Pop vs Water

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Nov 14, 2012
This is just a random question.

I recently came to notice that Im extremely thirsty, no doubt from some dehydration. When these little bouts come up I cant seem to get enough pop, coke, soda w/e you choose to call it. I know I shouldnt drink it because the caffeine adds to the dehydration. On any given day I would rather have anything other than pop, but I absolutely crave when Im dehydrated.

Does anyone else have weird craving like this? Oh and Im definitely not pregnant or diabetic. Should I be concerned?
When I would get dehydrated or after a night of having a few drinks I CRAVED milk! Water just wouldn't cut it and sometimes made me sicker from dehydration.

I don't drink milk much really anymore, I usually run to the soy/almond milk now lol. It's something about the texture I find filling/soothing as well.
Another strike against pop is the high sugar content. It can give fertile ground for the bad bacteria to breed in your bowels. Water would definitely be better. Moderate your intake so that you don't flush out everything when you drink. I tend to use lemonade as my drink of choice. Still some good flavour, not excessive sugar (compared to pop).
I love to have one Pepsi a day!

I cant stand to drink water- I know= not a great thing I know!

Lemonade- hurts my stomach~

I am addicted to coca-cola. Bad I know but I do at least drink water in between my cola binges. I find that I get a really bad headache when I am dehydrated that's my only clue.
I remember when I was given a fact sheet when coming out of hospital about ways of helping dehydration, and a flat can of coke was one of the remedy's. I love fizzy pop and used to drink a lot of IRN BRU but now find myself just drinking tea during the day, I don't know why but I just can't find myself drinking just normal water!
Coca-cola is the worst drink ever for IBD. Its like acid to the bowels.

I tend to drink still juice like Oasis when im really thirsday after a night out!
Soda is really, really bad for Crohn's for the sugar content, the caffeine, and the acidity. Mountain Dew tops the list, beneath energy drinks, for this.

That said, when I'm on prednisone I crave Coca-Cola and Mountain Dew like CRAZY. Can't get enough of either of them. When I'm not on Prednisone, I don't even really like them. I'm a Pepsi drinker, really.. and rarely.
Actually now that I think of it, isn't all carbonated drinks bad for us? If so than forget seltzer I suggested earlier.
Carbonated drinks are defiantly bad for us n saying that its hot as hell here in oz and today I froze a 300 bottle of coke than melted half of it to make it like a slurpee but the sugar screwed my guts from the syrup. So I'm going to make some iced tea tomorrow with stevia which is a natural sweetener see how that goes but i find the bubbles is what i crave as it refreshes me but i do drink water between drinking sodas but i only try and make it a can a day or less
I discovered all sugary drinks were actually making me dehydrated as they were pouring out!

I've switched to diet lemonade and that's great - if I know I'm dehydrated I add dioralite to it and my thirst goes.

Milk works for me as it doesn't just pour through - tea and coffee also don't.

I was drinking orange lucozade last week and it was coming straight out into the bag.
Dehydration (more than once) kicked my butt into gear, and for the first time in my (cough*cough) youthful years, I am a water drinker. Previous to that, however, I was an exclusive Diet Coca-Cola drinker..about 2.5 liters a day.

Ileostomies have a mind of their own and sort of tell us what to do.... cheeky monkeys!
Mt Dew here..I try to just have one a day..I drink water with my meals and that way I cut back on the Mt. Dew that I want.
I drink Coke and Dr. Pepper, usually. My problem is the opposite of what you would expect: water makes my stomach hurt. It'll actually make me throw up if I drink enough of it.

If I get excessively thirsty, I try to drink a few sips of water and maybe some juice. I do usually want soda, though.
To say all pop is bad for crohns is pretty general, and personally I would think that's false. As its been said millions of times, crohns is definitely an individual thing and what works for some doesn't for others. Just because pop affects some people doesn't mean it affects all.

With that being said, my top guilty pleasure are the ones with lime/cherry. Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew are both up there though. For coke vs pepsi though I find coke to be too sugary tasting to I prefer pepsi but I'll take a coke zero at just about any time of the day. There's so much worse than pop for people with crohns.
I tend to drink 2 bottles each week day ( I know it's not good for my teeth etc. etc. ) but it gets me through a long college day and I have seen no flare ups from it ever. But like KWalker said we are all different so my experience could be different to somebody elses.
I was less effected by it when I was young. My pet theory is that when you're young your body tends to heal better and thus might mask or even prevent flares that when you're older, it won't. Dunno.

SCD preaches that sugars are all bad for Crohn's. While I definitely do not abstain from sugar, I find the arguments given for the mechanism pretty plausible. I definitely notice increased symptoms from Mountain Dew as often as not. Less so for other sodas.
"Back in the day" they used to give you straight cola syrup
to settle your stomach. I wonder if that's why a lot is like it

Also like Sarabear I can't really drink much water without getting
sick? Is that common for IBD ??

I cant drink coke as it plays my stomach up but I never liked the taste much anyway (only used it to dilute my vodka). I thought the caffiene (plus maybe something else) mad coke quite addictive and you could get withdrawal symptoms if you drank enough each day?

I always drink water (guess Ive got used to it) but do add fruit juice concentrate to it every so often. Apart from that its mainly peppermint or ginger tea
"Also like Sarabear I can't really drink much water without getting sick? Is that common for IBD ??

It used to make me sick too. After surgery and no more flares, I drink a buttload (ha!) of water all day every day and no stomach problems. I was like Sarahbear as well... I drank Coke all day because is soothed my stomach.
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My stomach is also bothered by water but I find that two things seem to make that less of a problem. First, I started using a reverse osmosis/deionizing filter under my sink for drinking water, and second, I try to make a habit of drinking at least 36oz of plain water per day, if not more. As long as I stay with it, the water eventually stops bothering my stomach. If I lapse, I have to "break it in" again.

I have no explanation for this, it's just my experience. :)
Ahh, the old caffeine myth. Although water's obviously the best drink to rehydrate you, soda is actually still better than nothing. It dehydrates you to an extent, but not to the point where drinking nothing's better, not even close. If it's not causing you any symptoms, you're enjoying it and you're drinking enough of it to stay nice and hydrated, I don't see a problem.

There are other reasons to avoid caffeine when you've got IBD, though. Caffeine really doesn't agree with me much these days, and I'm not the only one, so you're feeling crappy it might be worth cutting out for a bit.

Like Sarah, when my Crohn's FIRST kicked in (I'm talking a few months before I even realised I needed to visit a doctor), I was having some pretty bad bouts of nausea which I 'cured' by downing 2L bottles of Coke.

I know, I know, I deserve to be judged for that... but I felt so much better! :whistleinnocently:

My stomach is also bothered by water but I find that two things seem to make that less of a problem. First, I started using a reverse osmosis/deionizing filter under my sink for drinking water, and second, I try to make a habit of drinking at least 36oz of plain water per day, if not more. As long as I stay with it, the water eventually stops bothering my stomach. If I lapse, I have to "break it in" again.

I have no explanation for this, it's just my experience. :)
I'm definitely the same, and it goes for food too. If I don't get the chance to eat when I'm hungry and I go so long my hunger 'switches off', I can't suddenly eat or I feel like hell.
I dunno the theory on soft drinks or soda pop is that it's no good for anyone healthy people there were studies over here in oz about the chemicals they put in them and some actually had some dangerous stuff in there ingredients also don't forhet coca cola and pepsi aren't made anywhere near there original recopies there was no chemicals when they were invented hence why they were sold at chemists as medicine.

I strongly beleive that the carbonated water can't be to good for teeth and some say it affects bones as well in saying all that I find it hard to get through a day without even having a few good sips of coke a day
Most soft drinks definitely have a lot of stuff added to them to worry about, but ironically the cheaper stuff you can get in supermarkets, the own-brand stuff, is usually safer. Coca-Cola for example contains an ingredient which the body breaks down, and worryingly one of the byproducts is benzene.

Yep. Drinking Coke puts benzene inside you.
I don't agree that the sugar is something to worry about in the soda pop. You have exactly 2 choices, you either eat fat or sugar /complex carbs to get your energy, a pure protein diet would kill your kidneys. So if you say no to sugar, then you pick fat, which has shown to cause issues unlike sugar which hasn't shown to causes issues with the same reliability, there are some but not long as many as for diets high in fat. You can't drop both, you need either sugar or fat as an energy source. Many diets claim to abolish sugar and fat, you'd kill yourself if you did that. Not like we have hundreds of options.

Many books about crohn say to avoid sugar, many others tell you to avoid fat, I would like to know where they are suggesting people get their calories from, a pure protein diet is not possible because of the issues it creates with the kidneys. Diets make it look so simple "just drop all fat and sugary drinks and carbs" great, that diet also kills you.

All the media says is that sugar and fat is bad, would love to hear what energy replacement they have ready, because that's all there is.
SCD preaches that sugars are all bad for Crohn's.

To be fair, they don't preach that. SCD preaches that complex carbs or polysaccharides as they call them, are bad for you (bread, pastas, rice)

It allows sugar, or monosaccharids like honey (duosaccharides too). In fact she adds honey to almost all her recipes. Although I don't think it's mentioned, SCD would allow soda pop, since it's usually fructose, like honey which is glucose and fructose.

Fruit and soda pop are both monosaccharides and both fructose, the people railing against soda should be railing against fruit too. Soda is somehow the devil's spawn because of the sugar, but no one mentioned that the fruit has not only the same kind of sugar but many fruits have more sugar than your average soda. Both are going to raise blood glucose, so why are we saying soda is bad and fruit good again.

Now people all drink diet soda, because they heard sugar is the devil's spawn, I'm pretty sure the garbage fillers they use to replace the sugar are way worse than the original sugar that is in normal soda.

People also always complain that sugar raises blood glucose too fast, especially food with a high glycemic index. Well, outside of the fact that the blood glucose raises fast, isn't this exactly what someone with crohn would want, an energy source that is immediately digested and readily removed from the intestine, limiting fecal content. A diet good for a person without crohn, doesn't for me mean it's good for someone with crohn. The best diet in the world for a healthy person could be a horrible diet for someone with crohn. As long as insulin response isn't compromised and as long as glycemic load is normal, i.e. you don't glug down litres of sugar down all at once, why should we be worried about sugar, in fact we should we happy with have something that is so readily and easily absorbed. Until they prove that sugar is bad for you, I'll still choose it over fat, because for fat, especially milk fat and saturated fats in general, they have shown it can cause inflammation and dysbiosis. There's nothing besides carbs and fat to get your energy, protein is not a great energy source, and you need sugar to help protein synthesis, those are the 2 choices, that's it.
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You're right, you're right, I wasn't specific enough. :)

I thought carbs are out, but some sugars, too, as they can form sugar alcohols in the gut and cause or exacerbate inflammation.

My primary concerns with soda are artificial sweeteners (won't touch 'em), caffeine, and carbonation. Aside from off-the-cuff remarks about SCD, I don't claim to have scientific backing for my prejudice against it. ;-)
Just to clarify, soda doesn't in any way make me feel better. It just doesn't make my stomach hurt like water does.

I'm really surprised to see that other people have had the same problem. Everyone always thinks I'm crazy, or that I'm just making and excuse not to drink water. That isn't the case. I actually like water; it's much more refreshing than soda, juice, etc…. until it gets to my stomach.

There's a lot of interesting points in this thread!

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