Popcorn cakes

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 5, 2010
So...I was thinking about this the other day as I was grocery shopping. Popcorn is generally a no-no food item for Crohn's people because the hulls don't digest and can get stuck and/or cause discomfort in people. Well, what about popcorn cakes? They don't have hulls, so would those be better to eat and still enjoy that popcorn taste?
I guess it might be another trial and error thing. From what I remember the last time I had them, they were really those puffed rice cakes flavored like popcorn. They may have come a long way since then though. Try them out!
I bought some Chester's Puffcorn, and it had a similar flavor. I found it in the chip aisle. It's more like cheetos though.
(They had butter flavor, but this is the cheese one)
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I didn't understand what are you talking about..
but enjoyed your conversation..
lol @ Kristenmikel

I am just wondering.. I see the word "bump" in a lot of threads... what is that for?
sorry..little off topic.
dreamintwilight - hope you are doing better :)
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Keona said:
lol @ Kristenmikel

I am just wondering.. I see the word "bump" in a lot of threads... what is that for?
sorry..little off topic.
dreamintwilight - hope you are doing better :)

It's done in online discussions when no one has responded & the OP (original poster) wants to bring the message up for attention again, in hopes of getting a reply.

On the original topic, I've had these before Corn Thins Haven't eaten them in awhile (they contain a bit of buckwheat, and I'm avoiding gluten) but not too bad. A bit like popped corn (which it is) flattened out into a coaster. Except the coaster would be more flavorful... :) Just kidding, they're not bad, actually. Especially covered in guacamole.

Nice, spicy guacamole.

With lots of GARLIC.



Anyone else here miss... food..........
Hahaha...I liked that rant, David. I TOTALLY miss food right now. Lo-res food is bo-ring!

Oh and those corn thins look exactly like popcorn cakes. Nom nom nom.
I tried and it didn't sit well with me. But you are right it's not like regular popcorn so give it a try. Maybe I will try it again, I need snacks.
nogutsnoglory said:
I tried and it didn't sit well with me. But you are right it's not like regular popcorn so give it a try. Maybe I will try it again, I need snacks.

Haha...I am definitely going to give it a try, but it may not be for several more weeks. I'm still on my low-res diet, but I definitely think I want to take it easy until I hear what my GI says about my meds to get my inflammation under control. I don't wanna end up w/ a partial obstruction again because of popcorn cakes! :lol:

I hear ya on the snacks though. Though being on this low-res diet has made me develop a taste for pretzels! They're really good if you get some kind of dip to dunk them in so they aren't so dry and they are low fiber! :)

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