Please tell me there's an answer!

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Sep 17, 2010
Does anyone know the difference between constipation and a partial obstruction?! I am so sick of hearing that I am JUST constipated, and being sent home!

I don't have an answer for you at all. I have the same problem though. My last ER visit was because of constipation. I needed morphine for the pain and then developed a fever in the ER but they still said I was "Just constipated".
It would depend on how you present to A&E as to whether they would suspect that by just looking at you and your symptoms.

Constipation, impaction and obstruction can have many similar symptoms and the only way they are going to be able to differentiate is by history taking, examination and tests.

@Denise...a case of constipation, although they can be painful and uncomfortable, should not require Morphine!

The thing is, what should be looked at is not that you are constipated but why you are constipated. If you can rule out the usual causes then they should be going to tests. A simple abdo X-ray most likely won't show the type of issues that cause obstruction with IBD. You would need to have an ultrasound and/or CT scan/MRI because rather than looking for a mass you are looking for narrowing caused by inflammation, scarring or thickening.

Dusty. xxx
Well, they did an x-ray, but nothing further could be done as far as testing, because I am 15 weeks pregnant. I am also tired of going into the hospital, so it's hard for me to "act" sick. I am in so much pain, but that seems to be a normal for me, so when I go to the ER, I look fine, but I am an 8 as far as pain scale goes. And most of the ER staff has no idea how to treat someone with IBD. It's really frustrating!
@ Dusty - thank you so much for that information. I really didn't think that constipation would require morphine. But I was in so much pain I could barely talk. (along with sweating, feeling warm).

They only did a plain xray for me.

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