My son has developed a rash on parts of his arms, legs and on his neck. It is a raised red rash and very itchy. He has had poison ivy twice before (pre-Crohn's) and each time the pediatrician treated with prednisolone. It looks a little different from what I can recall of the last 2 times, but it was always on his face so it's hard to say. The pediatrician is closed today and I left a message for the GI but I haven't heard from them yet. I know it's not erythema nodosum - we've already had that problem a few weeks ago. But I'm wondering if there is a Crohn's rash that resembles poison ivy or if this could be a side effect from the medications. Also, if it is poison ivy can he still be treated with prednisolone? or would that be a problem with the budesonide he takes. I should mention that he has just stepped down from 9mg to 6 mg. So would taking prednisolone interfere with tapering off budesonide??