Please help with my symptons

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Dec 1, 2012
I have Crohn's, Divirticulitis, and Uclerative Collitis. I had to be hospitalized for a bad case of Diviticulitis in October. A few days ago I started getting pain again. I went to the ER and they said is a combination of my Crohn's and Divirticulitis. They let me come home and told me to follow up with my doctor for a colonoscopy to be checked for a blockage. My doctor can't do it until December 11th. I am on a liquid diet. Today I feel like I have severe gas and need to go to the bathroom but can't have a bowel movement and can't pass any gas. I called the doctor on call but they didn't call me back. How will I know when I should go back to the ER or if it can wait until Monday when I can call my regular doctor.
That's sounds pretty serious. I don't think I would wait until Monday to have someone address it. Who told you that you have Crohn's & Uclerative Colitis? You can't have both. You can have what is called Crohn's colitis. This is where just the colon is effected by they Crohn's. Good Luck! Also welcome to the forum!
My doctor told me I had both about 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with all 3. Thank you for your input. I have never had a blockage so I am uncertain how it would feel. I know the pain is getting worse with some sharp pains. My whole stomach is really bloated now versus 2 days ago when I was at er it was only my left lower part. The part that really concerns me is being unable to use the bathroom or pas gas even thought I feel like I have to.
That sure sounds like a blockage to me. You need have someone address this ASAP!
Thank you so much. I just called the hospital I went to and they are doing a shift change. They asked me to call back in 40 minutes to speak with someone before coming in. I really appreciate your help.
Good Luck!! Hope you get this taken care of soon. Let us know how you make out.
The doctor called me and told me to stay home and try an enema. I don't know what that will do but that is the update.
I have been waiting all day for the doctor to call me back so i could tell her that it didn't work and that my cramps are getting worse. i also now have a bad taste in my mouth no matter how much mouth wash I use. Any suggestions?:eek2: