Possible flare?

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Jul 16, 2012
Hi I am having pretty time right now. And I was wondering if this is a flare or not
Extreme belly pain
Can't poop when I do it's Diarrhea
Saw some blood on my last bowel movement on Saturday
I ate a Stromboli and mtdew and now my Throat feels like it's closing it hurts to sallow
I am farting a lot and it burn a lot
I am getting these migraines
Super tired
I just want to feel better
I am calling the doctor today but not sure when I can get in so I want to know from you guys what you think! I have only had one other flare and I was so drugged out on the medication that I don't remember and my mom isn't really telling me what she thinks
Thanks for helping
Hi Emily,

Sorry to hear you're feeling that way, hopefully you can get in to see your doctor soon. I started having a flare up last week, I saw my doctor and I'm back on the Pred and possibly starting Humira. My symptoms have been lots of diarrhea (but also sometimes in between it feels like I'm "backed up"), abdominal pain, blood on the tissue and extreme tiredness. I also lost 1.5kg in a week because my appetite has been low. So yes it does sound like you're having similar symptoms, everyone is different of course but get to the doctor asap :)

Hope you feel better hon, it's only been 2 days on the Pred for me and already I'm improving. Good luck!