Planning on using MDMA

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Nov 25, 2015
Okay so I'm in the middle of my this who diagnosis and figuring out what's going on with me. All in all I feel wonderful! Other then the anxiety I feel like all my symptoms are pretty much gone! With that being said I had a colonoscopy done a month ago for my first time and really small minor ulcers were found on my small intestine.. They prescribed me budesone for 3 months hoping for the ulcers go diseaper as there are only minor. No diagnosis of crohns yet which is good news but I won't find out until the end of January.. Anyways... I thought I would give you a little background before i ask..

I have a music festival coming up in a week and I really wanna do mdma for the first time and wonder if it will react badly with my stomach the night of or would it ruin my night or will I be fine? I'm pretty confident on how I'm doing ATM and think it would be fine, thoughts ? MDMA aka extacy aka molly. I'm 21 years old and a male 140 lbs
Bad, bad and bad. First of all, you don't know yet what is going on with your body. then you are going to consider putting a drug into it when that type of drug is known to be frequently contaminated. Then, given the environment, probably engaging in behaviour found under those circumstances. This one is a recipe for disaster for you. Not saying it will happen - I imagine there are those who have no repercussions from this - but you are certainly exposing yourself to a potential world of hurt. Go to the party and enjoy it for what its worth. If it is worth being at, do it right and remember it correctly for what you did, not what a drug did to you. If you need the drug to "enhance" the event it probably isn't really worth being there in the first place.
I've been to many events without doing mdma really. I've had great times at events being completely sober but to be honest I've always wanted to try mdma. I know this may be a NO NO for some people but in my case, I'm confident I would be fine if I did take mdma knowing my condition I am in ATM which is wonderful other then the anxiety.
That is a very personal decision and entails some risk. I don't think there are any studies on that. Not sure anyone would want to encourage you.
Cannabis is a safer choice.
Play it safe, just have a few beers or use marijuana. I don't know for sure about mdma, but its sound more sophisticated of a chemical and therefore more unnatural. marijuana has been shown in studies to actually benefit IBD, so that's actually a great choice but i know not a similar experiance as MDMA.
Way too high of a chance of the pill being contaminated with something weird, or something that may make you worse. It's an amphetamine, which is already hard for your body to process/digest. Plus the dry mouth you get, will result in you drinking more liquid. Not sure if diarrhea is one of your symptoms, but the extra liquids will make it worse. It also may react to the steroids. If you want to try it that bad, wait until you have an answer on whats happening in your guts :) Cannabis doesn't react with any meds that treat Crohn's that I know of. That would be a safer choice, in my opinion
Hi YoungAndNew. No one on the forum is going to promote it's use as that would go against what this forum is about but there have been some past threads on recreational drugs if you use the search feature at the top left of the forum then you'll find them. People have mentioned getting a lot of diarrhea after using it so it will definitely aggravate your symptoms.

Keep in mind that you are on medication and there aren't any studies on how it may interact with the steroid you're taking. This is something you should discuss with your doctor.
Oh Yikes. That stuff is Schedule I. It is illegal. Usually smuggled in from China where there are no standards for this drug. You don't know what concentration you will get or what it was cut with. Maybe high maybe low. It can effect your body temp and other things that surely will effect stomach. It is also very bitter, so I wonder what caustic effect it will have on your system? I am new here, so I hope I have not over stepped. Just would hate to see anyone get hurt. I hope you have fun at event though.
we can never be confident about any drugs YoungandNew! Tragedies do happen to many individuals, even to the ''experts'' or those who ''think'' they have control over the consumption or that they have access to the ''good quality stuff''. We are all cash puppets to these criminal master minds and the last thing they have in mind is our well-being :mad2:. It is therefore an illusion to think we have control over drugs. They have control over the brain and body and we are at their mercy literally! It takes one bad luck out of your control to be sorry.

At this moment of medical turmoil, I 'd encourage you to take great care of yourself and give the best chance to your body to recover from this ulcer episode. Bet on this possibility, so be easy on your body! Such powerful drugs are destructive and exhausting for the body and brain. You need good energy to recover, not something that will exhaust you. wishing you well!
Potential Adverse Health Effects:

Involuntary jaw clenching and teeth grinding
Muscle cramping
Blurred vision
Marked rise in body temperature (hyperthermia)
High Blood Pressure
Heart failure
Kidney failure
Symptoms of MDMA Overdose:

High Blood Pressure
Panic attacks
Loss of consciousness
As noted, MDMA is not a benign drug. MDMA can produce a variety of adverse health effects, including nausea, chills, sweating, involuntary teeth clenching, muscle cramping, and blurred vision.2 MDMA overdose can also occur—the symptoms can include high blood pressure, faintness, panic attacks, and in severe cases, a loss of consciousness and seizures.1
I probably sound like a broken record. But, I too had to ask what this stuff is. We're all here to support you. However, if it's something that could harm you (as this could) we will all be saying no. Biggest reason for this is because we'd love to be able to protect you.

I'm guessing you are late teens or early twenties? If so, we have a support group with members around that age who you could talk to. Here is the link to it if you happen to be interested.
MDMA, although illegal is largely considered to be a safe drug. It is certainly less toxic and less dangerous than alcohol. A very small number of people have died from taking MDMA due to adverse reactions (mostly) causing them to overheat. Be careful, understand the risks you are taking, both with your health and the law.


If you were to take MDMA, I suspect your biggest problem would be that you would experience stomach spasms and need to go to the toilet frequently, which may be uncomfortable and unpleasant at a festival where the toilets are likely to be rather busy and smelly. I think it is unlikely it will make your condition worse, but I don't think there is any definitive research to prove that, so it is hard to say.
Oh Yikes. That stuff is Schedule I. It is illegal. Usually smuggled in from China where there are no standards for this drug. You don't know what concentration you will get or what it was cut with. Maybe high maybe low. It can effect your body temp and other things that surely will effect stomach. It is also very bitter, so I wonder what caustic effect it will have on your system? I am new here, so I hope I have not over stepped. Just would hate to see anyone get hurt. I hope you have fun at event though.

Marijuana is Schedule I too.....
DO NOT TAKE MDMA !! SERIOUSLY! I am 25 years old and have had crohns for 7 years. I used to party all the time doing MDMA and i completely ruined my stomach. Please listen to me. It is not worth it. Your already having digestive issues and putting that drug into your digestive system is not going to do anything but HURT you. Please dont do this to your self. You still have a chance to heal and repair whats going on with your digestion. If you take more drugs your only going to prolong healing and cause more damage.. You do not want to be diagnosed with crohns and go through a life of hell.
Anyone? Advice please

Your questions have already been answered. Since there can be no more discussion and it's an illegal drug that does more harm than good with no known benefit for IBD I'm closing this thread.
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