SCD preaches that sugars are all bad for Crohn's.
To be fair, they don't preach that. SCD preaches that complex carbs or polysaccharides as they call them, are bad for you (bread, pastas, rice)
It allows sugar, or monosaccharids like honey (duosaccharides too). In fact she adds honey to almost all her recipes. Although I don't think it's mentioned, SCD would allow soda pop, since it's usually fructose, like honey which is glucose and fructose.
Fruit and soda pop are both monosaccharides and both fructose, the people railing against soda should be railing against fruit too. Soda is somehow the devil's spawn because of the sugar, but no one mentioned that the fruit has not only the same kind of sugar but many fruits have more sugar than your average soda. Both are going to raise blood glucose, so why are we saying soda is bad and fruit good again.
Now people all drink diet soda, because they heard sugar is the devil's spawn, I'm pretty sure the garbage fillers they use to replace the sugar are way worse than the original sugar that is in normal soda.
People also always complain that sugar raises blood glucose too fast, especially food with a high glycemic index. Well, outside of the fact that the blood glucose raises fast, isn't this exactly what someone with crohn would want, an energy source that is immediately digested and readily removed from the intestine, limiting fecal content. A diet good for a person without crohn, doesn't for me mean it's good for someone with crohn. The best diet in the world for a healthy person could be a horrible diet for someone with crohn. As long as insulin response isn't compromised and as long as glycemic load is normal, i.e. you don't glug down litres of sugar down all at once, why should we be worried about sugar, in fact we should we happy with have something that is so readily and easily absorbed. Until they prove that sugar is bad for you, I'll still choose it over fat, because for fat, especially milk fat and saturated fats in general, they have shown it can cause inflammation and dysbiosis. There's nothing besides carbs and fat to get your energy, protein is not a great energy source, and you need sugar to help protein synthesis, those are the 2 choices, that's it.