Positive ANA Test due to Humira??

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Mar 12, 2010
Well I had the wind knocked out of my sails by my GP on Friday. He draws the blood for my every three month blood tests ordered by my GI doc.

He said I had a positive ANA test (anti nuclear antibodies). Being that this was the first time this was mentioned, I am worried.

I am awaiting a call from the GI doc with specifics, but I sure hope it is not from Humira. I sure hope I'm not back to square one.

I know we all live with the constant fear of "the other shoe dropping".

Time for another roller coaster ride. wish me luck.
Hi Mike,

I just want to let you know that the ANA positive is not a rare occurrence with Humira but yes, it is a definite possibility that it is what triggers this immune anomaly.

Having a ANA positive does not mean that you have to stop the treatment though. A recent review (Fiorino and al, 2014) was mentioning that clinical studies showed between 46-57% of ANA positive in the anti-tnf users they followed. Among these, only a few will develop other issues that are derived from the usage of anti-tnf such as joint and skin inflammatory manifestations that can be problematic for the person following the treatment. You'll see with your specialist but I don't think it will necessarily mean the end of this treatment for you. I would suggest that you keep a close eye on additional side effect you might be experiencing and to report them if ever they show up as the ANA+ would be a coherent cue for them. So far, it seems that Cimzia induce the ANA positivity less frequently than Humira and Remicade.
Thanks Jane,

I spoke to my GI last night and he said not to get upset and carry on as usual. He suggested seeing a rhumy doc just to get a handle on the possible goings on.

Happy & HEALTHY New Year!

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