Possibly Chrons....???

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Mar 2, 2012
Hi guys. So my story dates back to just over a year and is actually my boyfriends story and.not mine! So just over a year ago he started getting bad pains in his stomach....ended up going to the doctor who thought maybe IBS he kept a food diary for awhile. However the pain subsided and was almost forgotten about. We then moved to Toronto where he was ok for about four months. However the last four have been awful for him.

He gets these crippling pains just under his rib cage, down his sides and into his back. We have been to emergency three times in the last two months. First time the pain eased before a doc saw him. He was sent for an ultrasound which was clear. All his bloods were clear also and all within the correct ranges.

Second time they sent him for another ultrasound...clear and bloods the same. They gave him oxy-cotin for his pain.

Third time again another ultrasound...even though we told them it was pointless. It was clear and all his blood work was perfect. Again more oxy-cotin for his pain. This time however he was told to make an appointment with the hospitals GI specialist, they sent his charts up to him. So we called that Monday charts hadn't be received we followed that up and cutting a long story short we are now waiting on an appointment with a GI specialist.

However in the mean time he is suffering. We have cut out beef which seems to help and spicy food also.

There is a family history of colitis and chrons.
He has no bathroom issues at all. Just the severe pain in his stomach, under his rib cage and on his right and left sides which tends to go into his lower back. Twice he has felt nauseated with it but has never got sick.
I'm at the stage where i think it has to be some sort of intestinal or bowel disease.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me???

Thanks for reading.
Hello ,

A few days ago i was diagnosed with CD after being rushed into hospital in pain that i can only describe as the worste ever pain that i have ever had.

the symptoms you describe is exactly what i use to get every day, day in day out for the past 5 years, where i have a really hight pain threshold i use to fob it off as indigestion, heartburn or even a bit of food poisoning - never a thought of CD.

A couple of times i came very close to going to hospital , especially when the pain was in the 8/10 area and i was unable to even keep down saliva - also remember that the vomit was very distinctive - dark red - black and smelt like poo (real discusding).

you say his toilet habits are normal - well so were mine except that i never dropped logs it was always more like porridge or resembled chocolate drops ( best description i can give).

the other warning signs i get is the feeling of being bloated even after a few mouthfulls of food - this would pass after breaking wind from one end or the other.

having crohns in the family would make it more lightly so i would seriously push to get tested (in my case it was found with a CT SCAN).

anyways take a good look on here there is some seriously good info - just a afterthought stay away from healthy foods like brown bread (high fibre) see if it helps ease it until this is sorted out.

all the best

i have been recently diagnosed with chron's. i had the same pain symptoms you mentioned under the rib cage and through my back as well. I ignored it for a long time and thought my occasional bowel problem were something i ate.(my diet was never that great).
Then in december i started getting blurry vision and sinus problems and my feet started blowing up like balloons. After 3 trips to the er for the vision and headache pains and feet i had no answer and actually had a doctor tell me i'm a medical mystery!!!
Finally on the third trip to the er i got a great doctor that told me i wasn't leaving till they figured it out and after 6 days in the hospital, a ct scan, blood tests and colonscopy chron's was finally diagnosed. I understand the frustration and worry and i still feel that if the ct scan wasn't done they never would have seen the severe colitis and i would still be without an answer and treatment. i have no familly history of chron's or any other bowel diseases and it came as a big shock to me, i never thought it possible a bowel problem could connect all those things.

i hope everything turns out ok for your bf and it sounds like you are on the right track with going to the GI.
Hello and welcome to the forum :bigwave:. Do keep pushing for that appt if you do not hear anything soon. We are all very different here when it comes to our IBD's and what symptoms we may get - diahhroea for example is not something we all get, in fact for some it is the other end of the spectrum with constipation instead.

For now definetly keep looking at the diet side of things as whilst diet is not a cure or a cause of an IBD it can certainly help with symptoms. Check out our diet and sups sub forum for more info on areas to look at.

I hope things improve soon, keep us updated on how you get on.

Thanks guys...! Finger crossed he gets an appointment soon. This site is great full of amazing info. So thanks again
My 16 dx ibs august 2011. No bathroom issues. Pain every couple of months.

Fastforward december, pain every day, no energy, weighloss, questions about whether she had caused weighloss by dieting.

January more severe weight loss dx crohn's late january. Still no major bathroom issues.
@ catherine....my bf has also started to loose weight! I don't see it maybe because I see him everyday but friends have commented on it.
Deep breaths.....stay sane :smile:
How much weigh? Does he have weight he can afford to loss. Sarah got down to BMI of 15%. Follow up appointment tell them he is losing weight. We are using a supplement called ensure.
He's probably around 190lbs 6' 2" in height no idea about bmi though. Couple of people reckon hes lost about 15 lbs so no theres not much to loose. I don't want to start on supplements etc until we know what's wrong with him. If we knew what we were up against it would help.
Sarah got down to approx 97lb. She 5ft 8. We started ensure before dx as doctor were talking about that tube feeding in hospital. Ensure is just was of getting extra caloriies.
That sounds scary...97 lbs! Ugh hating this at the moment. Thank you for your help though its a relief knowing that dx can take this long. Called er today all they can do at this stage is prescribe more pain relief apparently!

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