes. I don't wear clothes too big for me, I don't wear my pants down at my knees, I just wear normal stuff, and I feel like my arms just hang out of my sleeves, pants that should fit someone my age, I need a belt for.

Will doctors prescribe weight gain supplements to people with crohn's? I think I have a legitimate excuse, I'm not just some guy off the street that wants to be a roid freak. I just want to be bigger, and when people say, "just eat more" I physically can't. One day I took in so many calories I just got sick at night and threw it all up.
When I got out of the hospital the third time, the hospitalist there prescribed me Oxandrolone to gain weight. The combination of those pills with the Why protein shakes did help me to get some needed poundage back on my skeleton.
See if you can get those from your doc.
How much weight did you gain, and how fast? If you don't mind me asking. I'm totally discouraged now. I've been working my ass off to gain weight. When I started I was at 150lbs, then I went up to 158 after tons of eating, and exercising, now I just got on the scale and I'm down to 152! What the hell!
To tell you the truth, I don't really remember if the pills alone caused me to gain weight. It was the combination of pills and Whey protein shakes (that I really liked and downed like no tomorrow) as well as eating. I think the pills helped me to keep what I was able to put on.
You might want to google it and see what comes up.
However, the one important and positive thing on the pills was the fact that they were taking out the PICC line that I had while being at home.

Have you tried adding Boost, Ensure or other shakes to your diet?

My son was on an enteral diet as his initial treatment and has continued with the nutritional formula since then on the 'maintenance' program. So, on top of his usual diet during the day, he has another 1500 calories overnight from Tolerex (nutritional formula - he uses an NG tube at night). I'm not necessarily suggesting the NG feeding (although, no reason why you couldn't ask your doctor about this - there are no side effects), but for weight gain purposes, adding the shakes to your diet would probably help a bit. (Just a note, if your doctor does agree to the Tolerex, it is not cheap and, so far, my insurance isn't covering it...)

My son was 5'10", 150 lbs before getting sick (was always fairly slim), got down to 133 lbs at the hospital (end of May) and is now 162 lbs. He's actually becoming worried if the rate of weight gain continues... Also, at least in the Tolerex formulation, I believe there is a substantial amount of protein and this has allowed him to build muscle relatively easily with his weight training.

Tolerex is manufactured by Nestle and they also have shakes available (Tolerex is not 'drinkable' - used only through NG tube).

Good luck!
Hmm, thanks for that. I have some pretty hefty shakes I drink right now, and they total about 3500calories a day just in shakes alone. I've tried the Ensure and Boost, but to me it just didn't work. They taste pretty good but calorie wise, Its not worth it for the price. To me atleast.

Now that I've dropped to 152 after eating more and working out, I need to get a little help from something. My goal would be 185-190, but pretty solid and muscular.

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